Banker Busted by Caitiff

28 photos; 6:34 video

Ted’s head throbbed. He gave allow moan as he slowly opened his eyes. As his eyes adjusted to the blinding light, Ted became confused. He had no idea where he was. He also had no idea how he had gotten here. The last thing he recalled was leaving his work at the bank to go an early lunch.

Ted tried to put his hands to his aching head but he couldn’t. His hands were firmly lashed behind his back to the chair he was sitting in. More rope secured him further.

What the hell was going on?

Ted barely had time ot notice the shadow of the man before Ted found a hand clamped tightly over his mouth!

“MMmph!”, Ted let out a startled groan and struggled in vain to get away. Ted’s mouth was filled with dirty rags and then tape was wrapped around his head. Ted grunted angrily through his gag.

“Mmmmmmm! Mmmmmpphhaaammmm!?”

“Hey Asshole! Remember me?”, Ted’s XXXX asked. “Remember how you wrote me up that mortgage that turned out to be shit? Huh?”

Ted didn’t remember the man. But he did know what he was talking about. He had gotten big bonuses for writing loans with hidden fees and small print. The loans seemed like a good deal at first until the small print kicked in. Some do gooders had called them borderline predatory loans though people could generally pay ..until the housing market collapsed. No problem for the bank since they got a sweet bail out. Of course Ted covered his own ass by foreclosing on homes rather then admit he had done anything wrong.

Ted had a bad feeling he was deep trouble.

“Mmmm!” Ted tried to explain it wasn't’ really his fault but it was impossible while he was gagged.

“Yeah, I bet you’ll remember me soon! You fucked up my life. But I am about to go on a long trip. Before I do though, I wanted to take care of you. Now you wait here while I get something.”

Ted did not like the sound of that. As soon as the man left the room, Ted began struggling, certain that he was going to be shot or something. Unfortunately the ropes held him tight to the chair.


But when the man returned he had what looked like one of those hokey exercise machines. The man put the exercise chair in front of Ted and untied his feet just long enough to retie them to the exercise chair.

“I’m not going to kill you but I do think you deserve some torture for the hell you put me through. Did you know you have more nerves in your feet then in any other part of your skin?”

Ted had no idea what this man was talking about until he found his socks and shoes being removed. The man gently at first caressed Ted’s sensitive souls. Though he tried to resist, the sensations became unbearable and he began to laugh at the tickling. He was soon out of breath, unable ot breath while his mouth was so thoroughly sealed with the gag.

“I guess you like that. Though don’t worry, this is just a warm up. I am going to do far worse. I figure you screwed me so I will return the favour.” “Mmmpphh!”, Ted protested, for al the good it did him.

“Like I said, I am leaving the country and I have this nice big steamer trunk that should fit you just fine. A bit cramped and since you’ll be bound and gagged, more then a little uncomfortable. But after a few months, I’m sure you’ll get used to the bondage.”

“Mmmmmm!” Ted jerked helplessly as the man’s hands fondled Ted’s body through the suit. Suddenly Ted wished he hadn’t spent so much time at the company gym.

The man tied one of Ted’s socks as a blind fold around Ted’s head. “You rest a bit now. I have a lot of packing to do.

The End

Ted played by Cliff

Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 08/29/2009 

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