29 photos; 4:03 video

Craig won his middleweight wrestling match easily, but he broke the chin strap on his headgear in the process so he left his team and his cheering college fans and went back into the locker room to get another one. Out in the gym he could still hear the fans cheering loudly and stomping their feet as one his teammates pinned another unfortunate wrestler. Craig felt like cheering too. Nobody could beat his team this year.

Suddenly a hard forearm clamped itself across Craig’s facd.

“Hey, what the—Let go of me!” 

Craig’s wrestling instincts took over and he immediately began struggling to get free of the hold while at the same time he was trying to look back to see who it was that had attacked him by surprise.

But then those strong arms began squeezing together, clamping off Craig’s air supply and the blood going to his brain. And then Craig’s struggles grew weaker and weaker as his eyes fogged over and then he felt his body slipping down into darkness.

Some time later Craig regained consciousness, but he was still trapped inside the darkness because somebody had taped both of his eyelids shut. And he soon found that he couldn't complain about this because more layers of tape had been used to weld his lips shut. Then Craig felt strong hands pulling him out of a car. Craig tried to push those hands away from him, but then he found that his wrists had been tightly taped together in front of him. Who had done this? Where were they taking him?

Whoever it was never said a word and then Craig felt a thick rope XXXX being tightened around his neck. Craig didn't like that and he moaned a complaint, but the person who captured him paid no attention to him. He just yanked on the rope that was controlling the XXXX and the rope immediately tightened around Craig’s neck.

Then by painful trial and error, the captive Craig learned that a pull on the rope meant that he was to start walking forward and a jerk on the rope meant that he was supposed to stop. So Craig stumbled on through the darkness and followed the rope wherever it was leading him until the rope finally jerked him to a stop.

Suddenly Craig felt somebody’s big hand on his hair.

“Who are you? What do you want?” Craig moaned behind his taped over lips.

Whoever it was didn't answer, but then those strange hands began touching Craig all over, even in places that made him gasp and blush, while they XXXX him to turn this way and that until Craig was really uncomfortable and scared. Then the strong hands pushed Craig down onto his knees. Craig looked around with his sightless eyes, but he still couldn't tell who it was that was touching him or begin to guess what they wanted.

Then those strong hands pushed Craig’s body over until his nose was touching the cold tile floor. The hands told him to stay there and not to move. Then Craig felt his ankles being pulled together, heard the familiar sound of athletic tape being ripped, and then felt that strong tape being wrapped tighter and tighter around his ankles while Craig became more and more afraid.

Then those strange hands started touching Craig’s buns and hard fingers began stroking his tight crack. Craig whimpered in alarm and tried crawling away from those teasing fingers. But the stroking hands and teasing fingers kept following him across the tiled floor until finally they grabbed Craig by his hair again and made him get back up on his knees. And then the tape was ripped off of his eyes.

Craig blinked at the sudden light and looked around in confusion. And then Craig saw him. It was Parker!

“Yes Craig, I remember you, too,” the man called Parker laughed at his captive.

Coach Parker was a big burly man who always looked like he needed a shave and had one eyeball that was always a little off center so it always looked like that eye was looking at something else while he was looking at you. Parker had been the wrestling team’s coach last year and nobody liked him because he was always hitting guys or hurting them with surprise wrestling moves. Then he had broken one of the lightweight guy’s arms.

With a sinking feeling in his stomach, Craig remembered that he was one of the students who had complained and got Coach Parker fired.

“It’s nice to see that you've kept yourself in shape Craig,” Parker laughed down at the bound student. “You'll be needing all of those muscles where you're going.”

Craig protested behind his taped lips and began to struggle against the tape that was holding him prisoner.

Parker slapped him hard on the head. “Bad puppy!” Then Parker was none to gentle while he held Craig’s body tight and started wrapping more and more tape around Craig’s arms and chest until the student couldn't lift his arms or hardly breathe.

“You'd better start learning to behave,” Parker told him sternly. “You’re new owners won't be anywhere near as nice as me.”

New owners…? What was Parker talking about? You couldn't own somebody!

“I owe you something very special after all of the trouble you caused me,” Parker was smiling in a weird way. “You might even like plantation life and all of the nice muscles it will give you. And who knows, if you're very good they might even let you out of the slave kennels to visit the house sometimes.” Parker laughed and laughed.

Craig was completely shocked. Parker was crazy! Absolutely crazy! And now Craig was his prisoner.

“Just make yourself comfortable. Your transportation will be here very soon,” Parker told him and then he began whistling a happy tune as he walked out of the room.

Comfortable…? Craig didn't want to be comfortable. He wanted to get out of here! So Craig grunted and groaned and strained and wheezed as he rolled his body all around on the floor and pulled and twisted against the tape bindings until the tile floor was all wet with his sweat. But no matter what he did, he couldn't get free from the nasty tape that just held him tighter and tighter.

“He’s right in here.”

Craig looked up to see Parker leading three men into the room. Two of the men were dressed like workman and they were carrying a big packing crate into the room. The third man was dressed like a doctor and Craig gasped when he saw the man take out a hypodermic needle and hold it up to the light.

“Come here puppy,” the doctor guy called sweetly. “Good boy, come here.”

Craig shook his head slowly from side to side and whimpered way back in his throat. He didn't want to go with these people. He didn't want to.

Suddenly an amplified voice boomed into the room. “This is the police! The house is surrounded. Place your hands on top of your heads and come out one at a time.”

And then Craig cried and cried.



Craig played by Antonio

Photography by Caitiff

Date of Production: 10/17/2005

Tags: muscle, wrestling singlet, tape gag, hands tied in front, bare feet, story

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