Servitude by Caitiff

32 photos; 4:17 video

It was getting late and James could barely keep his eyes open as he stared at the numbers on his screen. Mr. Oxford, his boss, had said he needed the new finance reports by Monday morning. James had no intention of working over the week end if he could help it.

“Ahh James. Good, you are still here.”, Mr. Oxford surprised James, breaking his concentration.

“Uhh yes Mr. Oxford. I should have those reports ready soon.”

“Excellent. But there is another matter that has come up. New product line we need to work on. “ Mr. Oxford pulled out a roll of what looked like tape. “I want you to try this product out and give feed back immediately.”

“Ok I can use it over the week end...”

“Actually I was thinking we could start right now. First we will try it on your mouth.”


“So how does it feel?” Oxford asked James who now had tape wrapped tightly around his head.

“Mmmpphh!” Was all James could say through the tape gag. Did his boss really expect James to talk while he was gagged? In any event, James had tried the tape over his mouth and so now just wanted to end this silly game and finish his real work.

Unfortunately Mr. Oxford had more product to test. Unable to really protest with the gag tightly wrapped over his mouth, James soon found his self taped to his office chair. Silver duct tape was stretched over his arms and chest, his legs and lap.


“Yes that seems right on the money. Now James, please tell me in detail how that feels. Please include as many details as possible.”

What?! It felt like being gagged and tied up to a chair!

“Mmmpppphh! Mmmmppphhtttmmmm! Mmmmrrrmmmrrr?” James tried to explain, beg to be let go. But the tape was really strong. He could neither move nor talk.

“Uh huh. Yes..yes. Fascinating. As I thought.” Mr. Oxford commented, as if he could understand his employee’s unintelligible moaning. “Tell me more. Oh and struggle a bit more too. We must make sure the product is ready for market.”


“MMMMMM!? Mmmmrrrpphhtttmmmmm! “ What kind of market had involved guys bound and gagged with tape?

However James did comply with the struggling. Maybe if he could get free Mr. Oxford would stop with this crazy test. James twisted and turned his body but the tape held him captive.

“ I think this would better if I removed your shoes.”

How would that help?, James wondered as his boss slipped the penny loafers off of his feet. Mr. Oxford seemed to take an inordinately long time stroking his employee’s socked feet.

“Yes much better. Oh I didn’t say to stop struggling James!”

James renewed his efforts at getting loose even though he knew it was in vain.

“Mmmppphhh!!!!”, James moaned loudly in frustration.

Mr. Oxford however, seemed very happy by the fact that James remained bound and gagged. Taking even more tape, he bound the feet of his captive worker.

“Yes this is going nicely. You have done a great job here, James. A very good job indeed!”

James felt a surge of relief. Finally he would be out of this crazy bondage game. But it was not to be.

“I want you to continue to work on this over the week end. You will of course get over time.”

“MMmpphh!?”. Was he serious?

He was. Mr. Oxford finished off the tape, using it to blind fold James.

“ I will se you Monday morning. You can continue your assessment of the product. Oh don't forget those finance reports as well.” Have a good week end James.”

“Mmmnnoooo!” James moaned but he could tell he was already alone.

However he was not alone for long.

“Kewl!” James sheard Marly the Janitor exclaim, “Oxford’s left me another one for me!”

James did not like the way Marly said that one bit.


The End


James played by JMZ

Photography by Caitiff


Date of Production:07/11/2009

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