The Scandal by Zac

23 photos; 6:09 video

Brad completed his work for the weekend and was happy to finally have some fun to himself after such a long week catching up projects and reports for next week's meetings. He was tired and wanted to chill out a while and just relax. He dozed off a couple hours then heard the doorbell ring. Half awake, he went to greet whoever was visiting up front. Then he found no one there and heard another ring from the back door. Oh it must be David from the office. They were good friends who often hanged out.

When Brad opened the door he was surprised to see Bill his boss? "Hey Bill, how's you? Are you having a great day?" "It's not too good Brad, see we are being audited next week, and I need to make sure you were well prepared." Brad was surprised and allowed him inside. "Prepared for the big leagues? What they up to now?" "They're here from the city to see how efficient we are, and since you have the most accurate data, I knew we needed to go over the results one more time."

They went over the data and found a major error that could cost the company millions. They were speechless and scrambled to find out what went wrong. Apparently a large sum of money was never deposited, and the books showed more profit than there actually was. If they didn't fix the accounting glitch, the company would go under. Then Brad's eyes popped when his boss grabbed him. His trusted boss was XXXX him to his knees. Brad slowly fell to the floor and watched the body language of his boss as he explained to him that it was he that embezzled the money and wanted to collect the evidence from Brad of the data that pointed out the error. All he had to do was modify the sales by a simple percentage and the books would balance as it should keeping the stock growth at a constant growth.

"What do you want with me Bill? Please I'll forget all of this and you just leave me alone." Bill glanced down with an evil stare. "I'm afraid I have to fire you. Thank you for serving the company. I'll truss you up so tight, you will never get out, and it'll look like robbers did this to you." There wasn't much Brad could do but comply as his hands were lashed up first and he pulled them around his thighs and around his torso. Then lead by lead, his muscular upper body was lashed up tight around his lower and upper chest, and he pulled back tightly from behind, squeezing the tight red ropes into his tensed up hard flesh around the arms and pecs before tying everything behind him on his back. Then the legs were tied into a diamond shape to prevent walking of any kind. Brad found himself in one tight knot!

Brad struggled and rolled around the thin carpeted floor. Each thrust was digging the tense ropes deeper into his muscles making his skin rash bright red as it grinded against the hard unforgiving floor. Brad was a well built guy and had a lot of heavy muscle weight now tightly pinched into a ball therefore making it nearly impossible to resist his bonds if he had any chance of escape. "Now you sit there really tight, and if you're lucky, someone will find you and cut you loose hehehe!" "You never get awammmppPPHHH!!! MMmmPPHH!!" Bill taped him up good with thick silver tape and pulled his hair up and said "you better pray you're found, you're gonna be tied up like this a VERY LONG TIME!" "Mmmmppppnnnoooophh!" Brad cried out but no use. He watched Bill trash the place and took a few items to make it look like a burglary. He then cut the power & phone line and left him in the dark house alone. He lay there scared of how to free himself yet felt instantly hard hogtied on the floor with his groin ramming into the carpet with each hard thrust of his tightly lashed up body! "MmmMMMpppHHH! Mmmpphhh!! MMPPPHH!!!" This wasn't going to be a relaxing weekend after all! Damn!!


Brad played by Cliff

Photography by Caitiff

Date of Production:11/02/2012

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