In His Whitey Tighties

25 photos; 6:28 video

Brian jerked awake at the sound of something crashing to the floor downstairs. Sitting up in bed he glanced at the small alarm clock on the nightstand besides his bed and saw that it was 11pm. As he sat wondering what to do, there came another crash from somewhere downstairs, this one less loud.

‘Maybe it’s a raccoon or possum that’s broken into the basement,’ he thought, turning on the lamp on the nightstand. ‘I’d hate to call the police for something stupid as that. I better go check.’

Tossing off his blankets, Brian slid out of bed and made his way to the stairs dressed in nothing but his white briefs, undershirt and socks. Slowly he descended the stairs, feeling more and more apprehensive as he neared the basement door. What if it wasn’t an animal and he was getting robbed? Should he check or just call the police? Pausing on the last step, he flipped the light switch and prepared to bolt if there was someone down there waiting. There wasn’t, just some large storage boxes stacked up around the room. Cautiously he left the safety of the stairs and walked deeper into the basement. There didn’t seem to be anything out of place. What could have caused the noise? Feeling foolish for being spooked, Brian turned to go back upstairs when a rustling sound from his storage closet made him freeze.

‘Run!’ his mind screamed as he turned and moved towards the closed closet door. Slowly, he opened the door just enough to poke his head in and see. At first all he saw was darkness, then there was a flash of green and something black and furry raced out of the room and up the stares. Brian smiled and let out a relieved sigh. It was only his cat, Marbles.

“Hey, Marbles. Come back here so silly cammmpf!”

His words where cut off as a thick cloth was pressed firmly over his mouth and nose. Startled, he inhaled sharply and smelled a sickly sweet odor from the cloth that made the room spin and the strength melt from his body. Weakly, he tried to pull away from his attacker but a strong arm wrapped itself around his chest from behind, pinning his arms so he couldn’t move.

“Just relax, big guy. It’ll all be over soon. That’s right, close those big blue eyes of yours.”


His strength gone, Brian’s knees buckled and he sagged heavily against his attacker who lowered him to the ground. Fighting to stay conscious though unable to open his eyes or move a muscle, Brian felt himself being dragged backwards then placed carefully on a chair in what had to be in the storage closet.

‘What are you going to do with me?’ was the question he asked in his mind but what came out of his mouth was a low, garbled groan.

His answer came in the form of a cloth being pressed to his nose and he knew nothing more.


It was pain that broke through Brian’s XXXX-addled mind, dragging him from the comfort of XXXX. His neck hurt, the muscles stiff and for a few minutes he was unable to move it. XXXX his heavy eyelids to open, he found himself gazing up at the wood beams of his storage closet’s ceiling. Grimacing with pain, he straightened his neck and tried to raise his hand to massage it but couldn’t move his arms. Looking down, he saw coils of white rope wrapped around his chest and upper arms, securing them tightly to his side. More rope was wound securely around his knees. Alarmed, he tried to stand up and found his ankles where also bound and that a rope was connected to them and to his tied wrists behind the chair. Ice, tingles of fear spread through him ad his heart began to beat painfully against his chest as he yanked desperately against his restraints. The chair he sat on wobbled and swayed as he struggled but the ropes held him trapped to it. Gasping for air as the ropes around his chest tightened with each struggle, Brian XXXX himself to calm down as he took stock of his situation. He was inside his storage closet, the door closed and a small hanging lamp his only light. Maybe the man who grabbed him took what he wanted and was gone, leaving him tied up as a precaution. Hoping that was the case, Brian took a deep breath and yelled as loud as he could.

“Help! Help me! Someone, help!”

Suddenly the door opened and a man walked in, dressed in dark clothing. Brian’s eyes widened and his heart dropped into his stomach. This had to be his attacker.

“Glad to see you’re finally awake. I was afraid I gave you too much of the rag,” the man said, closing the door.

Brian licked his lips and swallowed hard, his mouth dry with fear. “Look, take anything you want. If you’re looking for money it’s upstairs in my sock drawer. Just please, don’t hurt me.”

The man smiled and Brian shivered at the hungry look on his face. “Thanks for telling me about the money. You’re one hot guy, especially tied up. Just looking at you gets my juices flowing. Had I known you where here, I would have brought my van. You’re car though should work fine though once I empty out the trunk.”

“What do you mean? What are you going to do?”

“You said to take anything I want. I’m going to take you.”

Blood drain from Brian’s face and he started trashing wildly on the chair, trying to break free of his ropes as the man slowly approached him.

“No, don’t! Help! Someone helmmmfff!”

A large hand clamped over his mouth, cutting off his cries. Shaking his head, he tried to pull free but the hand held his head still, pressed against the man’s stomach in an iron grip.

“Don’t waist your breath. You’re in a closet in a basement. I doubt anybody would hear you even if they where in this house. Face it, you’re mine and I’m going to have some fun with you before we go.”

Breathing hard through his nose, Brian moaned as he squirmed helplessly on the chair as his captor stroked his face and slid his hand down his neck and across his chest. What sort of fun? Pressed tightly against the man, Brian could feel something hard poking him in the back and realized what his captor had in mind. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his captor holding something large and white. It was a rolled up shirt.

“Open your mouth or I’ll break your nose,” the man warned, removing his hand from Brian’s mouth and gripping his nose hard.

To afraid to resist, Brian opened his mouth wide and felt the thick rolled up shirt pulled across his mouth and secured tightly behind his head. The gag both filled his mouth and covered it, reducing his moans to muffled grunts. With both hands free, his captor focused on exploring his bound captive’s body. Placing one hand across Brian’s throat, he massaged his Adam’s apple while sliding his other hand across his shoulder and down into his undershirt to toy with his nipples. Protesting, Brian tried to twist free from the offending hands, jerking his body and leaning forward as much as the ropes would allow.

“Don’t get yourself too tired, the real fun hasn’t started yet,” his captor warned, pulling him back against the chair and patting his face. “I’m going to go get more rope and then I’ll have a good look at that nice ass of yours.”

“Nnnnommm! Hemm nnnemm ooom!” Brian pleaded, shaking his head.

Ignoring his pleas, his captor smiled and ruffled his hair before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. Alone, Brian began rocking back and forth hard, twisting and tugging at his bound wrists. He had to get free before the guy came back and had his way with him. Biting the thick cloth between his teeth, Brian kicked his legs the best he could, hoping it would break the rope connecting them to his wrists. Pain shot up his arms with each tug and kick as the rope securing his wrists tightened. Refusing to give up, he continued to thrash on the chair, trying to ignore how alone and helpless he was, tied and gagged in a basement storage closet. Breathing hard and fast through his nose, exhausted from his struggles and covered in sweat, Brian mustered what little strength he had left and stretched out his legs as hard as he could while pulling his bound wrist back at the same time. Slowly, the rope connecting the two began to give and with one hard kick, Brian’s wrist and ankles where free of each other. Knowing it was only a matter of minutes before his captor came back, Brian struggled to stand without falling to the ground. His ankles and hands where almost numb from his struggles and with his knees and arms tied securely, he had a hard time standing up without wobbling. After a few failed attempts and almost crashing to his knees, Brian managed to stand up straight and keep his balance. Breathing hard through his nose, his hart racing from fear and adrenaline, Brian looked frantically around him for anything he could use to cut his ropes. There was a worktable in the far corner with some sharp instruments and a few nails sticking out from the wall where he hung things. Maybe if he could get to them he’d be able to somehow cut the ropes binding his arms. Casting a fearful glance over his shoulder at the door, he gave a little hop towards the table and nearly fell over. Regaining his balance, Brian was about to try again when the door opened and his captor entered the room holding a coiled up white rope.

“Well, I see you’ve been busy. Can’t wait to get the fun started?”

Brian’s eyes widened to the size of quarters as the man approached him and tried to hop away but lost his balance. He would have fallen had his captor not lunged forward and grab his arms.

“Easy now. I don’t want you damaging that beautiful body of yours before I get a chance to play with it. For what I have planed I need to re-position and tie you up differently. This can be done the easy way, where you cooperate and as I say or we can do it the other way where I XXXX you out. Which is it going to be?”

Knowing he was in no position to fight, Brian let his shoulders slum and XXXX his body to relax, showing he’d cooperate. This satisfied his captor who went to work untying the ropes around his chest and wrists. Biting his gag hard, Brian moaned with relief and pain as blood rushed into his arms and hands. Once he could move his arms, his captor ordered him to hold them out, wrists touching. Doing so, Brian watched with a sinking heart as rope was wound several times around them till it looked like he was wearing rope wristbands. His captor then pulled him over to a low hanging wood beam.

“Stand underneath there and lift your arms up high. I want your wrists as close to the beam as possible.”

Doing as he was told, Brian held his bound wrist against the plank, trying not to tremble as he did so. Dragging over a chair, his captor climbed up and began wrapping rope around the plank and between Brian’s arms a few times, pulling the rope tight so that his wrists where secured against the plank and his fingers couldn’t find the knots.

“Mmm, I don’t know about you but I’m real horny right now,” his captor said, stepping down from the chair and kicking it away. “Seeing you tied up like this has me ready to explode.”

“No! Emme gaww. Mmmmnnf!”

Brian tried to twist away as arms wrapped around his waist and hugged him tight. A hand grabbed his crotch and started to massage it through his underpants till it was hard and straining against the fabric.

“Very nice. I’m going to go grab that money you mention and also your car keys. After we finish here, I’m going to pack you up and take you home. Then the real fun will start.”

Shaking his head insistently, Brian yanked hard on his bound wrists as his captor gave his ass a slap before walking to the door and leaving the room. As soon as the door closed, Brian began struggling like mad. Biting down hard on the cloth covering his mouth, he yanked frantically at the rope holding his wrists tied to the plank, trying to loosen it without success. Sweat trickled down his face as he leaned forward then back, hoping his weight would be enough to maybe break the plank but all it did was hurt his arms. Hopelessly trapped, Brian threw back his head and screamed as loud as he could.


Just then the door opened. His captor had returned. Looking over his shoulder, Brian almost inhaled his gag when he saw what was in the man’s hands. A blue, 9inch dildo and a tube of anal lubrication.

“It’s amazing what some people keep buried in their sock drawer. Talk about a lucky find. Lets see, I’ll warm you up with this then when you’re nice and loose, I’ll plow that sweet, firm ass of yours hard. Sound good?”

Brian moaned and gave his wrists a hard yank as he watched the man squirt some lub in his hand and greased the dildo with it. Setting the tube down, his captor walked up behind him and poked his left butt cheek with the dildo.

“Now, lets get started, shall we?”

The End




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