The Start of a Beautiful Relationship by Fidelis

25 photos; 3:11 video

I peered through the window. The coast was clear! There was no car in the driveway next door, which meant that it was safe for me to venture outside. My new neighbour was making my life miserable. He was always asking me over to watch a movie or to have a beer. I declined, repeatedly, but Ted just couldn’t take a hint. He was starting to creep me out – he stared at me as if I was a big slab of beef and he was a man who hadn’t had a meal in a week. Lately, I was sure that he was spying on me with his binoculars. He claimed to be watching birds, but I had my doubts. I couldn’t go into my garden without him popping out two minutes later and trying to chat me up over the hedge. It seemed today that I was going to be spared having to deal with him. It was a beautiful, sunny day – I could sit in the garden and relax without fear of interruption.

I was lying on my lounge chair, half-aXXXX. The sun was shining, the little birds were singing, and most importantly of all, there was no Ted peeking over the hedge, stripping me naked with his eyes. I dozed, listening to the sound of the squirrels playing in the trees and the hedge. I was thinking that the little buggers were being unusually active when my reverie was abruptly shattered. I didn’t have time to react as I was dragged from my chair and thrown down on my stomach. My hands were dragged behind me as I was pinned down. I tried to struggle, but the heavy weight resting on my back kept me helpless. Before I realized what was happening, my hands were firmly secured behind me. As I tried to comprehend what was happening to me, I saw a pair of big, beefy hands in front of me – hands that were holding a roll of silver duct tape! I opened my mouth to yell for help, but before I could utter a sound a wide strip of tape had been slapped over my mouth, followed by a second and third strip. I could barely hear myself mumble through the gag as I was pulled to my feet. To my XXXX, I saw that I had been trussed and gagged by Ted! Ted, who wasn’t supposed to be home. I attempted to make a break, sprinting for the garden gate, but Ted had other plans for me. He stuck out a foot and I tripped, lying sprawled on the lawn. As I lay there gasping, Ted fastened some rope around my neck. He jerked on it, yanking hard on the rope and moving away at the same time. I was dragged to my feet and XXXX to follow Ted, like a dog on a leash. He turned his head and I saw the look in his eyes. I knew that look – pure, unadulterated lust shone like a beacon from Ted’s beady little eyes.


You wanted to play hard to get, so I decided to play hard myself, you snotty bastard. It’s more fun this way, in any case. Now get moving – you know what will happen if you try to get away!"

A tug on the rope convinced me that it would be wise to go with Ted. The rope around my neck was already uncomfortably tight – if I struggled I would end up choking. Ted pulled me through the hedge; he had obviously been planning this for some time, since he had cut a big hole in his side of the hedge, leaving just a few inches of vegetation on my side, which had screened the gap. Once we were through the hedge, he dragged me inside his house. He XXXX me to my knees.

"You sure are a cute young thing. You know it too, don’t you? You’re always flaunting yourself in front of me, coming out of the house the instant that I do, and then acting so standoffish! You’re a big cock tease, aren’t you?"


"You’re not going anywhere, pretty boy. Not until I’m good and ready to let you go, and that might not be for a long time."

I XXXXd as Ted pulled me to my feet. He tied the rope around my neck to a hook on the back of a door. I observed that I was tied to the door leading into the bathroom.

"Time for me got rid of a load – at least one type of load!"

I watched in disgusted XXXX as he shed his jeans and sat down on the toilet. I shut my eyes but I couldn't close my ears. I was XXXX to listen to the gross splashing and plopping sounds.

"Ah, there’s nothing like a good cleansing of the system to put one in the mood for love. You look a bit uncomfortable hanging around like that, Gary. You can watch me take a bath! I’ve got to be nice and clean for you. Don’t you think that’s a good idea?"

I sagged with relief as Ted undid the rope around my neck. I slumped to the floor, lying in a corner of the bathroom. Now that my neck was free I had a chance of escape. Ted must have been reading my mind.

" "I have to make sure that you stick around for the party. I wouldn’t want you to be sneaking away while I was relaxing in the tub. That would be a real drag. I’m really looking forward to our day together."

I whimpered in frustration as Ted tied my ankles. My whimpers turned to groans as he wrapped some rope around my knees, and then attached some more rope to those binding, tying it around my neck. I was in a worse position than I had been before.

"There, that should keep you nice and safe and sound. It would be terrible if something happened to you before we get to know each other better. Did I mention how much I’m forward to spending time with you?"

Ted started to strip. Hmm, he had quite a nice chest, I had to admit. Then he dropped his jeans. His legs weren’t that bad either. It was when he stripped off his boxers that my heart fell. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I thought. That thing CAN’T be real! My eyes nearly popped out of my head in XXXX as I saw what was hanging between his legs. As he started stroking it and it started to grow, I screamed through my gag. Even though I was trussed up like a pig going to market, I started to fight against my ropes. If he used that…that…thing on me, I would be maimed! Crippled for life!

"Now don’t you fuss, Gary. I’m going to have a nice relaxing soak, and then we’ll have some fun. You just lie there and gather your strength, because you’re going to need it, I can assure you. It’s been a long time since I’ve had any loving, so I’ve got lots of tension to release. "

Ted hopped into the tub and started running the water. He was humming happily, undoubtedly looking forward to relieving his ‘stress’. I on the other hand, was getting completely stressed out. I felt like a Vestal virgin waiting for Attila the Hun and his hordes to come visiting. While Ted was splashing away, adding bubble bath to the steaming water, and singing in a rather pleasant baritone, I was making frantic efforts to escape. I did everything I could to free myself, but Ted was an accomplished roper. All I managed to do was to half XXXX myself to XXXX. Nothing that I did loosened the ropes that held me immobile. I was lying on my side, panting and sweaty, when Ted finally stood up in the bathtub. The foam that clung to his body did nothing to hide the package that he was carrying between his legs. He must have been having some fun with himself while he bathed, since it was standing at full mast. I gulped. Babe Ruth could have used that thing to hit a home run. He hopped out of the tub, beaming.

"Oh, Gary, we are going to have a wonderful time together. I just know that you and I are going to be great friends. I think that is going to be the beginning of a beautiful relationship."


The End


Gary played by Aaron


Photography by Caitiff

Date of Production: 09/29/2005

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