What the Flog?? by Kurt

33 photos

Charlie had been worried about his best friend Matt lately. He'd been acting odd...looking at him strangely, saying weird things. If they were stoned, that was one thing, but this was happening all the time, even when they were straight. Now, Matt had called Charlie's cell and told him to come over and meet him in the basement. Charlie, being a professional slacker, had nothing better to do, so he headed over. He had free entry to Matt's place, so he walked in and went downstairs, expecting to see his friend and maybe smoke a joint or two.

"Matt! You down here?" he called, as he walked across the dank basement floor.

Out of nowhere, Charlie was tackled, and a hand clamped over his mouth and nose. He went down, and the hand pressed down relentlessly onto his face. He started to get woozy, struggling for breath and before he knew it there were stars in front of his eyes.

Charlie didn't know how long he was out, but he finally came around and felt cool air on his body. He opened his eyes, and saw that he was facing the wall. He tried to move, but his arms were stretched out and tied tightly to a pipe that ran along the wall. A thick cloth gag was tied into his mouth. Before he could process what had happened, he heard a swishing noise and then felt an incredible biting pain on his back.


"You're supposed to say, 'May I have another, Sir?'" It was Matt!

Charlie began grunting wildly through his gag. What the hell was going on? Then, SWACK! A leather strap bit into his exposed bubble butt.

"YOWWWWMMMMPPPPPPPHHHHHHHH!!" Charlie screamed. Had Matt lost his mind completely??

The XXXX continued relentlessly. Charlie writhed in his bondage, helpless to avoid the stinging swats on his back and ass. He'd seen a few porn movies with guys getting whipped, sometimes by chicks, sometimes by other dudes, and though it was kind of hot, could never understand how people could be turned on by submitting to pain like that. But now, incredibly, as his buddy flogged him unmercifully, he was surprised to feel a hot stirring in his loins, his cock twitching and thickening despite himself.

Like that, buddy?" Matt taunted, as the belt cracked across Charlie's reddened ass. Charlie simply moaned into his gag....not sure whether to answer Yes or No....this was so bizarre. But he squeezed his eyes shut and took the unfair beating like a man....while visions of Matt tied to a cross naked flashed in his mind.....

The End?


Charlie played by Hector

Matt played by Hal

Photography by Caitiff


Date of Production: 11/06/2006

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