33 photos

Getting the XXXX-Aide into Darrell’s Sports-Aide had been very easy. Getting the drowsy jock into the back of his car had been more difficult. And then getting the big XXXX jock into the loft room up over the garage had been really tough, but at last Mickey had his worst tormenter just where he wanted him. So Mickey chuckled and whistled a happy tune while he stripped off the footballer’s cleats and trousers and hid them away. Darrell wouldn't be needing those for a long time.

Mickey didn't bother with the football pads and the rest of Darrel’s clothes. He was in too much of a hurry to gag and blindfold him with a couple of bandannas before he started working on the ropes. Mickey had been waiting a long time to have Darrell in his power so then he took his time and delighted in every turn of rope and every tight knot that he used to finally put the big guy at his mercy. Then he stood back to watch the fun and started his video camera so that he could enjoy this little party over and over again.

Completely unaware of what clever Mickey had done to him, Darrell woke up slowly from his XXXX-Aide XXXX. Then he discovered the ropes hugging his body and felt the embarrassment of being half naked. And Mickey had a hard time not laughing out loud while he listened to the panicked little-boy noises the burly jock was making into his mouthful of bandanna and watched the way his body struggled around on the hard floor.

Finally Darrell managed to get his body into a sitting position and then he seemed to be calming down as he looked around with his blindfolded eyes, trying to figure out where he was. Mickey couldn't resist running his fingers lightly over Darrell’s close cropped hair. Darrell jerked his head around and began making questioning noises into his bandanna-gag. Mickey didn't answer the bound jock’s questions. He just waited until Darrell started to calm down again. Then Mickey rubbed the sole of his shoe up against Darrell’s exposed jock-pouch. Darrell fairly shrieked into the bandanna and began shaking his head back and forth and begging his unseen captor not to touch him there.

Mickey was sorely tempted to tease the helpless jock some more, but what he really wanted was for Darrell to know who had done this to him, and who’s power he was in now, so Mickey pulled the bandanna blindfold off of Darrell’s eyes. Darrell blinked a few times at the sudden brightness of the lights in the room and then his face went into shock when he saw Mickey standing over him.

True to his nature, Darrell growled at Mickey and made all kinds of juicy demands into his soggy bandanna for Mickey to let him go immediately, but Mickey just laughed. “Hello Darrell, welcome to my parlor.”

Darrell blinked at Mickey in confusion. The team’s towel boy was a skinny freshman who only weighed about a hundred-and-twenty pounds. Darrell could break him in half easily. But then fear began to crawl up the back of Darrell’s neck. This was the same Mickey who had been the butt of so many of Darrell’s cruel jokes. They were all good for a laugh, but Darrell didn't see Mickey laughing now. And then that fear intensified when Darrell realized that he didn't know where he was or how he got here or what Mickey was planning to do to him. And that was when he really started to feel all of the ropes that were hugging his body and making him feel so helpless.

The fear fed Darrell’s panic and anger as he growled and threatened and rolled all around on the hard floor, desperately trying to get free of the ropes so that he could get his big hands on skinny Mickey. But Mickey just laughed and laughed as he danced around just out of Darrell’s angry reach until the big boy was panting and sweating and gasping for breath.

“Having lots of fun, Darrell,” Mickey purred softly as he ran his fingers over the jock’s short hair. “You won't get out of here that way. The only way you're ever going to get out of this is if you do just what I tell you.”

Darrell shook his head from side to side and made little begging noises while the drool ran out from between his lips and ran down over his chest. He didn't like little Mickey having power over him like this, but now he was really scared. All tied up like this, Mickey could do anything he wanted to him, so Darrell began to submit.

“Come on, sit up, that’s a good boy,” Mickey told him gently and Darrel began to calm down and obey those gentle words.

“That’s better. Now lie down on your tummy while I tell you why I brought you hear.”

Darrell awkwardly floundered back down onto the hard floor and then he didn't resist while he felt Mickey’s gentle hands and more soft ropes being wrapped tighter and tighter around his body.

“We're going to have a little party tonight and you're going to be the guest of honor.”

“Party…? What kind of a party?” Darrell wondered while Mickey finished tying the last knot and then took his hands off of him.

“You remember my big brother George, the one who rides the big motorcycle? Well he’s coming home tonight and he’s going to be bringing a lot of his friends with him. Won’t that be fun?”

Darrell remembered George. That guy was so big and scary that it was hard to believe that he was gentle Mickey’s brother. And he was coming here tonight!

Darrell began writhing around on the floor and making all kinds of begging noises into his gag. He had to get out of here!

“Now Darrell, don't carry on so. You’re going to get yourself all dirty and bruised before the party even begins,” Mickey chided the big jock gently.

Darrell stopped struggling and looked up from the floor and begged Mickey to please let him go. But Mickey just smiled and folded the blindfold bandanna up into a nice soft pad and then began pouring some kind of stuff out of a dark bottle onto it.

“Time to take your medicine,” big boy.

Darrell shook his head from side to side and whimpered into his gag, but he couldn't stop Mickey from pressing the damp cloth over his nose. The smell was awful! Darrell jerked his head away from the sweet-smelling cloth, but Mickey just soothed the back of Darrell’s neck with his gentle fingers while he pressed the damp folds of cloth more firmly over Darrell’s nose.

“I'm going to tell you a little secret Darrell. Before he went away my brother George told me that there was only one part of you that he liked. He said that you have really cute buns. Isn't that funny?”

Darrell moaned and swooned as his face sighed into the damp cloth and his heavy eyelids closed.

Mickey gently lowered Darrell’s XXXX face to the floor and put the cloth away. After this party was over, he was sure that Darrell would be a much different kind of boy.



Darrell played by Aaron

Photography by Caitiff



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