Tying a Twin by JMZ

30 photos; 4:10 video

 He was always better at everything than me grades, sports, even dating. I was just so tired of it. Our parents compared us in every aspect of our being. We are twins after all and comparison was inevitable. I just could not stand it anymore. I had my good points too, but compared to Robert I fell way below the bar.

I love my brother but I just can’t stand his complete arrogance. He is better than me at everything, which is why I saw red when I found out he had betrayed me beyond forgiveness. I had been in love with Melinda from my Literature class since the first day I saw her. I pined after her all semester but was way too shy to approach her. We had brief conversations regarding books and weekend plans, but I could never build up the courage to ask her out. Then I decided it was time to throw caution to the wind and ask her to the spring dance. I nervously approached her and stuttered out the question I had been waiting to ask her. I felt sweat trickle down my face when she said she had already accepted a date with my brother.

I walked home stunned and hurt. He knew how I felt about her. When I got home he was waiting with an apology and an explanation. I begrudgingly accepted his excuse about always liking her too, and how the question just came out. I once again fell below the bar.

The night of the dance I watched as he dressed in his suit and combed his hair. I sat watching with my heart in my throat, and then something snapped. I didn’t mean to do it but I had had enough. I tackled him the floor and we wrestled for a while as he screamed at me to stop. I dragged him into the family room by his legs and we continued our fight. As we huffed and panted rolling around the floor my hand reached back and found a length of rope from our Dads tool kit. I managed to wrap the rope around his wrists and tied them tightly. He struggled against me but I was fueled by adrenaline. I cinched the rope into tight knots, and then dragged him onto his feet. I pulled a roll of duct tape out and taped his big mouth shut. He screamed through the tape, and it was the first time in along time he had nothing to say.

I taped his eyes shut to keep the glares he shot at me from getting to me. He tried to get to his feet and tackle me but I quickly took control and tied his ankles tight with rope. He struggled and screamed through his gag. Then I panicked, what the hell was I doing? I lost my cool, and now I was going to have to let him go and explain and apologize. I took the tape off his eyes and listened as he screamed at me through the tape on his mouth. I knew this was going to be ugly. All of a sudden it became clear what I had to do.

I watched with a cautious eye as he struggled and moaned in the family room. I put on my best suit and combed my hair four times before I decided it was right. I grabbed the corsage from the fridge and went into the family room. He wiggled and jolted screaming through his gag when he saw what I was doing. I flipped him the bird and walked out to pick up Melinda.

A few hours into the dance my cell phone rang. All I heard was a muffled scream at the other end. It was the best night of my life.

The End


Model: Marco

Photography by: Caitiff


Date of Production 02/13/2009

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