Ransom Paid by Caitiff

27 photos; 7:29 video

Ted didn’t see the ransom note right away. When he got home, he thought it weird that Tony had left the back door open. But Ted knew that he and his friend Jim were going out that week end.

The manilla envelope only said “Ted” on it. Ted presumed it was just some more paperwork that work had sent over. Strange, he hadn’t been expecting any. Ted opened the packet, his eyes growing huge as he saw a picture of Tony bound and gagged with what looked like today’s paper!

The note only said “Will be in touch. We will know if you call anyone. We want the McMartin account. You have until 7 pm tonight!”

Ted ‘s face out out in a sweat. Tony had been snatched! And somehow they knew about Ted’s clients. What was he going to do? He only had three hours to do what those brutes had demanded.

Ted didn’t dare call the police. He rushed back to work. Fortunately on a friday, no one was around. He had to act quickly. When he was sure no one was looking, Ted went into the vault, opened up the McMartin’s safety deposit box and emptied the contents down his pants. He then walked out. Of course when the box’s contents were found missing, Ted would be found out. He would have to worry about that later.

Ted waited at his home, the McMartin’s property stuffed into a bag on the table. Suddenly Ted felt the cold end of something metal pressed against the back of his head!

“Don’t move”, Ted heard an oddly familiar voice tell him.

Ted wondered how the man had managed to get inside the house so quietly. But he had no time to ask. He was blindfolded and put in the trunk of a car. The bag was thrown in after him.

Ted had no idea how long he spent being driven. Ted felt the car stop eventually and the trunk open. Ted was pushed out, still holding the bag.

Ted was led into some kind of building. Immediately he heard moaning, what must have been Tony and Jim gagged with tape.

“Ok you can take off your blind fold.”

Ted removed the blind fold and stared in shock at his XXXX. It was William McMartin, Ted’s client!  On the floor of what looked like a garage, Jim and Tony sat bound and gagged.

“I don’t understand.” Ted stammered.

“What’s to understand, Ted? I am taking back my property and getting a nice big insurance settlement when they find out you “stole” it. Then it’s off to a nice Caribbean island. But as for you, it’s time to shut you up! Take that bandanna and gag yourself with it, nice and tight!”

Seeing he had no choice, Ted did as commanded, tying the filthy rag between his lips.

“Ok, now on your knees.”, McMartin said and Ted complied. His client threw Ted a roll of tape. “Now finish the job. Wrap that tap over that smart ass mouth of yours. That’s right, I’ve been wanting to see you gagged for some time. Now to finish you off.

Ted soon joined Tony and Jim on the floor, his hands tightly bound behind his back. His ankles were also tied. Gagged, Ted and his fellow captives could only look at each other.

“Like I said, it’s all really very simple. When they find out your stole my property, I get a nice big insurance settlement. Plus I keep my stuff. Of course I am sure by now you realised that means you have to leave the picture. Sorry Ted. Nothing personal.”

“Mmmmppphh!” Ted grunted in helpless protest. Damn, why had he so meekly allowed himself to be bound and gagged? Now he could only watch as his captor did away with them all. McMartin shoved Ted onto his stomach and hog tied him.

“ I have turned the gas on. I am sure you will be abel to smell it soon. And a very clever fuse will go off in 15 minutes. Plenty of time for me to get far away. Good Bye Ted. Sorry your friends had to get dragged into this but they made such delicious bait!”

That fiend! Neither Ted nor Jim nor Tony could do a thing as they were left to their fate.

“Mmmm!” Tony moaned pitifully, scared out of his mind. Jim likewise was petrified with terror. Both boys struggled and moaned.

“Mmmmpphh! Mmmmfffaaammmm!”, Ted grunted through his gag though he knew it was helpless. No one could hear the gagged cries of the prisoners.

Suddenly Jim got his arm free! Wasting no time, he undid the ropes binding Tony and then both boys went to work on Ted’s bindings.

They barely managed to get out as the house burst into flame behind them.

The End.


Ted played by Cliff

Jim played by Zac

Tony played by Garrett

Photography by Caitiff


Date of Production: 09/26/2009

Tags: tripple. multiple, tape gag, back to back, story, plot

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