Come Model for Us by John

28 photos

 Alan had been down on his luck lately and needed some money so that he could pay his rent. He was looking in the newspaper to see what kind of odd jobs he could find that would provide some quick money. Rent was due in a week, and he had already been late a couple of times, and his landlord told him that if he was late with the rent one more time, then he would be evicted.

You see, Alan just got dumped by his boyfriend, got fired from his job, and got into a wreck that totaled his car, all within the last week. He had to come up with money for rent, and FAST!

Alan saw an ad in the paper for a company called “Ties that Bind”. Their ad read: “Quick money for models!” WOW! Alan couldn’t believe what he had seen. This was like a sign! He considered himself a good looking guy, had a nice body and thought that he could be a model. What Alan didn’t realize is what kind of modeling he would actually be doing.

Alan called them up and set-up an appointment to come see them. He still was unaware of what kind of work he would be doing once he got there.

Two days later, the time had come for Alan to finally go make some money for modeling. He showed up at the offices of “Ties that Bind” wearing a suit with no tie, thinking that he was going to be modeling ties for this company. They had other ideas. He sat down with the manager Mark and they talked about his contract. Mark asked him if he had done any modeling before and Alan said “No.” Mark asked Alan how he felt about some nudity. Alan had a puzzled look on his face, but if they wanted to take pictures of him naked with a tie on, he didn’t really care. He needed the money bad, and his ex-boyfriend had always told him that he had a nice cock. So he agreed to the nude photos.

Mark led Alan to the back of the office where the photography studio was and that is where he met Gustav. Gustav was a hunky muscular guy in his 30s who Alan was instantly attracted to. Gustav would be the photographer for Alan’s photo shoot. Mark left Alan with Gustav and they got to work.

“Ok Alan, if you can take off your clothes for me, except leave on that undershirt, I think that will be a nice touch” said Gustav. “Umm, do you want me to keep my dress shirt on too?” asked Alan. “No” laughed Gustav. Gustav then turned to face Alan and Alan noticed that Gustav was holding a long piece of white rope in his hands. “What’s that for?” asked Alan. Gustav just looked at him funny. “Don’t you know what we do here?” said Gustav.

Alan was a bit shocked, but he really didn’t have a clue. “We tie up men and take pictures of them and then post them on the internet for other people to enjoy” said Gustav. This kinda shocked Alan, as he thought he was going to be a clothes model, but he desperately needed the money and thought to himself for a bit and decided that he might as well go through with it. He remember back to when he was in high school and he would record movies off of the television because they had men that were taken and hogtied and he would get off to those movies. He had never been tied up before, but he was willing to let Gustav do what he wanted to him. So….here is Alan’s first time being tied. Hope you enjoy.

The End


Alan played by Logan

Photography by Caitiff


Date of Production: 07/05/2006

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