The Rich Kid by Caitiff

27 photos; 4:19 video

Jeff was always going on about how his folks were loaded. And they were. They paid for everything: his school , his rent , and his Mustang.

But Jeff wanted more. The only time he seemed to even talk to his folks was to ask for more money. It must have eventually pissed them off because one day he fumed at us that his parents had cut him off. Well, not really cut him off so much as they would ONLY pay for the stuff they were already paying.

That the rest of us in the house found Jeff a spoiled little snot goes without saying. But he must not have caught on to how we felt because he confided to us a plan to get a lot of money. After seeing an episode of Hawaii Five O, Jeff got the “brilliant idea of arranging his own takening. We would all get a share of course. With Jeff that was a four way split.

However, money of not, there are some things you just don’t do. Freaking your loving parents so you could con them out of money seemed to be on that list. Me and the other two room mates agreed. We also agreed Jeff needed to be taught a lesson.

“Oh ok Jeff. We’ll do this.” I said to him, But we gotta make it look real or your folks won’t buy it.”

Jeff agreed, having no idea what we planned to do to him. The poor sap.

“Ok we will need a video to show your parents you have been taken...”

“Oh don’t worry, I can act scared.”, Jeff interjected.

“No, we need it to be more realistic. Tie him up” I told Todd and Jerry, our other room mates. On cue, they tightly bound Jeff’s hands behind his back. Jeff was so shocked he didn’t even put up a fight.

“Uhhh, I am not sure I need to be ..,Mmmm!” Jeff’s words were cut off as Jerry began wrapping tape over his mouth. The look in Jeff’s eyes as the tape tightened over his mouth was priceless. He was right, he could look scared when he had too.

“H e still looks too comfortable. I know. Lets tear off his clothes!” I suggested.


Jerry and Todd tore off Jeff’s expensive clothes until he was down to his underwear. We could have kept going until Jeff was naked but we decided we wouldn’t abuse Jeff too much. Maybe later. For now Jeff looked pretty good in his wife beater and green shorts.

We took Jeff down to the basement and sat his ass down on a table. We then tied his legs while Jerry got out his cam corder.

“Ok on the count of five, struggle.” Jerry said as if he was directing a movie.

Jerry did struggle and he moaned. He almost looked kind of hot. If only I could have forgotten what a spoiled sleaze he was.

“I think he has too much freedom still.” I said and hog tied Jeff’s cute ass.

“Maybe we could cut off a finger?”, Todd suggested in a serious tone. Jerry flipped out his butterfly edge.

“Mmmpphhaaammmmm!”, Jeff let out a panicked moan.

“Oh sorry Jeff, we should have told you. The way we figure if you ever spill the beans we would all be in trouble. And a million dollars split three ways is better then four. Sorry buddy. But maybe we’ll let you go after we are safe in Mexico.”

“Mmmm! Mmmmmmmpphhaaaa!” Jeff groaned as he struggled to get free. To bad for him he wasn’t going too. He had no problem giving Jerry lots of good footage.

I guess when Jeff got the idea to fake his own takening from that Hawaii Five O episode, he didn't remember the part where the guy’s friends double cross him. Or maybe he did and that was why he bought our act so quickly.

OF course we weren’t going to cut off a finger anymore then we were going to send Jeff’s parents the video or ask them for money. But we would keep Jeff bound and gagged for a day or two before we let him in on that.

The End


Model: Simon

Photography by Caitiff


Date of Production: 10/17/2008

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