Super Freak by JMZ

27 photos; 2:26 video

I saw him standing there at the bar, still sporting his full gear. I was lucky they even let me into this bar, I could barley afford the cover but I was so upset I needed a little pick me up. There he stood the big star who stole my dream. He stole the dream of a lot of people. The jerk had just won the NFC playoffs and took out my team. I couldn’t believe it, he was all hair and no substance but now he was going to the Super Bowl. How barley knew how to throw a ball, and he still made it. I was tired of seeing him on television, he was an endorsement darling, and made millions off of it. This joke of a quarterback couldn’t hold a candle to the greats but he made it to the big show.

I watched as he flirted with every girl in the bar, still wearing his uniform and playing up to his own hype. My team was better and deserved the chance he would just turn into another endorsement deal. He was cocky and arrogant, and couldn’t stand him. Even his own team mates talked trash about him. After a few XXXX I finally built up the courage to approach him. He asked if I wanted an autograph, and I laughed. He seemed a little confused but I finally humored him. We talked a bit and I bought him several drinks and XXXX hoping to get inside this douches head.

Around two in the morning the bar was closing and he invited me back to his place to continue the party. He couldn’t get enough of himself and I played into him each step of the way. His place was decorated with what I expected, pictures of him everywhere. We drank and I decided to play into him. We drank until the early morning until he finally XXXX. In my XXXX state I decided to get revenge for me and every fan who hated him. I wrapped rope around his torso and wrists, tying him up tight. He woke up half dazed and screamed at me to let him go. I slapped gorilla tape over his mouth to keep him quiet. He grunted in anger and gave me an angry glare. I was having the time of my life.

I secured him to his exercise equipment and stared at him .I began to explain to him in my XXXX state was a crappy player he was, and how he didn’t deserve this chance. He grunted and fought against his binds. I sucked down another beer and was hit with an epiphany. I struggled to get onto his stomach and pulled down his pants. He screamed through his taped mouth. I drew on his sweaty ass and watched as he struggled angrily to get loose.

I called a cab and made my way back home. In the morning woke more hung over than I had ever been. I realized what I had done and there was only one thing to do. I called the local news and the cops. It was all over the news for weeks. The superstar quarterback was into bondage. The story would not let up, and the days leading up to the Super Bowl were eclipsed with photos of him bound and gagged. He played the game and lost gloriously. After the season he retired leaving a legacy he would never live down; not as a great quarterback, but the kinky celerity that had a fetish for ropes and gags. It was the better than any game I had ever seen.

The End


Barley played by Sammy

Photography by Caitiff


Date of Production: 12/16/2009

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