Player by Ivor Ciccone

24 photos

He was such a player. The kind of kid everyone wants to XXXX with. Not because he was so strikingly good looking, don't get me wrong, he was definitely cute, but it was his personality that charmed everyone he met. He was flirtatious to the point of nausea and he used his charm to get whatever he wanted in life.

This kid's name was Chris and he was sort of a buddy of mine, we hung out with the same group of guys, but weren't really close. His infectious smile and cock sure attitude had got me the first time I met him and I guess I was a little shy around him at first. But of all the guys I hung out with, he was the hottest. He was the one I wanted to get bound and gagged. I'd often fantasised about how I could orchestrate the scenario, until one day the perfect opportunity presented itself.

We were alone together, nothing to do, just hanging at his place when Chris says he's got all this cool coloured duct tape free from the store where he works but he doesn't know what he's gonna use it for. My eyes must have lit up.

I said, "well how bout we tape your ass up?"

To my delight the dude's eyes also lit up, "sure, man, go for it", he replied

"This tape is good, strong shit, dude! You won't be getting free in a hurry!" I said as I wrapped Chris's wrists together tightly, over his sleeves.

"Now let's secure your upper body dude" I said next.

"Ok, man, u da boss!" He was being so compliant, I couldn't believe I hadn't suggested this before!

I bound the sturdy orange stuff around his upper arms and chest. I was so hard in my pants.

"Dude, you really enjoying this aint u?", Chris said.

"Yea dude, you bet", I replied, "but next up is the best part..."

"What's that then?", he asked.

"Taping your mouth shut of course!" And I sealed his lips tight with the red tape, muffling his protests.

"Better wind the tape around a couple of times, just for security", I was loving this, my dick was so hard.

Chris didn't seem to enjoy having his mouth taped much, but what the hell, I was having an awesome time!

I stood back to admire my handiwork.

"Looking fly, dude!", I said.

"MMMM HMMMM" was all he could reply.

"Ok, now lets put this yellow tape to good use", I said and started taping his legs together. I stood over him, tossing the tape in my hand, savouring the sight. I patted him on the head and said, "Bro, you look pretty as a picture all taped up!

Now try and get free!" Chris struggled against the tape binding him and rolled around on the floor, mmppfing all the while.

"Not making any progress, bud?", I taunted.


"And we still have more tape to use!"


"Now what colour should I use this time, hey? The red or the yellow?", I teased, sitting over my hot bound boy.

Chris's face was a picture, he hadn't anticipated getting taped up quite so efficiently it seemed!

"Let's go with the yellow for now", I said, bent his legs up into sitting and taped them like that, wrapping the stuff around his legs and back.

"Cool, that looks awesome, lets add the red now!"

Chris's MMMPPPFFFS were getting ever louder, haha.

"Ok, that just about finishes the job", I said.

"Oh, and I forgot to mention one thing, I aint untying you, the challenge is that you gotta free yourself. I'll be back to check on your progress in an hour or

so. Bye" Hahaha!

"MMMMMMPPPPPPFFFFFFFF", was all I heard as I walked

out his door.

The End


Chris played by Danny

The Narrator played by Sammy

Photography by Caitiff


Date of Production: 01/03/2006

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