Homeward Bound by Kurt

26 photos

Todd's head hurt, but that was the least of his problems. As his eyes slowly focused, the first thing he saw was a dank stone wall, and turning his head, a wooden staircase. He slowly realized that he was in the basement of his frat house. Some of the guys stored their bikes and extra stuff down there, even though it was kind of creepy, and once a year the frat held their initiation ceremonies there. Still dazed, Todd's mind spun back a year to his own initiation, and he saw himself lying on the floor, bound and gagged in a jockstrap, alongside 8 other helpless pledges. They had been teased and tormented, blindfolded, painted on, had their cocks and balls exposed and manhandled and the final humiliation was each pledge having to kiss his sponsor's manhood and swear allegiance to the frat. Todd had thought that was real gay at the time, but all in all, he hadn't minded. And being trussed and gagged, he really had had no choice. The scene of his initiation flashed through Todd's head in a second, and he was back in the present. Still a little foggy, he attempted to stand up, and to his amazement found that he was once again tied up. Looking down, he saw his leather jacket and jeans wrapped tightly in silver duct tape. How the hell had this happened. Squinting his eyes, he tried to concentrate. He remembered leaving the Student Union and heading for the parking lot. It was Thanksgiving break, and he was heading home for the family feast.

A sudden, throbbing pain at the back of his head quickly reminded him...as he had reached his car, he had been jumped, and a hand had come over his mouth. That's all he could remember....he must have been slugged by someone.

"Hey! Somebody!! Let me outta here!!" Todd called, turning his head towards the staircase. "C'mon, somebody cut me loose!!"

There was no response, and Todd realized that everyone must be gone home for the holiday. Starting to panic, he began wrenching against the thick duct tape bonds. He couldn't believe how tightly the tape held. There was no give at all. Twisting his wrists only twisted and tightened the tape wrapped around them.

"Dammit!! Lemme outta here!" Todd bellowed. He heard the wooden door at the top of the staircase creak open. He saw a pair of legs clad in black jeans descending, then a black long-sleeved T, then a head in a black ski mask. The visitor held an orange bandanna in his hand.

Without a word, he approached the chair where Todd sat and wrenched the cloth into his mouth, pulling the ends tightly and knotting them behind his head.

"Shut the fuck up, dickwad," the stranger growled as he gagged poor Todd.

MMPPHHHFFF!!" grunted Todd, as the cloth filled his mouth.

The stranger turned and went back up the staircase. Desperate to escape, Todd realized he had not been bound to the chair, so he slowly got up on his feet and took a few tentative hops. It was very difficult keeping his balance with his ankles and knees bound, but he was determined to get up the staircase. Leaning his right shoulder against the wall for support, he managed to hop up onto the first step. Sighing, he counted...there were eleven more. And if he wasn't careful, he could tip over and break his neck. Gathering his strength, and leaning on the wall, he attempted to hop up onto the second step. Before he could even manage that, the door swung open and the hooded stranger came barreling down on him.

He shoved Todd, who tumbled down onto the hard cellar floor with a grunt.

"Gotta make this difficult, eh?" he growled and Todd's eyes widened as he saw the stranger held the roll of silver duct tape with which he was bound. Kneeling next to Todd, he stripped off a long piece, and centered it over Todd's gagged mouth.

"Hope this doesn't hurt your piercing", he said sarcastically, as he pressed the tape firmly over Todd's gag and continued pulling the strip off the roll. Todd felt his legs folded up and the long strip of tape was wound around his ankles a few times, then pulled up his other side and plastered down over his mouth again. Todd groaned in pain as he felt the effect of the hogtie/gag combo. Any movement of his legs only pressed the tape gag against his pierced lip even harder and the only relief he had was to lie as still as possible.

Any attempt at speech was reduced to muffled moans by the tight double gag.

""OK, pal, thanks for the car keys. We'll be leaving now. Nice ride, by the way. Tell your Pop we said Thanks!"

Todd moaned in frustration and anger.

"Hope you make it home for Turkey Day, kid. You should be able to get yourself out of that tape in 3 or 4 hours. I hear Greyhound has some good fares! Later, dude!"

Todd failed to see the humor in the fact that we was trussed up tighter than any Thanksgiving turkey. He began to struggle, and knew it would be a long time before he was homeward bound.

The End


Todd played by Nick

Photography by Caitiff


Date of Production: 09/26/2007

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