XXXX by Kurt

20 photos; 5:49 video

Bradley liked his job at the hotel. He was a room-service waiter on the night shift, and he made pretty good money in tips. It really helped with his college expenses, and it wasn't hard work. Most of the guests were loaded, and for the most part, they were pretty good tippers. Sometimes, he got stiffed, but his happy-go-lucky personality helped him get over it when it happened.

The hotel had a room in the old wing where the waiters came to change into their uniforms. You could also hang out there on your lunch break if you wanted, grabbing a quick XXXX. Brad arrived early, because his last class was 2 hours before his shift began. He entered the changing room, and was glad to see he was alone. His buddy Greg wasn't due for another few hours, so Brad stretched out on the bed, and opened his Philosophy 101 book. Within five minutes, he felt himself drifting off to XXXX.

Brad heard a XXXX and jumped up with a start. He glanced at his watch. DAMN! Only 20 minutes before his shift began! That must be Greg XXXXing on the door..he was always running late. Brad jumped up and ran to open the door.

"Greg, come on, we're gonna be...WHAT THE...??"

Brad's words were cut off as he stared the concealed item held by a tall figure standing in the doorway.

The hand not holding the concealed item rose up quickly and clamped over Brad's mouth.

"Shut your trap, kid," he growled.

He pushed forward with his thick hand, propelling the startled, handgagged waiter back into the room. Brad's eyes widened as he saw another man follow his attacker into the room.

"You gonna be good, kid? I'd hate to have to slug you," the stranger growled menacingly.

Brad shook his head Yes, and the man removed his hand.

"But...what...", Brad muttered sheepishly.

"Shut up, and put these bracelets on!"

The first man tossed a pair of handcuffs at Brad.

Without a word, fearing for his life, Brad clicked the first cuff over his right wrist.

"Now, hands behind you!"

Brad obeyed and soon the second cuff was locked tightly around his left wrist behind his back.

"Sit in that chair, punk. Frank, gimme the tape!"

Brad sat down and decided to try to talk his way out of things.

"Mister, look..I'm just a waiter..I'm broke!"

"Yeah, yeah, kid, I know," his assailant said, as he wrapped strips of silver duct tape around his jean-covered legs, fastening them to the chair legs snugly. "We just need some uniforms to pull off a sweet heist. Sit here quietly and everything will be fine."

"I will...ow, that tape is so tight!"

"I meant 'sit quietly' metaphorically. Gag him, Frank!"


Frank stuffed a bandanna in Brad's mouth, then began to relentlessly wrap his mouth with the wide duct tape. After it was wound 5 times around Brad's mouth, he wound it up over his head and ball cap, and down around under his chin. The tape wrappings sealed Brad's jaws shut, and all he could do we emit a muffled "Mmmpphh!"

Brad sat watching in stunned silence as the two invaders pulled uniforms from the cabinet until they'd found the right sizes, stripped out of their jeans and t-shirts, and re-dressed. Although his arms were not bound with the tape, the tight cuffs kept him from moving them at all. The tape around his mouth and head was unbearably tight.

"See ya later, kid...don't go anywhere! HAR!"

The two bandits slammed the door, leaving Brad in the dimly-lit room. He immediately began to struggle and grunt as loudly as the massive, tight gag would allow. Surely, someone...a guest, an employee...would hear him and save him.

In all the excitement, Brad forgot that Greg was due any minute. Finally, he heard the doorknob jiggle.

"MMMPPHHH! MMMMMPPPPPPPHHH!" Brad put every ounce of energy into his grunts.

The door creaked open, but instead of Greg, it was one of his captors.

Brad moaned in disappointment.

"Just checkin', kid. Wouldn't want you gettin' loose and botching things up. BWA HAHAHAHAHA!"

The End


Brad played by Charlie

Photography by Caitiff


Date of Production: 08/11/2009

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