Down the Stairs by Caitiff

27 photos; 3:36 video

This was the last straw. John had put up with the weird hours and the odd noises and strangers coming and going at al hours. But now his credit card was missing and there was only one person who could have taken it.

At first Dan had seemed like a cool guy. And John had been trying to rent out that basement room for months. But now John realised he should have asked for references or something. Dan never seemed to go to the job he said he had at the factory. But he was never lacking for money. And his “friends” coming at all hours. John should have been more suspicious.

“Hey Dan, we need to talk... what the?”, John stared at the weird lab set up and what he was certain was drugs. Well this explains a lot, John thought.

Then everything went black.

John could hazily feel his hand being XXXX behind him and then fastened together with rope. He was then picked up and put onto a chair. Unfortunately, though John was dimly aware that this was happening, he was still too stunned to do anything about it.

John could feel himself being slapped over and over. Slowly he regained awareness. Standing over him was Dan holding a roll of duct tape. More rope was tying him to the chair. Before John could say a word to his captor, Dan pulled off a long strip of tape and wrapped it around John’s head, tape gagging him.

“I guess I should have been more careful.”, Dan said, gloating over his bound and gagged prisoner. “But at least i made enough between my business and your credit card that I should be long gone before anyone finds you.”

“Mmmmmmmm!!!”, was the only response John could make. Though livid with rage, he was helpless to do anything.

“I’m afraid I will need to cover my tracks. So I did a little last minute chemistry. That stuff is pretty flammable if you mix it the wrong way. I figure you have about ten minutes. ”

Dan laughed as he ran upstairs. Already John could see the chemicals in the make shift lab bubbling with more and more violence. desperately John struggled against the ropes but the cord was too tightly tied, the knots out of reach of John’s hands.

“Mmmmm!”, John tried yelling for help. But if anyone could hear him through the gag, they didn’t respond.

“No one is going to help you!”, Dan said coming back down the stairs with an armful of John’s valuables. He then added insult to injury by taping John’s eyes. Now blind as well as gagged and bound, John could only continue struggling. But he knew it was no use. He wouldn't’ get free in time. no one could hear him and that bastard Dan was going to get away! He could hear Dan leaving. “See ya. Oh and you can keep my security deposit!”

Suddenly John heard a crash from above and a voice yell out “Freeze! Police!” Ina few minutes John could feel hands untying him.

Fortunately for John, he handn’t been the only one suspicious of Dan. The police had been staking out the house for weeks.

The End


John played Jason Starr

Dan played Ted

Photography by Caitiff


Date of Production: 12/12/2007

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