Stuck by Caitiff

32 photos

It was the middle of the day in the middle of nowhere and Harvey's truck had died. HE wasn't sure if it was the fuel injector again or something new but he did know there was no way he was going to get it fixed himself.

Harvey saw a house that looked like some one was home and went toward it. Hopefully he could use their phone and get a tow truck.

A handsome man in his forties answered. "Yes?"

"Sorry to bother you so late but my truck broke down the road. Could I use your phone?"

"Sure you can. Just give me a sec to get off the internet. I was right in the middle of downloading something"

"Thanks! No problem. Whew, what a day. I was supposed to be home right now."

"So no one knows you're even out here? Wouldn't they wonder where you were after a while?"

"Not really. I work late hours so much my neighbors rarely see me. "

"No family?"

"Divorced. Kids moved away."

"Ahh. Can I get you a drink or something? My computer should be done in just another few minutes."

"That would be great. Thanks. My name is Harvey, by the way."

"Gene.", said the man as he offered Harvey a cup of juice. Harvey took a big gulp. The walk up here had winded him a bit.

"I guess I was lucky I saw this place. Your's was the only house I saw that had a car in the driveway.."

"I like my privacy. When I need company, I figure I can always count of someone showing up. Like you."

"Harvey's head began to cloud. It was getting hard to focus. "What's that?" He asked.

" I like making new friends. When I meet someone I like, I let them stay with me. I even set up my basement to keep them in, so they stay still and quiet. I've had a number of 'friends' down there though I often loan them out to guys with similar interests once they are trained right. All my friends are with other people right now. So you'll be by yourself for a while. But that's good because I can concentrate on your training."

Gene said all this in a perfectly normal tone that belied his words. Unfortunately, Harvey couldn't quite catch the gist of what he was saying. His brain just couldn't connect the words he was hearing. Everything was getting blurry. Then it went black...

Harvey had a dream. He was in a jungle. He was covered by snakes and vines that wrapped themselves around his body, his hands and chest and legs. But Harvey wasn't scared. The snakes rubbed against his ass and crotch and Harvey felt himself getting a definite hard-on. A soft furry snake slithered between his teeth and squeezed his head. He felt warm and secure as the snakes and vines hugged his body tightly.

Suddenly Harvey woke up. His head was still a little foggy but it was finally beginning to clear. Still, it took him a while to notice Gene sitting beside him, staring.

"You finally woke up. Good." Gene said conversationally/

"Mmmaaff mmm mmpphht?" Gene replied groggily and suddenly noticed his words were coming out only as unintelligible grunts. There was tape over his mouth. Gene tried to take the gag off of his mouth but his hands were securely tied behind his back. In fact, rope was tied tightly around his chest and legs too. Harvey had woke up bound and gagged! What was going on?!

"Mmmm! Mmmmmm!" Harvey grunted as he strained against the ropes that bound him.

" I wouldn't bother if I were you. I've gotten pretty good at knots in the years I've been in this business." Gene explained.

Business? What the hell was he talking about? Harvey wondered. What the hell was going on here? Why would this guy take him for? He had no money for any ransom.

As if reading his mind, Gene said," I don't normally pick up merchandise your age but I had a request for someone like you. And I think I can make a fair profit off of you. You just need a little training is all. A little shaping up."

Harvey still didn't understand what Gene was talking about but he was sure he wouldn't like it. Desperately Harvey struggled against his bonds. But Gene was right. The knots held fast and no matter how hard Harvey bucked and rolled and stained and struggled, he remained tied up. All he could really do was roll around on the floor, grunting and cursing into his gag.

As Gene, meanwhile, sat back and watched as Harvey struggled in vain to get free. Gene's hand went to the bulge of his crotch and slowly and methodically he began to rub it as he watched Harvey intensely. This continued for a few minutes until Harvey's energy winded down. Harvey finally admitted to himself that he wasn't going to get free until this lunatic let him go. The thought sent shivers down Harvey's spine.

Then it got worse. Gene stopped rubbing himself and went over to Harvey. Gene then began to rub himself against Harvey's bound body. Harvey could feel Gene's massive boner through the fabric of his jeans. Gene's hands explored Harvey's body. Being bound and gagged, a helpless prisoner, Harvey could do nothing but lay there and let Gene do whatever he wanted.

Worse, Harvey began to shift uncomfortably as his body responded to the molestation with his own raging hard on that strained against the fabric of his jeans. Harvey had never let a another man feel him up this way before but suddenly Harvey needed to get off very badly. Harvey didn't want to be taken but at the same time, he desperately hoped that Gene would keep rubbing him just a little bit longer.

Unfortunately, just as Harvey was certain he was on the edge of coming, Gene got up. Harvey could only lay there, totally frustrated.

"Yep, " Gene said to his captive, " Like I thought. I can definitely spot potential."

Gene took out a short length of rope and soon Harvey was hog tied.

" Well, I'd better get rid of your truck just in case somebody does come looking for you eventually. This will make sure you stay put until I come back. Then we can begin your training in your new life".

Gene then left.

Hog tied, gagged and lying on top of a raging hard on that wouldn't go down, Harvey could hardly contradict his new master

The End?


Harvey played by Gene

Photography by Caitiff


Date of Production: 12/07/2007

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