Rivalry by Caitiff

36 photos

God I hated that Jerk Tim in Accounting! Always sucking up to the boss, always letting others do the work and then taking the credit! And he only got away with it because he was so eager to wiggle that cute little ass of his. Sure,the guy did have a nice ass, but that just made it even harder to take his bull. Tim needed to be taken down a peg.

Fortunately our office has the worst security. The Boss went cheap and bought the fake cameras to scare away potential robbers but save money. and the locks on our aging building were easy to XXXX open. A ski mask and some gloves and I was set.

Slacker that he was, even Tim had to work late occasionally and that’s what I found him doing. Well, he actually was playing video games. But he was so engrossed in that that he didn’t see him coming with my fake but real looking concealed item until it was too late.

“What the fuck!”, he blurted out, spinning around in his chair.

I didn’t say a word. No use ever giving him a chance to recognize my voice if he ever deigned to get off his high horse to talk to lowly old me. I just shoved him against the chair and motioned for him to shut up and stay still. Seeing my concealed item and believing it real, he complied as I quickly tied his hands to the chair. Once his arms were secured, I did the same to his legs.

“What do you want?” Tim sputtered when he was finally tied up al the way. I guess he figured that since I didn’t just kill him right away, that wasn’t my plan. Of course I had no intention of actually physically harming him. I had something far worse in mind!

“Look, I got money! Take it! I can get you into the safe if you wa..MMMPH!” That choad! He selling out the company’s money! And how did he get the combo to the safe? Only the boss was supposed to have that! I took special glee as I stopped his annoying begging by wrapping duct tape over his mouth and around his head. Silenced and helpless, tim could nothing but give me his infamous puppy dog eyes.

Ignoring him I went to work on the computer. Seemed tim hadn’t been just just playing video games after all. There was some kind of program running that was transferring ever so small amounts of money to an account. Not a lot to make a dent in the profits. But when it was added up over time... I soon found the account it was going to and did a little programming of my own. Soon all that money was bouncing around blind accounts until I decided to grab the money.

“Mmmaaa! Mmmnnnnmmoooo!”, Tim shook his head and struggled violently in the chair to which he was bound. Inside I chuckled. Who knew how long tim had been working on this little scheme. and now I had gotten rid of it all as he looked on, Bound and gagged and helpless to stop me. And he could never even report what had happened without incriminating himself.

But I was far from done with out cute little embezzler with the nice ass. and Tim knew it as he looked into my eyes. I wanted to see just what the Boss saw in this guy. So I began to loosen his tie and unbutton his shirt.

“Mmm? Mmmffaammmaammmffph!?”, I heard Tim say through his gag. Didn’t understand a word of it but he sure understood me as I ripped open the shirt of his expensive suit and tugged the pants down around his ankles. Tim was an even bigger slut then I had realized. He had no underwear on, totally free balling. Undoubtedly he was used to having his pants down around his ankles at work.

To really bring the point home, Tim’s dick was saying hello. Well, who was I to turn down an invitation?

“Mmmm! Mmmmmm!!”

Tim’s dick responded to the touch of my hands rather nicely. It was rather well trained and Tim’s hips began to jerk in time to my tugs. The little he-whore! Even bound and gagged and at the mercy of (to him) a total stranger, he was putting out!

My handiwork was quite good. Tim was soon panting through his tape gag and I could tell he was about to explode. So naturally I stopped.

“Mmmm?” Tim moaned. Apparently he wasn’t used to anybody giving him the cold shoulder before.

I waited until he was just soft enough and then started up again And again stopped just as he was about to get off. Start and stop, start and stop. and each time, like a sex crazed pavlovian dog, tim’s manhood took the bait despite himself. After about doing this six times, I stopped one more time and looked at him, motioning to ask if he wanted me to continue.

“Mmmm! Mmmmaaph!”, Tim nodded desperately.

I smiled under my mask. Under different circumstances I would have happily taken his guy all the way and kept going. But I had a job to do and needed ot get back to it. So instead I took Tim’s rather nice and certainly expensive tie and tied one end around his engorged dick. The other end went around his neck, XXXX him to stare down at what had gotten him into his mess. I wondered if he would ever ge the lesson. I then closed out of the program that had transferred the money (lest it be discovered by whomever discovered Tim) and gave him a look that he immediately knew meant.

You aren’t worth it.

Of course, he was, with that smooth muscular chest and the boyish face and the body that obviously could go on and on. But no use in letting him know that. Tim’s ego was unbearable already. So I left him, tied up tightly and gagged into silence, his dick still hard because of the tie knotted around it’s base. And me properly revenged and about 1.2 million richer.

When I came back to work the next day, no one even suspected I had anything to with it or even about the missing money. That was the good news.

The bad news was when the Boss had discovered out little bondage boy still all tied up and gagged tightly the next morning, he didn’t fire him at all. Instead he got a raise for the “emotional distress”!

There ain’t no justice!

Of course, given what I now know about Tim and how he handles restraint, I was sure if he ever go too cocky again, I could fix that. Maybe next time a little XXXX would be in order.

The End?


Tim played by Troy

Photography by Caitiff


 Date of Production: 06/18/2005

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