Stephen Webster & The Spider of Fire! by Zac

45 photos; 4:54 video

It was a dark chilly Halloween night very cold and spooky... Stephen Webster was wantin' to party hard for it was also his birthday this night, the inner "scorpy" from deep within wanted something bold and intense to do. After class at the Caitiff School of Ropecraft & Mmmphery he checked out the campus Halloween party; it was pretty lame and was sad they didn't celebrate his special night with more tricks and treats but the other students were really cute, and he chased after the preppy boys hard from the House of Ticklelyn. Awww they were so cute! I just wish we had more preps in Gaggendore! We have so many (but adorable and sweet) pizzys or shaggy folk with long like hair.

Stephen Webster was sorted into Gaggendore for his brave character and love for gags. Gags were just so grand and bold to him. The Gaggendores loved their gags and they had all kinds! His personal favorite was the cleave and tape gags but the best one he loved to try out someday was to take a pizzy and stuff him with a sock then tie a bandanna around so tight and tape up his lips with heavy duty gorilla tape over his talky mouth! With long pizzy hair it's hard to wrap tape around the head so it had to be extra strong, just what the Scorpio liked hehehe... Of course his little brother fit this picture perfectly and was also a Libra, meaning he wouldn't shut up when gagged lol! Professor Caitiff awarded him an A for presenting this cutting edge gagging method for his midterm exams; it was nice having his little brother to play on since they both are in the same house!

Then there were the Ticklelyns with their crave for tickles, and they love to trick the school with their one of a kind pranks. They were often quite bold yet quiet but when they grasp you with their hands they are on fire all over your body, tryin' to get you to break in their intense tickle torture hahaha! Ticklelyn had a water element associated with it but the sorting isn't based on sun sign astrology as it takes your whole character into account. Stephen was inventive and had a fiery mind so he was placed in Gaggendore instead of Tickleyn. He often would handgag them in the halls around Caitiff's castle loving the spookiness Halloween brought him to give Stephen the edge in surprise and capture hehe...

Then there were the Nippleclaws and their kinky scare tatics and airy ways to get people to talk when tied up! They were like kinky and horny mad scientists always thinking up new ways to tease someone. Their favorite is pinching the nipples hard and watching their guest scream out loud. The feeling really got a tied up dude squirming with all the attention. They loved attention and often try new ways to torture people to give the bondage ministry fresh new ways to enjoy the activity. Of course they would never go too far and hurt someone only spice things up a bit hehe... Stephen loved to play and talk with them they were quite flirty and did he already say cute? lol

Lastly there are the Hufflemmphs! The down to earth types that invented the hogtie! They loved their sense of immobility and love the fact that all the strength in the world is useless once your tied up! They prove that with the hogtie and they keep getting tighter and better! They recently grabbed a poor Gaggendore pizzy and encircled ropes around his beefy chest and pulled his arms tightly behind his back at the elbows and wrists followed with ropes around the knees and ankles and tied him in one sweet tight little package that's ready for opening hehehe... they loved nudeness too and would often strip or cut away whatever their guests are wearing to expose the virginity of their helpless flesh as he squirmed for mercy. Hogties became famous for getting the little dudes firmly hard when guys struggle on the floor on their bellies! Oh Stephen loved to see his little brother like that now and then so he would often hit them to take him on occasion lol!

After the party Stephen took a walk in the forbidden woods just off campus and took in the night. It was very pretty and the full moon was rising bringing lightness to the dark world. There were creepy noises all around him... the sXXXX of a twig the crack of an screechy owl and even the illusion that he is being watched from all angles as these woods were so alive with spooky creatures on an unimaginable scale. Stephen sat down and thought about stroking his little dude to give him a special treat! Then all of a sudden a ghosted hood came charging at him and WHAM!! All lights went out in an instant when Stephen was XXXX on the ground for the little creatures to play on him hehe...

Stephen awoke in a dark creepy and cold place and when he tried to wipe his head he couldn't! His hands were stuck to a rickety chair that squeeked. He was bound hands to the sides and his chest was also firmly held in place to the back of the chair along with his feet. There was nothing the man could do but squirm. However he wasn't gagged so he screamed for help!

"HEELP! HEEEEELLLPP!! ANYONE PLEASE HELLP!" No one came but something else did! Something he would never expect... Above his head he heard crawling creatures inside a crack in the wall and one poked out; it was a bright orange spider about 2 inches wide! Then another one came out it was green! And another purple one oh my! This was getting creepy! Then a big juicy black spider came out last and starred at Stephen while he struggled. It seemed to like what he was doing and decided to string his web closer to him, Stephen's eyes open so wide as the group strung up by him, now sitting on his shoulders...

"HEEEELLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPP!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKEKKKKKKK!!" Stephen screamed to the top of his lungs the creepy crawlies were so quiet and creepy! They began crawling on his bound body spitting out web all over him front and back, then more friends came and tortured Stephen with their webs. By an hour later Stephen was XXXX in fright as it must have been 100 tingly creepy spiders crawling on him from deep inside the walls, and there were nothing he could do but watch (and let) them prey on him with their webby bondage schemes...

"Somebody please, Helllppmmmmmph! Yuuckk!!" A spider crept into him mouth and gagged him with eewwies eeeeeekkKK! Another one began tickling at his ear and tormented his eye lashes; he couldn't take this anymore! Then the dark masked hooded man came out of the darkness... "At least I'm saved! Please help me get me outta here!" But the man just stood there and watched him squirm and tried not to laugh too, it was totally unexpected to find your prisoner infested by bondage spideys! "Awww that is soo cool yet cute!" the voice said. He recognized his brother it was Zac pizzy!

"bro get me outta here please you gotta get these creepy things off me!!" Zac laughed and starred right back... "Ah you haven't seen nothing yet! Now time to properly shut you up!" Stephen's eyes watched in XXXX when Zac ripped a thick strip of black duct tape and encircled his preppy older brother around his head effectively mmphing him up! The spiders liked the little mmphing sounds and became more attracted to him as they continued webbing him up to prepare him for their queen! "Have fun bro let me be the first to wish you Happy Birthday! Later!! Enjoy your special tricks... and treats!"

"MMMPPPPPPHHHHHH!! MPPmmmpppphhhmmmmmm!" Stephen couldn't bear watching his loving little brother leave him alone with the creepy crawlies. If I only get out of this alive he sure is going to get it! Then he heard something dark and spooky above him; he was afraid to look up... It sounded big and really creepy as it crept down towards him; what was it? Oh no he didn't say? Did he say queen? OH MY GOD!!

"MMMMPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMPHPHHHHHH!!!!" Stephen Webster watched in XXXX as this big fat juicy black widow came down towards him it must have been 2 feet wide YIKES!! It had big firm dark tingly legs that itched towards him and Stephen trashed around all he could to get it away from her but those spideys have him firmly in their grip now as the queen lowered herself into her new captive ready to do her worst!

Stephen feared the worst as the spider began GROWLING!! It growled in a dark sinister way and tormented his will with every step she took on his shoulder and chest, and LOOK HOW BIG THOSE EYES ARE!!! AND SO MANY!!! The spider was heavy and strong and pressed firmly into his flesh with every step to give her presence. The queen was one big mother fucking spider! EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk!!

"MAHAHAHAHAHRRRRRRRRRHEHMAHAHAHMAAMAMAMHAHAAHARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" The queen sounded like the devil himself and firmly grasped a hold of him around his head hugging his gag and cheek bones tightly then teased at his neck with her big sharp fangs that breathed fire like a dragon! Oh no this is the end I'm at the mercy of a mutant giant vampress BLACK WIDOW!! Just when she was about to take the kill she then moved on his chest and jumped up above him to the pipes over his head and hung there above him tormenting Stephen Webster as he starred up and watched for when the spider will come back for the kill? It pounced on him and growled and Stephen closed his eyes and couldn't even watch. He took a big blow to the head again and XXXX in total fright! He later awoke a few hours later on his bed still XXXX of the nightmare in the basement with all the creepy crawlies and their menacing queen mother that growled!

He jumped up and shaked his body hoping no spideys would be there thank goodness they were all gone! But there was a note with his name printed on his dresser... Stephen, I hope the spiders didn't cause you too much trouble they only wanted to play with you and wish you a Happy Birthday! I thought that's what you wanted, the spookiest party ever! I know what you said last night! -Love Zac"

"That's IT! The pizzy is sure gonna get it now! How dare he let me fall prey to tormenting menacing spiders, I will never forget THIS!!"


Stephen Webster played by Stefano

Photography by Zac


Date of Production:10/21/2011

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