All About the Game by JM

25 photos

     Our soccer team needed some help. For the past three years we had come in dead last in our division. It was just a secondary activity for most of the guys, but I took the team and the game seriously. I've always had a competitive streak a mile long, and when I joined up with the Red Devils I was excited to exercise it. I soon found out that this weekend team of soccer players preferred beating each other at XXXX games rather than our opponents. I was furious. I could not continue to be humiliated time and time again at each game. I was the best player on the team and attended every Saturday practice I deserved more.

After work I spent a couple of hours working out techniques at the local park, much to my lovers dismay. However he understood my need to be the best. One evening I was in the park maneuvering through my usual routine when I noticed a kid practicing at the end of the soccer field.

"Hey there", I shouted.

"Hey kid your good, what's your name?"

"Michael, who's asking?" he replied


"Nice to meet you Jerry, your pretty good yourself", he shouted.

From that day forward we began practicing together. He was a local kid, twenty years old and was the best soccer player I had ever practiced with. It wasn't long before I talked him into joining my team. Usually it was frowned upon to bring on a new member in the middle of the season but not seemed to care seeing as our team was last in the division at that point. My team members embraced him right away.

He was a gem; with he and I on the team we were able to pull ourselves out of the last place spot. He even managed to motivate the other members to work a little harder. It was too late to be number one this far in the season, but at least we wouldn't be last. Finally I was on a team I could be proud of. Then it happened.

The season had four games left in it, and we were on our way to not being the worst. I realized that Michael wasn't practicing as hard as he use too. He began to come to practice late and even missed one. I figured it was just fatigue, until I realized the truth. Michael had become so involved with the team that he began to share their bad habits. XXXX hard after each practice and each game. He hung out with me less and less, and began to accompany my lackluster team members to outings not involving soccer. He was my protégé; I would not let this happen. I became infuriated. Talking to the other members of the team would be pointless. I had to take drastic measures.

I called up Michael one evening and asked him to practice with me, he agreed. We met at the local park where I had my intervention set and ready to go. When he arrived I began by telling him he would have to change his attitude. He rolled his eyes and smirked. After a brief conversation with him I realized I would indeed have to proceed with plan B. I told him I'd by him a drink so we could talk so some, he agreed. We got into my car and drove. I began driving to my house; my lover would be out all evening working. " I thought you said a drink", he said. " There's been a change of plans". He proceeded to cuss at me in an angry tone. Michael stepped out of my car and headed for the street. I couldn't let him go. I tackled him in the yard and dragged him into the house. " I just want to talk", I yelled. " Let me go now man your crazy", he whined. If he had listened, I would not have done what I did.

I began by subduing him and wrapping rope around his wrists. I tied them tight, his hands reddened with the cinch of the rope. " You are crazy Jerry, it's just a game asshole get over it". I couldn't believe my ears, my protege speaking to me so rudely. I just could not listen to him anymore my teammates had corrupted him. I reached into the desk drawer and pulled out red duct tape I used when wrapping my ankle when I practiced. I swiftly ripped apiece off and taped his mouth shut.


I finished him off by tightly wrapping lengths of rope around his torso. I knew he would try and run again so I removed his shoes and socks. The rank smell of his feet almost made me forget the whole thing. I wrapped a length of rope around his neck to prevent him from trying to get away. I led my young friend into outside shed and into the basement. After another attempt to reason with him, I decided I was getting nowhere.

I secured the rope around his neck to the banister and left to find a tool that had served me well.

I walked back down to find my soccer buddy struggling in vain. His blonde tussled hair was wet from sweat and struggle. " MMMPPHHH!" The smell of the basement air drowned out his smelly feet. I undid the rope from the banister and pushed him to his knees. "MMMPPPHHH!" I began to enjoy my little hazing practice. I scolded him for his irresponsibility. I told him I would not tolerate anything but the best from a teammate I brought on board. I was going to make sure he got the picture. I fastened his bound struggling wrists to the banister. He fought hard against me, but his incapacitated state prevented anything more from him. I pulled out the paddle and yanked down his pants.

Fear illuminated his innocent eyes. I pulled back and slapped his ass hard and quick. Muffled cries escaped the corners of his taped mouth.

"You" (SLAP) " Will" (SLAP) " MMPPHHMMMPPHH" "Begin" (SLAP) "To" (SLAP) "Do" SLAP "Better" (SLAP)

"MMMMMPPPPPPHHHHHMMPPHHMMHHPPMM". His red ass clenched with fearsome anticipation. My job was done. After I released him ran collected his shoes and slipped out the door. We came in 3rd place that year.



Michael played by Noah

Jerry played by Rod


Photography by Caitiff

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