The Sling by Caitiff

24 photos

It was a sunny day in the country when John and Walt decided to take a walk.

"What's that?" Asked John, pointing towards a run down barn.

The men explored the barn, climbing a wooden ladder tot he top. And what they found surprised them.

Hanging from chains to the roof, was a leather sling.

"Who do you suppose owns it" John wondered aloud. But Walt was staring at some old clothesline lying on the ground.

"I got a fun idea" Walt said

"What kind of idea?" John wasn't sure he like the strange look on Walt's face.

"Oh, trust me, you'll like this!" Walt replied as he grabbed John with a head lock.

"Mmmmmph! mmmmmmm..." John moaned helplessly. Stripped naked, John's hands were tied tightly to the sling with more rope securing his body to the leather contraption and his feet propped up in leather slats, John could only wiggle and squirm in his bondage. A piece of sticky red tape had been fastened over his mouth, gagging him.

"Mmmmmm!" John continued to moan. But Walt merely smiled as his finger played with John's nipple.

" I told you to trust me. You'll like this.", Walt said and suddenly pinched John's nipple hard!

"MMMMMMMMM!" John bucked and jerked but he remained tied up. Walt then started in on both nipples, pulling and twisting until they were red and sore and hard. John was totally at Walt's mercy. With the gag, John couldn't even tell him to stop.

Then it got worse! Because Walt grabbed John's Dick and started rubbing. Over and over and harder and harder. John soon was not just moaning through his tape, he was gasping. His entire body was responding to the stimulation, his hips grinding into Walt's hands. John was getting totally into this. He felt himself coming closer to coming. Which is why John let tout a loud moan in protest when Walt suddenly stopped right before John was about to come.

"Stop bitching or I'll give you something to bitch about!" Was all Walt said before showing John exactly what he meant.

John's sock was pulled off. "Mmmm! Mmmm! " was all John could get out as he shook his head desperately. But Walt didn't care. He went right to work tickling John's sensitive soles until once again, John couldn't stand it. The tape gag barely contained his laughter and pleas to stop!

After what seemed like an eternity, Walt stopped. John was finally able to catch his breath. Just in time to see Walt waving goodbye and climbing down the ladder.

"I'll be running along now. You catch up when you can!" and with a smirk, Walt was gone.

"Mmmmmph!" but John's cries didn't help him one bit. All he could do was struggle in his bondage and hope he got free before who ever owned this barn found him like this: naked, bound and gagged.

Walt is going to pay for this, thought John as he renewed his struggle to free himself

To Be Continued...


Models: John & Walt

Photographers: Caitiff


 tags: bear, sling, tape gagged, hairy, ass, nude,, socks, outside, dick tied

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