Gag On This by LAshyGuy

24 photos; 5:17 video

Three days ago, Dante had been subjected to one of the most frightening experiences of his life. While visiting his old stomping grounds in Peoria, his overly possessive ex-boyfriend, Logan, had snagged him outside a coffee shop and left him bound and gagged inside a warehouse for hours. Thankfully, Dante was able to make his way to a window and get the attention of a couple of construction workers, Dante was freed. However, when the construction workers started calling the cops, Dante implored them to stop. As much as he despised Logan for his actions, he didn’t have the heart to send his ex-boyfriend to jail. So, Dante crafted a quick story, explaining he lost a bet with his friend and needed to find a way to escape. He even thanked the two men and tossed them twenty bucks for their help.

Since that day, Dante hadn’t heard a word from Logan: no phones call, no surprise visits, no strange vans pulling up near him. Considering what happened, Dante assumed Logan would be avoiding him at all cost in fear of Dante reporting him to the authorities. So, Dante went about visiting old friends and family, returning to the vacation he planned originally.

It was a warm afternoon, and Dante and some of his old buddies decided to head to the park and play soccer for a bit. Dante was always a soccer fan and had played the game since he was a kid, so he was always up for a round. His friends played shirts and skins, and Dante always managed to find himself on the skins team, mostly because one of his friends, Greg, loved seeing Dante with his shirt off. Dante didn’t mind; a little ogling in his direction was a nice boost to his self-confidence.

After the game was over, Dante and his friends decided to head home, shower and hit a local bar. Dante got to his car and instinctively reached out and pulled the door handle. Dante got inside the car and tossed his shirt onto the passenger seat. He looked at the ignition, and it was then that it suddenly dawned on him…he hadn’t used his keys to unlock the door. Dante never left his car unlocked, and before he could reach into his pocket for his keys, a smelly rag was placed over his mouth.

“MMMMPPPHHHH!” Dante screamed as he looked in the rearview mirror and saw Logan’s creepy grin staring back at him.

“Hi, honey,” Logan said, “You left without saying goodbye last time, and that was very rude.”

As Dante began to lose consciousness, he mentally kicked himself for not reporting Logan to the authorities. Logan’s mental issues were clearly far more severe than Dante had thought.

And then all went black.




As Dante slowly opened his eyes, the first thing he felt was his head pounding like a jackhammer on overdrive. The room slowly swirled into view, and Dante’s heart immediately sank. He was back at the warehouse, in the room he had escaped from three days earlier. Not a good sign.

Dante found himself bound hand and foot to a chair. He was surprised to discover he had not been gagged, which was fortuitous because there was no way he’d be able to walk or hop to the window now, so all he had to do was scream and hopefully be heard by someone…anyone.

“Hi, XXXX-head,” a voice echoed from behind Dante. Dante thought he was alone, but he should’ve known better than that. As a hand reached around his mouth and covered it, Dante looked up, his hat falling off his head, and looked into Logan’s eyes.

“Mmmpppphhh,” Dante pleaded.

“You know, I was really hurt the other night when I came back with dinner and saw you were gone. What kind of boyfriend just leaves without saying anything? I swear, if I wasn’t so sure how much you loved me, I’d think you were trying to run away from me,” Logan said.

Dante tried speaking, but Logan had his hand firmly clamped over his mouth, so anything he said was completely inaudible. Logan picked up Dante’s hat and put it back on his head, brushing back Dante’s long, thin hair so Logan and look at his face.

“You know, I dunno why you let your hair grow so much…and that beard. What has Los Angeles done to you?” Logan questioned as he ran his hand down the side of Dante’s face.

Logan leaned the chair back and Dante struggled, resting the chair on his chest. Logan continued running his hands down Dante’s bare chest. Dante lay still; a wrong movement could send the chair sliding to the floor, and with his hands tied behind him, he would risk injuring himself.

At last, Logan rested the chair upright and removed his hand from Dante’s mouth.

“Logan, please, you need help,” Dante managed to say before a knotted rag was stuffed into his mouth and tied tightly around his head.

“You’re right, I do need help,” Logan said as he reached into his pocket and revealed a roll of white athletic tape. “I need you to understand just how much I love you.” Logan wrapped the tape around Dante’s head, securing the cleave gag in place even more. Logan pulled a pair of scissors out of his pocket and cut the end of the tape.

“Now, all I want is for us to have a nice, quiet dinner together…like we used to. Is that too much to ask?”

Dante looked into the creepy eyes of his ex-boyfriend. He was in serious trouble now, and he knew it.

“Is that too much to ask,” Logan repeated, waiting for a response.

Dante realized if he had any chance of getting out of this, he needed to play along for the moment. Dante shook his head.

“Good. Now, I’m going to go out and get us some dinner. I’m gonna pick up your favorite from Le Grande Cuisine. Remember? Where you took me on our first date. I’ll be back in a couple hours. Will you wait for me?”

Dante nodded in compliance.

“God, I love you,” Logan said as he leaned in. Logan placed his hand on Dante’s chest, feeling his racing heart, and then proceeded to kiss Dante on his taped mouth. Without a word, Logan slowly backed up and out of the room, never taking his eyes off Dante, until the door the closed and locked.

Panic set in as Dante frantically started struggling. He had two hours at best to escape, and this time, he was going straight to the authorities to report Logan. Logan needed serious mental help, and as much as Dante didn’t want to see him put away, he knew it was best for him.

Dante twisted and turned his wrists with all his might, but it was no good. The knots were secure. He could’ve shifted the chair over to the window, but the window was too high for him to look out from a seated position. His feet were tied loosely and separately to the chair legs, but not loose enough for Dante to slide one free.

As the minutes passed by, Dante worked himself into a sweat, flexing and pulling every muscle he had to near exhaustion. Every so often, a random sound would echo in the warehouse, and Dante would do his best to scream in hopes of getting someone’s attention.

“MMMMPPPHHHH! MMMMPPPHHHH!” But nobody answered.

As his long hair began sticking to the sides of his face, Dante started losing hope. He wasn’t going to get out of this. Logan was going to come back…and what would happen after dinner? Dante shuddered as different scenarios ran through his head.

As the sweat ran down his back, a single, desperate idea came to Dante. He pressed his wrists against his back and started to thrash about as much as he could. His perspiration increased, and beads of sweat began running down his back even more. The sweat made its way to Dante’s hands, dampening the rope and skin on his wrists. After several minutes, Dante felt a little slack. His left wrist was coming loose. Dante continued, slowly rubbing his wrist up and down the ropes securing it, feeling it gradually loosen with every pull.

After what felt like hours, Dante’s wrist slipped free of the ropes. A shot of adrenaline rushed through Dante’s body as he rushed to untie himself from the chair. As he loosened the ropes, Dante kept wondering how long it had taken him to get out. Thirty minutes? An hour? Two hours? Logan could be back any minute, so every second counted.

At last, Dante was free. He ran over to the door. Locked. However, Dante remembered how the construction workers broke the door down three days ago. Surely it was still looked enough to pull open.

Dante yanked on the door several times with all his might. The door broke open, sending Dante flying back into the room. Dante fell to the floor, hitting his head. The pounding was even worse now, but he didn’t care.

Dante rushed out of the room into the dark hallway, on his way to freedom.





Model: Dante

Model: Logan

Photography : Caitiff

Date of Production: 12/13/2014

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