The Slacker by Ivor Cicicone

26 photos; 3:53 video

19 year old Steve had been home alone all day. His folks had gone to stay with relatives in the next state. That morning Steve had XXXXily waved them goodbye without noticing the car parked across the street or the two guys inside it rather ominously watching his parents leave.

By early evening Steve had still not got properly dressed, he sat with just his combat pants on, watching TV. Taking advantage of his parents' absence, all he'd done all day was chill in front of the TV, half dressed!

Suddenly he heard the back door come crashing down. Jumping out of his chair, "What the fuck?" was all he could say before two guys dressed in black with stockings over their heads came rushing into his living room, one of them pointing a concealed item at him.

The guy without a concealed item pushed Steve back down on his chair. "Sit down, shut up & you won't get hurt!", he said aggressively. He put a hand in the big black leather hold-all he was carrying and pulled out a big roll of silver duct and a bundle of white rope.

"What you doing?", came out of Steve's' mouth rather quietly, he was sat pretty stiff, frightened. "Making sure you don't go crying for help, boy!", the guy said and tore off a piece of the duct big enough to cover Steve's mouth. "No, please, I won't say anythimmmmpppfff!".

"Haaahahaha, that's for sure!", the guy cruelly responded and sealed the tape tight across Steve's' mouth with his gloved fingers.

"Ok, tie him up!", said the guy with the concealed item, motioning it towards the pile of white rope on the floor. His partner quickly bound the kids wrists tightly together behind his back. Then he wound the rope around Steve's' upper arms & chest, rendering his upper body totally immobilized. All the dude could do was "mmmmppppffff" into the tape and stare in amazement at the situation he suddenly found himself in. But the masked intruder didn't stop there, he got another pile of rope out of his bag and promptly started binding Steve's ankles & legs together securely, "You ain't going' anywhere, boy!" he said laughing.

The guys tore into Steve's' place, turning it over, bagging valuables, while all he could do was look on, squirming. He watched as the guys moved upstairs and saw his opportunity, unguarded, to try escaping. Leaning forward in his seat, Steve twisted his wrists round in the ropes, tried grabbing hold of a knot to untie, but it was useless, the ropes were too tight, too expertly tied, inescapable.

He managed to get up on his feet, his legs were tightly bound together, steps were impossible, he was going to have to jump out of there. Hopeless. Steve just couldn't keep his balance and was soon on his knees. Frustrated, he looks up to God, as if for inspiration. Whether from God or his own instincts, "get outta here!" was his next thought! So on his knees the kid started shifting towards the back door, but once again he lost his balance and hit the deck!

All of a sudden the guys in black started pounding down the stairs. They looked to the chair but Steve was gone! Their heads spun round and they saw the trussed teen just shy of the back door, lying, squirming on the floor. "And where do you think you're going' young man?", said the guy with the concealed item and pointed it in the kids' tape-gagged face, Stevie's' eyes wide with fear.

"Now we're gonna have to make sure you don't try that again", said the guy with the bag and pulled another pile of white rope out of it.

"MMMMMPPPPPFFFFFF!", Steve moaned into the tape. Soon more rope was binding his bound wrists to the rope tied around his ankles, putting him in a hog tie.

The guys laughed, big smiles on their faces, as they watched him squirm & struggle, mmmmppppffffing loud into the tape, rolling around on the floor.

They picked him up and moved him away from the back door, into the living room and sat him on the floor up against the sofa. "Don't forget the TV", said the guy with the XXXX and his mate picked it up and put it in his big sack. Steve yelled hard against the duct tape across his mouth.

"Cheers dude", the robbers said, laughing as they left with anything of any value, INCLUDING HIS TV! "Have a nice night now won't you!"


The End


Model: Eddie

Photographer: Caitiff


Date of Production: 03/15/2007

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