19 photos

    “But Chief, I didn't do anything!”

Navy Boot Camp was proving to be a very confusing place for Recruit Teasdale. This was Sunday morning. All of the good Recruits had gone off to church, and all of the heathens were smoking outside by the wash racks, but a worried Recruit Teasdale was hidden away inside of Chief Marlin’s quarters and not at all sure of what the Chief might do to him next.

“Ouch! That really hurts Chief Sir!” Recruit Teasdale complained, but the stern faced Chief ignored him while he made the tight ropes even tighter.

Chief Marlin was really angry. Somebody had thought it would be really funny to fill up the Chief’s clean boxer shorts with shaving cream and the Chief thought that it was him, but young Recruit Teasdale had been properly brought up by his Grandmother and he would never play a cruel trick like that.

“Please Chief my knees are really starting to hurt.” Recruit Teasdale wasn't lying. He had been brought up to never tell a lie. The floor that the Chief was XXXX him to kneel down on was really hard and Recruit Teasdale wasn't use to such harsh treatment. And now the tightly-tied ropes were beginning to chafe against his wrists and his shoulders were starting to hurt from the awkward way in which his arms were pulled behind his back.

But even worse than that, Recruit Teasdale could feel his cheeks burning from a sudden blush. The clever harness of ropes that the Chief had tied over Recruit Teasdale’s bell bottoms was now holding his crotch in a very strange way, and now even though he closed his eyes and told it to stop, Recruit Teasdale could feel could feel his bad love muscle growing and stretching and thrusting itself in a hurtful way against the tight confines of the denim pouch it was hiding in.

“Please Chief, I promise you, I didn't do anything wrong!” Recruit Teasdale turned his head around and pleaded with his baby blue eyes – something that had always worked with his Grandmother.

“Don't be eye-fucking me!” the angry Chief growled. “Get your nose in that corner!”

Recruit Teasdale pressed his nose into the corner formed by the two walls and tried to ignore all the strange little pains he was feeling. Why was the Chief doing this to him? He had really tried to be a good Recruit. Didn’t Chief Marlin know how much Teasdale wanted to be a good sailor and to do what ever the Chief told him to do? All at once Recruit Teasdale felt some tears welling up in his eyes. Oh no! He couldn't let the Chief see him crying!

“All right, Meat Head, turn around here so I can see your face!” the Chief commanded.

Recruit Teasdale bit his lip and tried to ignore all the little shooting pains that were coming from his sore knees and bound arms while he slowly inched around until he was facing the angry Chief.

“Somebody here is a real comedian!” the Chief thundered. “Did you really think you could get away with a cheap trick like creaming my shorts?”

“But honest, Chief Marlin Sir, it wasn't me,” Recruit Teasdale tried to keep his voice from breaking.

“You're the one I saw coming out of my quarters. If you didn't do it, you know who did. Who was it?”

“I…I'd rather not say Sir,” Teasdale lowered his eyes.

“Stand up here!” the Chief commanded.

Teasdale bit his lip and tried to ignore the pain while he slowly got his feet under him and then managed to stand up in front of the glowering Chief.

“You got nothing to say? Well then you won't mind sucking on some sock.”

Recruit Teasdale couldn't believe it! All of a sudden the Chief was grabbing his face with his beefy fingers and XXXX him to open his mouth. Then the angry Chief held him tight while he XXXX a ball of white sock in between Teasdale’s lips. The sock felt enormous inside Teasdale’s small mouth and the young sailor began to XXXX and moan with alarm. This couldn't be happening to him!

“You want to stay quiet? Okay I can see to it that you stay quiet for a real long time.” Chief Marlin was smiling as he peeled a long wide strip of Navy blue duct tape off a roll and then started moving that sticky binder toward Teasdale’s face.

Recruit Teasdale shook his head slowly from side to side and made begging sounds into the soft sock that was filling up his mouth. But the Chief just grabbed him again with his big hands and then began wrapping that sticky tape all around over Teasdale’s sock-spread lips and his neck until the ball of sock was firmly lodged inside of his small mouth.

And then the Chief came at Teasdale again with more rope in his hands. By this time young Teasdale was too numb with shock to resist so he just closed his eyes and let his body be turned this way and that while he felt the tight rope closing around his arms and chest until he could feel its hard coils rubbing up against his nipples under his shirt.

And then the Chief took another piece of rope and lashed the rope around his chest to the rope that was around his wrists and crotch. It was diabolical! Did the Chief know what he was doing to him? Now every time Teasdale moved his bound wrists, the rope around his chest rubbed up against his hardening nipples, and at the same time it also caused the rope net around his crotch to tighten around Teasdale’s growing package until Teasdale was moaning and sighing into his soggy mouthful of sock again and again.

“All right Recruit, back down on your knees!”

Recruit Teasdale couldn't help whimpering a little from all of the strange little pains he was feeling while he slowly lowered his bound body back down onto the hard floor. Then the pain in his knees joined all of the other pains while Teasdale looked into the bare corner formed by the two walls and began to feel really sorry for himself.

“No, not like that,” the Chief teased. “Turn around here so I can see the tears on your cheeks.”

At that point young Teasdale almost did cry. Why was Chief Marlin being so cruel to him? But then he obeyed and slowly inched around on his knees until he was finally facing the Chief again.

“What, no tears yet? Well there’s still plenty of time before lunch. You just stay right there and try to remember who you saw messing with my gear. Oh, and Teasdale, you'd better have a name for me when I get back.”

And then the Chief just walked out and closed the door.

The first thing Teasdale noticed was how really quiet the room was. But then his sorrow quickly turned to anger. What right did that Chief have to tie him up like this? He couldn't go around tying people up, and stuffing socks into their mouths, and then just walk away and leave them to suffer like this!

Recruit Teasdale struggled and he strained and he cussed into his soggy sock and used words that his Grandmother had never taught him. But no matter how much he strained his arms against the tight ropes and pushed his tongue against the choking sock, he couldn't even budge one little knot. He was trapped!

Then the door opened and Chief Marlin walked back into the room.

“Been having fun Recruit?”

Teasdale sighed into his gag. This was hopeless!

“Have you got that name I asked for?”

Teasdale shook his heads from side to side. One of the first things they taught Teasdale in Boot Camp was loyalty up and loyalty down. The fool who had put the cream in the Chief’s shorts may have been some kind of an idiot, but Teasdale wasn't going to get him in trouble.

“That’s too bad. I guess you will have to miss lunch.”

Teasdale’s empty stomach growled at him, but Teasdale wouldn't give in.

“Well, maybe after you have had a nice XXXX you will change your tune.”

Chief Marlin grabbed Recruit Teasdale’s bound body and pushed him down onto the hard floor.

“Pleasant dreams Recruit,” the Chief laughed and then went out and closed the door.

Recruit Teasdale sighed and put his head down onto the cold floor. Then he closed his eyes and tried to go to XXXX.

XXXX finally came, and XXXX was followed by more of Chief Marlin’s clever little tortures, but loyal Recruit Teasdale never did tell him that it was Sammy who creamed his shorts.



Recuit Teasdale played by DJ

Photography by Sammy

Date of Production: 03/14/2006



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