The Soccer Player by Kurt

30 photos; 4:06 video

Billy couldn't believe the situation he found himself in. The last thing he remembered clearly was arriving at the locker room to warm up before the soccer game. He'd arrived early to warm up, and none of his other teammates were in the weight room. He'd started doing some arm curls to pump up his biceps, when suddenly a dark shadow had fallen over him from behind. Before he could even turn around, a strong hand had pressed a damp cloth over his mouth and nose. Struggling violently, he dropped the barbell, but the hand pressed down relentlessly and the strong fumes filled his nose. He tried not to breathe, but with the cloth covering his mouth, he had no choice. A few whiffs of the strange fumes, and he was out cold.

His head was clearing now, and all he wanted to do was rub it with his hands. But he immediately realized he couldn't move his hands...they were pinned behind his back. His mouth was dry, and he felt that it was stuffed with a large cloth. He grunted in panic as he opened his eyes to see nothing....he was blindfolded too! And then he felt the sensation of movement. He realized he was lying in the back of a moving vehicle. After about 10 minutes, the movement stopped, and Billy heard the metallic sound of doors opening behind him. A pair of strong arms grabbed him and pulled him forward. As his feet hit the ground, he realized that his sneakers and shirt were missing. He was wearing only his soccer shorts and long socks, with his shinguards inserted.

Before he could process his situation, he was pulled forward roughly. The man didn't say a word as he was pulled through a doorway. Billy heard a door shut, and then he was pushed roughly down onto the floor. He heard the door open and shut again, and he knew he was alone. Hands tied, gagged, blindfolded, he began to struggle wildly. He twisted his wrists in the tight ropes while rubbing his face along the floor at the same time. If only he could get the blindfold or gag off. Finally, he felt the cloth tied around his eyes start to shift. With a little more struggle, it slid up his face, and he got the first look at his prison, which was a nondescript room.

Before he could do anything, however, the door opened and the man was towering over him, wearing a ski mask and holding more rope in his hands. Again without speaking, he squatted down and grabbed Billy's feet, wrapping a long rope around and between his ankles. Billy squawked into his gag as the rope was pulled taut and knotted. The masked man took another length of white rope and would it around the bindings on Billy's ankles, then folded his legs back and tied the other end to the ropes around his wrists. He picked up the cloth that had been Billy's blindfold, and tied it over his mouth as an additional gag. Then he stood up, looked down at Billy for a few seconds, and left.

Billy began struggling again, but the additional restraints made it hopeless. All the while, he kept wondering why he had been taken. His family wasn't rich. About the only thing Billy had going for him was his skill on the soccer field, for which he had won a scholarship. The cloths covering his mouth made breathing difficult, and Billy was lying still trying to catch his breath as he suddenly heard his captor's voice from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, I got him..yeah. In the next room. Yeah, he's gagged, no worries. I'm just waiting for the shipping crate to arrive. Yeah, OK."

Shipping crate???!!!!


The End


Billy played by Van

Photography by Caitiff


Date of Production: 08/15/2008

Tags: twink, OTM gag, socks, rugby, hog tie, shirtless

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