26 photos; 5:28 video
Bobby was the new guy in town and a bit of bad boy. He was charming enough and clever enough to get away with his petty thieving for the most until he picked the wrong man to steal from.
Russell was the local enforcer getting some furniture moved into his tenant’s apartment until Bobby was able to pose as the tenant and tell the delivery men they needed to bring it to another address. Once it was there, Bobby would use his own contacts to sell it on, out of town, making a nice profit as well.
What Bobby didn't know was that his contact was actually Russell's cousin and the two of them, tired of Bobby's antics decided a little payback was in order.
Bobby met his contact late at the place where he had tricked the delivery men to bring the furniture. Bobby gloated about being able to outsmart all his potential rivals, including Russell. It was then when Russell emerged from the shadows and Bobby flushed with embarrassment.
Bobby tried to run but his contact XXXX him out with a single hard punch. Bobby woke to find his hands bound behind his back with thick rope. His waist had been bound as well along with his feet until he was hogtied. He tried to beg but Russell pulled out a thick white cloth and Bobby was gagged with it tightly.
"You're new in town," said Russell, standing over a struggling Russell as his cousin was helping another man load the stolen furniture back into a van. "Because of that, I'm going to go easy on you."
"Mmph," was all Bobby could say. Tried as he might, he couldn't free himself.
"If you ever pull a stunt like this again," Russell warned the tied up boy, pulling Bobby's jeans down enough to spot his boxers. "I won't be so nice. Do we understand each other?"
"Yes sir,"
It was inaudible but Russell understood well enough. With both his cousin and the other man gone, it was time for him to leave.
"Next time boy."
Russell closed the door out behind him, leaving Bobby a few hours to struggle to free himself. Bobby knew then there he had met his match. Russell was going to make him his bitvh if they met again.
Model: Bobby
Photography by Caitiff and Nick007
Date of Production: 6-19-2015