Listen Mister by Soft Touch

25 photos

            “Listen Mister, you've got me all wrong!  I wasn't going to steal anything.  I was just looking for a place to XXXX.”

            Eighteen-year old Lemuel was telling the truth.  After nights of XXXX out in the cold and wet the street boy was desperate to find a warm and dry place to XXXX.  This old house had looked abandoned and Lemuel didn't think anyone would mind if he XXXX here for just one night.  Getting into the house was easy and a happy Lemuel was just going through the deserted rooms in the hopes of finding a bed when all of a sudden a big beefy hand reached out of the shadows and grabbed Lemuel by the throat.
            Unable to scream or even to breathe, Lemuel saw a very big guy that was dressed in a dark T-shirt that was bulging with muscles and dark jeans that were bulging with even more muscles.  But the thing that really frightened Lemuel was the big guy’s face.  He had heavy unshaven jowls that hung down around a sloppy mouth, and he had one eye that looked to the left while his other eye was looking straight ahead.
            Still holding onto Lemuel’s throat, the big guy had twisted Lemuel’s right arm up behind his back and then began marching the street boy backwards toward a bare corner of the room.  And between the pain in his twisted arm and the fact that his feet were hardly touching the floor, Lemuel didn't even think of resisting until his back was shoved up against a wall.
            “Honest Mister, I wasn't going to hurt anything!” Lemuel tried to sound brave but he couldn't keep his voice from quivering.
            The big guy ignored Lemuel’s words while he reached into the street boy’s back pocket and pulled out Lemuel’s orange headband.  “Pretty,” the big guy decided and then tied a thick knot in the middle of the folded bandanna while a frightened Lemuel watched, not daring to move.
            “You can have it if you want,” Lemuel offered hopefully.
            But the big guy just grabbed a handful of Lemuel’s dark hair and pulled on it until Lemuel opened his mouth.  Then the big guy stuffed the big knot and about half of the folded bandanna deep into Lemuel’s mouth.  Lemuel gagged as the folded cloth shoved his tongue out of the way.
            Suddenly the big guy hugged his arms around Lemuel and drew the street boy close to him.  Lemuel squealed behind his mouthful of cloth and then gurgled as his panicked mind tried to tell the big guy that he wasn't that kind of boy and he didn't do things like that.  Poor Lemuel was so shocked and scared that he didn't even feel the rope being wrapped and tied around his trapped wrists until the tight rope started to bite into his tender skin.  By that time it was too late.  Lemuel’s wrists were tightly bound together behind his back.
            Then the big guy spun Lemuel around and pulled Lemuel’s tied hands back against his big body while his hands started wrapping even more rope around Lemuel’s chest and arms.  Too scared and confused to resist, Lemuel just gasped behind his mouthful of bandanna and closed his eyes while he felt the tight coils of ropes biting into his bare arms and the thin cloth covering his nipples
            Those ropes really hurt and Lemuel began using his tongue to push the bandanna intruder out of his mouth so that he could tell the big guy to stop hurting him.  But then the big guy suddenly grabbed the two ends of the bandanna, pulled the cloth tautly between Lemuel’s parted lips and then tied the two ends tightly together behind Lemuel’s neck.

            Then a beefy hand pushed Lemuel down onto the floor.  Going into shock now, Lemuel couldn't offer any resistance at all while the big guy chuckled to himself and wrapped and tied more tight ropes around Lemuel’s ankles and thighs so that the street boy’s body had no chance of trying to escape.  Then the big guy stood up and towered over his bound and gagged captive.
            “You wait here,” the big guy finally spoke.  “My Master XXXX until the sun goes down.”
            “What kind of a creepy guy XXXX in the daytime,” Lemuel wandered as he looked up at the mountain of muscles towering over him.
            “When my Master wakes, he will decide.  Maybe he will be hungry then.  You look like you have good blood.”
            “A vampire!” Lemuel’s brain shrieked.  “No, vampires only lived in the movies.”
            “Or maybe he will want you to assist him in his laboratory.  Our last assistant died last night.”
            “Died of what?”  Lemuel couldn't believe the nightmare he had fallen into.
            Then the big guy turned and slowly walked away, leaving Lemuel all alone.
            Lemuel watched until the big guy disappeared beyond the door.  Then he craned his head around and looked out of the window.  The sun was already touching the horizon.  Lemuel didn't have much time.  He had to get out of here!
            Lemuel struggled and strained and rolled all around on the floor as he desperately sought some way of escaping his rope prison.  But the harder Lemuel struggled, the harder the ropes hugged his body, and the tighter the knots seemed to get.  And the more he exerted himself, the more soggy and swollen the folds of cloth inside his mouth became until now he was finding it difficult to breathe.
            And then Lemuel heard footsteps coming his way.
            It was the big guy and another older-looking man in a dark three-piece suit.
            The older man smiled in a friendly way while he helped Lemuel to get back up onto his knees.  “So this is the young man,” the older man said pleasantly.  “I hope that Marvin didn't hurt you too much, young man.  He doesn't know his own strength sometimes.”
            Lemuel sighed with relief and smiled around his soggy gag.  This old guy looked okay.  He had nothing to worry about.
            The older man slid one hand around to the back of Lemuel’s neck.  The relieved Lemuel thought that the man was going to untie his gag, and he was already planning on how he was going to thank the old gentleman as soon as he took the hated cloth out of his mouth.
            So Lemuel was completely surprised when the older man’s other hand came around and began pressing a folded cloth over Lemuel’s face.  The folded cloth was all wet and clinging to Lemuel’s nose and open mouth so that he was beginning to suffocate.  Lemuel took a desperate breath and that was when he first smelled the strange sweet odor on the cloth.  In the next moment those sweet fumes were rushing into Lemuel’s head to blur his vision and make his body feel all hollow and weak inside.  And then, just before everything went dark, Lemuel heard the older man say –
            “Take him down to the laboratory and prepare him.  We have a lot of work to do tonight.”


Lemual played by Cain
Photography by Caitiff


Date of Production:05/05/2004

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