The Haunting by Fidelis

36 photos


Officer Pat McCarty shivered in the sudden cold. God, he really hated this job. The extra money from moonlighting was welcome, but this place gave him the creeps. Everyone in town knew the bad reputation the building held- it had been the site of a particularly gruesome murder 70 years ago. Lots of people claimed to have seen strange things, and heard odd noises late at night – the place was haunted! He couldn’t understand why anyone would want to open up an art gallery here in this old building. There were lots of nice bright spaces in the malls- but the malls weren’t good enough for the snobby rich people who bought art. He looked at some of the stuff on the walls. His 5 year-old nephew could do better work. And the price tags were obscene! Huh, maybe he should take art up in his spare time. Cripes, it was cold in here! The heating must have broken down. Unless…..Pat felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up on end as he recalled some of the stories that he had heard about this place. People swore that the temperature dropped just before scary things began happening. Pat was sweating bullets. He jumped as he heard a creaking noise behind him. Whew. There was nothing there. He gave an uneasy laugh. He was a cop, he shouldn’t be afraid of a little noise. Then the lights started flickering, and the temperature dropped even more. Pat’s teeth were chattering as he drew his XXXX. His knees were shaking as he heard that creaking noise again. He knew there was something behind him. He was trying to get up the courage to turn around and confront whatever XXXX was lurking behind his shoulder when something hard hit him on the back of his head. Stars exploded in front of his eyes, and then everything turned black.

Pat woke up to a pounding headache. What had happened to him? He remembered all the spooky things that had happened in the gallery – but what had hit him? He didn’t think that ghosts went around bashing people on the head. He tried to rub his aching head, and made a startling discovery. He couldn’t move his hands! They seemed to be lashed behind his back. As he tried to focus, he saw that his knees and ankles were tied together too. Something horrid and sticky covered his mouth. This wasn’t the work of phantoms. Something was definitely amiss here. He looked around and saw that he had been stuffed into some kind of closet.

Pat heard footsteps approaching the closet door. He didn’t know how long he had been out…it could have been hours. Hopefully this was someone coming to his rescue. The door swung open, and he found himself looking at a figure clad from head to foot in black. Glittering blue eyes stared down at him from the holes in a black hood. Gulp. Pat had the nasty feeling that this person wasn’t going to help him.
"So, XXXX beauty has finally woken up. You’re making a lot of noise, cop. Why don’t you go back to XXXX?

Pat screamed into his gag as he saw a booted foot lashing out at him. Fuck, right in the nuts! He thought that he was going to puke as once again he subsided into XXXX.
Pat moaned softly as he regained consciousness for the second time. He wasn’t going to make the mistake of calling for help this time. He would just have to get untied by himself, and then go from there. Christ, but he was hurting. The fucker had nailed him right in the balls. He wished that he had worn his cup, but he hadn’t expected to see any action tonight, so it was sitting at home. Pat tried to see how he was bound. Damn, why hadn’t the guy used Pat’s cuffs? He had the spare key taped to the inside of his belt – he could have got himself out of this bind in a jiffy. But no, the bastard had used rope, and lots of it. He twisted himself around, trying to see over his shoulder. Ah, that was why he couldn’t move his hands. Not only were they tied behind him, but they had been lashed to his waist as well. Whoever had done this wasn’t a rank amateur. Rats. That probably meant that the knots weren’t going to be easy to untie. However, that was no reason to give up. He still had to try to free himself.

Pat didn’t know how much time had passed. It seemed like he had been struggling against the ropes for hours, and he still wasn’t any closer to getting free. The cramped closet didn’t give him much room to maneuver. He had tried reaching the knots with his numb fingers, but he couldn’t quite reach. Now he was using every ounce of his strength straining against the ropes, hoping to break them. His uniform hat had tumbled off, and he lay on the floor, panting. OK, if he couldn’t get free of the ropes, he would just have to get out of the closet and make his way to the front window of the gallery. There must be SOMEONE on the streets who would see him and help him. He hadn’t heard any noise from the gallery, so he assumed that the burglar had taken what he wanted and left. Pat managed to get to his feet, and turning around, fumbled with the door knob. His hands didn’t have much feeling left in them, since the ropes were so tight they were cutting off his circulation. He lost his balance, and went crashing down to the floor. His head hit the door, and it popped open. Good! Now all he had to do was crawl out of here and….

"Are you going somewhere, officer? You know, you are really a big pain in the ass. I’m going have to fix you up, aren’t I? I can’t have you getting in my way before I’m finished here. Back you go!"

"Any more noise out of you officer, and I’m going to have to take drastic measures. Do you want another boot in the balls?"
"Good man. Now, that is much better. I don’t think you’ll be going anywhere now. Now, just let me put your pretty hat back on your head. There, don’t you look cute? I’ll bet your friends will get a real kick out of this when they find you. Hmm, I think we’re missing something here. Yep, that is the finishing touch."

Pat could only grind his teeth in impotent fury as he was hogtied. The bastard then crawled on some boxes and tied the end of the rope to a hook in the ceiling. The final indignity was a piece of tape slapped across his eyes. Now, he couldn’t move, couldn’t talk and couldn’t see. He whimpered, as the closet door slammed shut. He was humiliated and in pain. His head and his nuts were throbbing, and the being hogtied wasn’t any joke. In no time his shoulders were aching too. Pat tried to move, but his mobility was now severely limited. Every time he moved, it seemed as if all the muscles in his body screamed in unison. And it was getting so cold in here again. Wait, what was that strange noise he could hear? Creaks and thumps. Was it the burglar, or..someone else? Or…something else? Pat felt goose bumps break out on his bound and battered body. Oh shit, what was going in this hellish place? He heard an extra loud creak, and felt a gust of cold wind. Hail Mary, full of grace….he started to mumble. St. Michael, protect us….

"Jesus, McCarty, what the hell have you been up to? You look like damn fool all trussed up like that. Let me get my camera….the guys at the station will find this really priceless."
Pat gulped. He had been rescued, but….it was going to take him a long time to live this one down.



Officer McCarty played by Rod
Photography by Caitiff

Date of Production: 02/25/2006

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