You Know Too Much

23 photos; 6:00 video


By LAShyGuy


Greg had been passed over for a promotion for two years straight, but today he was positive he would get the accolades he felt he deserved. After noticing millions of dollars in errors in several investment portfolios that couldn’t have been accidental, Greg rushed into the CEO’s office to inform him that someone was embezzling money right under their noses. Unfortunately, Greg never thought for one moment that the CEO was the culprit. He also didn’t think anything strange when the CEO reached into his top desk drawer. Before he could realize what the small black contraption was, Greg was down on the floor as a sizable charge of electricity coursed through his body. Within moments, he was XXXX.

When he awoke and slowly found his bearings, Greg found himself handcuffed, blindfolded and gagged inside a storage closet. His feet were bound together as well, inhibiting his chances for escape. Greg struggled in vain and tried to call for help, but it was futile. There was no way he could get his hands out of those cuffs, and without his eyes to guide him, he couldn’t even attempt to hop his way to freedom.

After what felt like hours, the closet door swung open. A hopeful Greg looked up and started shouting into the saliva soaked rang stuffed inside his mouth. He was relieved that in a few moments, he would be freed from his bonds so he could call the F.B.I. on his captor.

“Well, well, well, Greg,” the CEO said with a chuckle, “Were you expecting somebody else?”

Greg deflated as his sudden hope for freedom washed away. The CEO pulled down Greg’s blindfold, doubling the gag over his mouth. Greg took a moment to take in his surroundings. He looked around the closet, eying every item in sight in hopes one of them could help him escape if the CEO left him alone again.

“You just had to look into those private portfolios, didn’t you,” the CEO said with a confident voice. “Now, I’m afraid you’re just going to have to disappear.” Greg tried to plead through his gag, but it was obvious his CEO wasn’t going to let him go.

As the closet door closed, Greg waited a few minutes before springing into action. He wanted to make sure the CEO was gone. Greg hopped around the room looking for something to help him escape, but there was nothing sharp enough to cut through the steel links keeping his cuffs together. Greg hopped over to the closet door and tried to turn the knob. After several attempts, he managed to get the door open. Fortunately for him, the CEO forgot to lock the door, and Greg found himself hopping through an abandoned room. He didn’t know where he was and didn’t care…all he wanted was to find a way out.

Greg hopped across the room towards another door and found it was unlocked as well. With a turn of the knob, Greg swung open the door and peered out into a long hallway. He surmised he was in some kind of abandoned warehouse. Towards the end of the hall, there was a red fire alarm box affixed to the wall. If he could pull that switch, his nightmare would be over and his box would be behind bars before morning. Just as he hopped into the hallway, a large arm grabbed him by the collar.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going,” the CEO asked angrily. “You’re a lot craftier than I thought. I didn’t think you’d be able to get through two doors with your hands tied behind you. My mistake. Now get back inside.”

Greg screamed as loud as he could as the CEO pushed him back inside, but there was nobody around to hear him. Before he knew it, he was back inside the closet right where he began.

“Don’t worry. Your girlfriend already came by looking for you, so I told her you went out on a date with my secretary. Also, I deposited some money into your bank account so it looks like you were the one embezzling from the company. Shame on you. Now nobody is going to look for you. In the meantime, I gave a couple buddies a call, and they’ll be here shortly with a nice sized box to stuff you in. How do you feel about South America this time of year?”

A look of concern blasted over Greg’s face as the CEO closed the closet door. He stood there and listened as he heard the door was locked. He was trapped.

Greg did everything he could to escape, but nothing worked. Several hours passed before he heard two sets of footsteps approach. Greg started to panic as he thought about what was about to happen to him. The door swung open, revealing two police officers on the other side. They quickly untied Greg and informed him that his CEO was under surveillance, and thanks to all of this, he would be going away for a long time for embezzlement and XXXX. Greg couldn’t believe it was all over, and he promised himself one thing…never put his nose where it doesn’t belong.

Greg played by Carl
Photography by Caitiff

Date of Production: 05/15/2016

Tags: bad guy, OTM gagm blind fold, hopping, story,, plot

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