Severance Part 1 by Caitiff

35 photos; 3:00 video

Severance Pay

by Caitiff

What a rough day! Jeff was glad to be home. The head office continued to demand

more and more lay offs to increase “efficiency”. It was stupid as hell. Efficiency went

way down as did moral. But what the head office really wanted was as much profit with

as little over head as possible. Jeff didn’t like it but he also did not want to join the line of

people carrying boxes out of the building.

Feeling tired and depressed, Jeff didn't’ register anything as he unlocked the door to his

house and trudged in. He didn't’ see the man in black hiding behind a counter until it

was too late!

“Mmm!”, Jeff let out a startled cry as a dank cloth was shoved over his face. It had a

weird chemical smell that filled Jeff’s nose and mouth. Jeff fought like crazy to free

himself from the man grappling him. But Jeff felt himself getting weaker and weaker. His

head was getting cloudy and his vision blurry. Jeff realised he was about to pass out.

And then he did. Everything went white and then nothing.

Jeff let out a faint groan as he slowly regained consciousness. His head was pounding.

Jeff’s regained awareness before he got back control of his body. He knew he was lying

on his side on a hard surface. His hands were behind his back for some reason.

Painfully Jeff tried to move. However, when he tried to put his hands to his aching head

he couldn’t. At first Jeff panicked and worried he had become paralysed somehow. But it

wasn't’ that. Something was keeping hands from moving. The same with his feet.


Jeff’s eyes opened and he finally understood with a shock. He was tied up!

“Mmmpphh!?”, Jeff exclaimed. “Mmmmm!” Jeff’s protests came out as unintelligible

moans thanks to the tape that was sealing his mouth.

A burst of adrenaline rushed through Jeff’s body as he became aware of his

helplessness. Desperately Jeff struggled as much as he could, barely managing to keep

from falling off the counter of his bar. Unfortunately Jeff was no Houdini. Except for

games he played as a boy scout, Jeff had never been tied up before.

Jeff’s mind raced. Who had done this to him? Why? Was he being robbed? 

When Jeff’s attacker came into view it at least answered a few questions but raised

many more.

Tony Ford had been among the first laid off. Now he stood before his old boss.

“Hello. About time you woke up.”


“Yeah I don’t want to hear it. That’s why I gagged you. And now after being your butt

monkey for three years, I think it’s time I return the favour.”

“Mmmmmffnnnnn!”, Jeff shook his head in protest, not that it would do any good.

He was bound and gagged, a helpless prisoner.

To Be Continued

Jeff played by Cliff

Tony Ford played by Zac

Photography by Caitiff

Date of Production: 09/26/2009

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