Set Up by Caitiff

26 photos; 3:59 video

Travis was in deep. He should have realized this when Vinnie wanted to see him so

soon. There should have been no reason for Vinnie to need to see Travis. After the last

job, they were supposed to stay as far apart from each other so as to not show the cops

they were linked.

But Travis went anyway like a dumb ass. And he got XXXX in the back of the head for

his trouble. Everything went black

When Travis awoke he was tied tightly to a chair in the old run down apartment Vinnie

had met him at. Vainly Travis tugged and struggled against the ropes that tied his hands

firmly behind his back. More thick rope was coiled around Travis’ knees, legs and chest,

binding him tight.

“Hey! What’s going on?” Travis demanded of Vinnie and Louis, who stood over him.

“Someone's been talking to the cops.” , Vinnie said.

“Yeah talking to the cops!” the none too bright Louie repeated.

“It wasn’t me! Let me go you assholes!”, Travis retorted. He honestly hadn’t talked to

any cops. He knew better. Travis had done exactly as he was supposed to do after the

last job: stay low and out of sight and wait until the boss gave the clear to take his part

of the loot.

“Don't’ bother to deny it. I know it was you. Louie, gag this squealer. he talks to too


“Yeah talks too much, “ said Louis as he XXXX Travis’ mouth open and shoved in a dirty

rag. The gag was tied tightly around the back of his head.

“Mmmmmm!”, Travis grunted as he glared at his two former partners angrily.

“I’ve set this place to blow from a gas leak in about thirty minutes. It’ll look like an

accident. Oh and seeing as how you’ll be gone, I’m sure you wont’ mind if your cut gets

split between me and Louie here.”

“Mmmmmm! Mmpphhurrmmmmmfffrrr!”, Travis growled from behind his gag. So this

was what it was really about. Scapegoat Travis as a stoolie and then steal his part of the

goods. That rat bastard!

Vinnie and Louis laughed as they left their partner bound and gagged with only minutes

to live.

Desperately Travis struggled against his bondage. Unfortunately Louie may have been

three crayons short of a rainbow but he knew how to tie a guy up. He had been the one

to truss up and gag the guards during the last heist. Travis knew those guards thad

stayed that way all night. There was no way Travis was going to get free in the next half


Still he had to try. Good thing they hadn't’ tied him directly to the chair. Travis hobbled

onto his bound legs and tried bunny hopping across the room. Unfortunately he fell onto

his ass half way there.

“MMmm!”, Travis was pissed more then scared. He should have realised what a snake

Vinnie was from the start. And now all he could do was wiggle like a human worm, tied

up and gagged as he was. Dying wasn't’ nearly as bad as being put over by a guy like


There was now only maybe ten minutes by Travis’ estimation. Sweat beaded down

Travis’ brow as he frantically worked at the knots. But it seemed hopeless. Every time

he thought he had some slack, the ropes tightened against around his wrists.

Wait, what was that glint in the corner? Rolling over, the bound Travis reached the

corner to find an old exposed nail. It was a long shot but probably his only hope.

Frantically Travis rubbed the ropes binding his wrists against the sharp end of the nail.

Slowly but surely the ropes began to fray and then finally sXXXX.

Travis wasted no time in throwing the rope off his hands and working on his legs. The

knots were tight and hard to reach even with his hands free.

With only two minute sot spare, Travis freed himself and ran out the back door just as

the condemned building blew up to smithereens.

Travis had survived. And with Vinnie certain he was dead, Travis could find a suitable

revenge for his partners.

The End?

Travis played by Dominic

Photography by Caitiff

Date of Production:12/13/2011

Tags: cleave gag, story, socks

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