Party Pooper by SoftTouch

28 photos; 2:15 video

My name is Kelly and I want you to know that I’m not normally this stupid.

It all started with an invitation to THE party of the summer season. Only guys who were lucky enough to get an invitation were going to be there and I found out that Jamie had an invitation. The same Jamie I had fantasized about over and over again in my dreams.

All I needed was the right music, a soft summer breeze and just a little moonlight. If I could only get him out to the gazebo where no one could see, Mother Nature would do the rest. Then I got a call from some guy at the catering company saying that he was short-handed. Would I like to come early and help set up for the party? Being stupid sometimes and needing the extra cash, I said yes.

I had to work that day anyway so my plan was to go straight from work to setting up for the party. Once that was done, I could dash to my house two blocks over, shower and change to make myself sweet for Jamie, and then get back to the party in plenty of time. But like many of my plans, it didn't work out that way.

The minute I walked inside the door of the party house I saw Big Craig and one of his beefy friends. Big Craig wanted Jamie, too, and he didn't like me at all. Suddenly both of them grabbed me and started dragging me toward the stairs. I fought back hard and tried to get away from them, but then I heard.

“Don’t hurt him – at least, not yet.” That was big Craig. “Use this on him.”

The next thing I knew the beefy guy was pushing this damp sock at my face.

“No— let go of me!” I tried to scream as the sock pressed over my nose and mouth. The sock smelled awful and then I started seeing all kinds of bright flashes of lights and bright swimming colors. And then the lights winked out and all of the colors went really dark. And the next thing I knew I was here.

“Enjoying your private room Kelly?”

I looked up and saw Big Craig and his beefy friend standing over me. Where did they come from?

“If you're smart and you'll stay real quiet,” Big Craig growled down at me.

“Mmime monna mall mo meese!” I tried to yell, but the sticky tape plastered over my mouth wouldn't let me move my lips.

Then Big Craig grabbed me by my throat. “You want we should start busting you up right now, Kelly?”

I swallowed hard and almost choked on the drool running back down my throat.

“I could break his arm. I broke a guy’s arm once,” Beefy offered with a happy smile, and I felt something cold and wet and crawly down in the pit of my stomach.

“Nah,” Craig started toward the door. “We'll save him for after the party. I want to see if Jamie’s here yet.”

Craig and Beefy went out and closed the door tight, leaving me all alone in my little prison and I went back to studying my situation.

The tight ropes were already beginning to cut into my chest and my ankles, but there didn't seem to be any way to loosen them. My face was all taped up so that I couldn't use my teeth and my hands were trapped behind my back so that I couldn't use them either.

I looked around, hoping to find some scissors or a piece of glass or something I could use to cut the ropes, but all that I could see was paper and plastic. Then I thought about the door.

If I could just get out where people could see me maybe somebody would help. Getting to the door was easy and so was unsnapping the lock.

But when I tried to turn the door handle I discovered that Craig had jammed a chair or something up against the handle on the outside so that I couldn't turn the knob at all. That Craig was a little smarter than I figured.



Totally disgusted with the whole thing, I sat down on the floor and began to feel sorry for myself.

Then I could hear music from the party drifting up through the register. It sounded like they were having a good time. Then I remembered that Jamie would be down there, and that Craig would be down there, and I felt sick.

Craig wouldn't need soft music or warm breezes, and he wouldn't take Jamie out to the gazebo. Craig didn't know anything about love. If Jamie went with him, Craig would just take him to the back seat of his car and then just take what he wanted for himself.

I put my head down on the floor and dreamed for awhile about coming to Jamie’s rescue and how grateful he would be to his brave prince. But then I felt a tear running down my cheek and I remembered that I couldn't even rescue myself. Some brave prince.

And then I realized that the music had stopped. Was the party over already? And then I remembered what Craig said he was going to do after the party. I had to get out of here!

So I wiggled and I squirmed and I stretched my fingers while I prayed a lot while I tried and tried to loosen the knotted ropes that were holding me.

The ropes around my wrists started to come loose. I could wiggle my hands a little. If I could just get my fingers to undo one more knot.

What has that? Heavy steps coming up the stairs. Craig and Beefy!

If only I had a little more time.

I heard the chair being moved away from the door and then the door opened.

“Kelly…? Oh Kelly, who did this to you?”

It was my Jamie and for once I didn't care if he saw the tears running down my cheeks.



Kelly played by Cain

Photography by Caitiff


Date of Production: 5/4/2004

Tags: tape gag, twink, story

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