Moving Day by Caitiff

27 photos; 3:38 video


Things were not going as planned! Of that Peter was certain. He had everything organized to the tiniest detail for his big move. He had packed everything neatly into boxes and called the moving company. HE had made sure to tell the movers repeatedly to be careful because Peter had a lot of valuable stuff packed away. How valuable, the movers had asked. Very valuable, peter replied.

That's about when things began going wrong. Starting with the movers, two big burly men, grabbing Peter and wrestling him to the ground! Peter put up as much struggle as he could but he was no match for the two hulking men that held him down and wrapped rope around his arms and hands.

"Hey, you fuckers! Let me go right now! I'll have you fired!"

"Rich boy don't get it, does he? "Said one mover to his partner, " He still thinks we're the guys he called to move his shit!

Before Peter could reply, the fake moving men slapped duct tape over Peter's eyes and mouth. They then sat him on a chair.

Peter could hear all of his valuable possessions, so carefully packed, being carelessly thrown about and taken away. Bound and gagged, Peter could only sit helplessly as he was robbed. Desperately he struggled against the ropes binding his wrists.

One of the robbers noticed Peter's struggling and gave him a hard slap across the face, "Don't try it!" Peter's legs we're then tied together, restraining him even further.

The sounds of Peter's possessions being taken way continued for a while longer. Then Peter heard his furniture being taken outside. The movers were out of the house and so not guarding Peter for long stretches as they moved the heavy furniture. Peter realized this may be his only chance! The phone hadn't been disconnected ted yet. If Peter could somehow reach it and dial 9-1-1. Even blindfolded, Peter was sure he could navigate across his own living room.

As soon as Peter heard the fake movers take another piece of furniture, he made his move. With a heave, Peter got to his feet and began trying to hop to the phone he knew was across the room. But the movers must have moved stuff around because Peter soon tripped and fell! Peter landed hard on the floor but was more stunned then hurt. Still, being on the ground made his chances of getting to the phone much harder.

Peter was still wiggling on the ground when the robbers came back in!

" Looks like our customer tried to get away from us. And after we made him all nice and comfortable, too!"

"Guess we'll have to make him even more comfortable."

So Peter found himself hog tied on the floor and that's the way he remained as the rest of Peter's possessions were taken out and put in a van. Finally, Peter heard the mover's come back in. But they didn't grab anything else. They had already taken everything they wanted to take. Peter could hear the mover's standing over him.

So what did they want? Peter thought to himself.

" So what about him" Peter heard one of the robbers say.

"We'll take him too." The other one replied.

Looked like Peter was going to be moving after all.


The End

Peter played by Reggie

Photography and Videography Caitiff

Date of Production: 04/07/2007

tags: tape gag, blindfold, hog tie, twibk, story

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