The Creepy Old House by Caitiff

22 photos; 5:51 video


“You aren't’ chickening out, are you?, Grant asked his friend Tomas.

Tomas laughed in Grant’s face. “No, fuck you. I said i would do this and I will.”

Both young men stood in the back yard of the old Simmons place. It had been

abandoned for years. The local kids told stories about it was haunted, lights being seen

in the windows and sounds like groaning. But Tomas wasn’t some little school kid.

However rumors also said that old man Simmons had left his fortune in his house

somewhere. Rudy had dared Tomas to try to find it in the middle of the night. It was a

stupid dare. People had tried before and never found the money. It was unlikely Tomas

would find it. But Rudy had dissed him in front of everyone and if going to some stupid

abandoned house at midnight showed him who the real man was, then Tomas would do


There were no such things as ghosts.

Tomas walked up stealthily to the back basement door and pried it open. There may be

no ghosts but police still didn't’ take kindly to kids breaking into houses. Tomas would go

in, look around and then leave.

Tomas crept into the basement, still filled with the previous owners crap. No wonder no

one could find anything in this mess. Tomas would just grab something that looked

valuable and leave.

Unfortunately Tomas was not alone. A masked man with a steel like grip grabbed


“Hey! What the hell? Hel...mmmmmm!” Tomas struggled against the man as he was

XXXX onto a chair. Rope was produced from somewhere. Tomas soon found his hands

tied tightly behind his back. Despite his struggles, Tomas was soon helpless.

The man kept his hand over his captive’s mouth while his other hand held a roll of duct

tape. Tomas’ eyes grew wide as he realised what his XXXX planned on doing with

that. With a ripping sound, the man began to wind layer after layer of tape over the

mouth of Tomas. Soon the young man was tightly gagged. Next came the feet. In only a

few moments, Tomas was bound and gagged in the chair, completely under the power

of whomever this crazy guy was.

“Mmmmmmm! Mmmpphh!” Tomas grunted for help through his gag, for all the good it

did him.

“Hey! Tomas. You in here still?”, Tomas could hear his friend Grant whispering in the

dark. Grant was walking right into the masked man’s trap. Gagged, Tomas could only sit

and watch as the masked man prepared to pounce.

To Be Continued

Tomas played by Rawy

The Masked Man played by Slade

Grant played by Andrew

Photography by Caitiff

Date of Production:11/12/2009

TAgs: bad guy, story, chair tied, tying, gagging, hand gag, tape gag

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