Hosed by Caitiff

32 photos


God was it hot today, thought Roger as he continued his run. He had been running for the last hour and he was sweating like a pig. His eyes burned as perspiration ran into them. He needed some water.
The problem was, he didn’t have any money and he was still a long way from home. If he could have, Roger would have just run through a few sprinklers but the city was in the middle of a drought and nobody was watering their lawns. He didn’t like it but he would have to poach some water from somebody’s hose.

The house seemed empty and the hose was just laying outside so it seemed safe. As quickly as he could, Roger turned on the hose and began dousing himself with water. God it felt so good as the water washed over his face and body...
“What the hell do you think you are doing?!” Roger heard the owner of the house yell at him. Roger looked up to see a large man towering over him. Roger was a bit embarrassed but he was sure the guy would understand that Roger had to use his hose. It was always easier to beg forgiveness then to ask permission, right?

“What the fuck, man! Look, it was just water...” Roger exclaimed as he hung by his arms that were tied to the rafters in the man’s garage. “I’m sure we can come to some kind of arrangeme.. Mmmpph!” Roger’s pleas were silenced by a large leather plug that the man shoved into his mouth. roughly, the gag was fastened tightly around Roger’s head so that he couldn’t spit out.
“Oh, we’re going to come to an arrangement all right. I’m sick and tired of you joggers coming around, using my water and leaving the hose running!”

Roger tried to explain that he had every intention of shutting off the hose when he had finished but the words came out as pathetic and unintelligible moans. 
The man left Roger alone in the garage. Realizing that he was in the hands of a crazy person, Roger immediately began to struggle against the ropes that bound his hands painfully above his head. But the knots didn’t budge, the rope stayed taut. And suddenly Roger felt the crazy man’s hands grab him by the neck. Roger hadn’t even seen him come back in!

“Trying to get loose? Forget about it. You’re trussed up good and tight!”, the man said as he grabbed Roger by the hair and XXXX his head back. “You and me, we’re going to have a little fun!”
Roger didn’t like the sound of that at all. Especially when the man began rubbing his hands around Roger’s jogging pants. Since his legs were still free, Roger kicked at the man, the only defense he had left. Unfortunately all that accomplished was to make the man quickly tie Roger’s legs together. Now he was totally helpless and at this crazy person’s mercy!
“I got a surprise for you. Since you like my water so much, I’m going to give you all the water you want!” the man sneered as he held up his hose threateningly.
“Mmmm-mmmm!” Roger tried to explain one more time but again, all that came through the gag were moans and grunts. Roger’s moans became even louder when the water began getting splashed in his face! When Roger had been hot and sweaty, the super cold water had felt great, but now it left him freezing as the man sadistically shot water into Roger’s face and body. In no time, Roger had gone from hot and perspiring to shivering from the cold. Water ran into Roger’s eyes and nose. Worse, the man even seemed to take pleasure in sticking the hose down Roger’s pants, the freezing water was making his manhood shrivel up. A fact that became apparent to the man since he kept running his hands all over Roger’s wet and bound body. Tied up and gagged, Roger could nothing but stand there and take the abuse.

After how long roger didn’t know, the man seemed to get tired of his little game. But he wasn’t done with Roger. The hose was run up over a rafter and loosely knotted to keep it in place. Water streamed down on top Roger’s head.
“I’ll be back ina few hours to see how you like the Chinese water torture. Maybe we can discuss what you are willing to do for me to make up for all this wasted water you used.”

“Mmmm! Mmmmpphh!” Roger grunted pitifully as the man left but his cries went ignored. Shivering and miserable, his hands numb from the awkward position and his jaw sore from the gag, there wasn’t a lot Roger wouldn’t do at this point to get free.
Unfortunately, he wouldn’t be able to tell the man that for another few hours.


The End

Roger played by Gurth
Photography by Caitiff

Date of Production: 07/11/2003

Tags: plug gag, shirtless, dominated, hands above head, stoiry

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