Legal Restraint by Fidelis

19 photos; 6:00 video

Tom Flynn leaned back in his chair, with a satisfied sigh. It had been yet another successful month – if he kept on doing this well he would be able to move into a snazzy office downtown, and hire more staff. He was swamped right now, but he could handle it for a while longer. So long as he could keep churning out those billable hours, he was happy. It was too bad that his secretary didn’t have the same stamina. He had finally let the poor woman go; she had kids at home. He looked at his watch. Hmm, it was getting late. He would just finish this last deposition and then he would call it quits himself. This was a nice juicy case, and it would cause quite a splash when it came up for trial. There would be quite a few unhappy people in town when all the dirt was made public. Unhappy prominent people, but Tommy knew that he wouldn’t get to the top without stepping on a few toes. These latest revelations were absolutely fascinating. They had come as quite a surprise to him. He wondered who else knew about this information. He became absorbed in the titillating details, blocking out everything around him. As a consequence he was oblivious to the scratching sounds at the door to the suite, and didn’t hear anything as the door was eased open and a dark figure crept into the reception area.
"Hands up, Mr. Attorney!"
"What the hell….who are you? What do you want?"
"Just you get up real quietly and stand over there against the wall. Facing the wall."
Noting the rather obscenely large XXXX that the black clad, ski-masked figure in front of him was brandishing, Tommy felt that the only prudent thing to do was to obey. Raising his hands in the air, he got up and walked to the wall. He could feel sweat running down his body. Oh shit. This was just what he didn’t need right now – a robbery. He just hoped this guy wasn’t high on XXXXs. He prayed that the thief would take his wallet and laptop, and then get out of here.
"Hey, what are you doing? You don’t have to do this! My wallet is in my jacket and ….."
"Shut your mouth, lawyer. I’m the one with the XXXX, and we’ll do things my way."
Tommy bit down on his lower lip as his arms were pulled behind him, and his hands were bound behind his back. He grunted as more rope was wound around his chest and upper arms. He was spun around and the thief slammed him back into the wall.
"Please, you don’t have to….MMMMPHHH!"
Tommy’s protests were cut short as his handkerchief was plucked from the breast pocket of his suit jacket, was wadded up into a ball and stuffed into his mouth. Before he had a chance to spit out the cloth, the thief produced a roll of white athletic tape, and began wrapping the tape around Tommy’s mouth.
"Ha ha ha. You lawyers all talk way too much. That should keep you quiet."
Tommy yelled through his gag as he was shoved down onto his knees. He looked at the figure looming over him, at the light shining on the barrel of the huge XXXX. The huge XXXX that was now pressed against his forehead. Fuck, the thing was the size of a cannon. Tommy closed his eyes. If he couldn’t see it, it couldn’t hurt him.
"That’s right, Mr. Lawyer, close your eyes. You’re a smart guy. But just to make sure…..let’s get rid of these!"
Tommy’s eyes flew open as he felt gloved hands on his face, removing his glasses. He moaned as he watched them get pulverized beneath the booted heel of his captor. He squinted at the robber, seeing a blur of white in his hand. What was he up to now? He heard the sound of tape being ripped from the roll. Oh no.
"There, that’s better. You were really getting on my nerves, looking at me like that. And when I get nervous, I fidget. You wouldn’t want me fidgeting, with my finger on the trigger now, would you, Mr. Lawyer? Hey, answer me! Cat got your tongue? You guys can usually never stop talk talk talking. Why stop now?
"Good, I’m glad that we understand each other. Now let me make you feel a little more secure."
"MMMUMMMPHHH!" Tommy grunted as he was thrown down onto the floor. He grunted again as he felt tight ropes going around his ankles. Damn, he hoped that the guy didn’t wreck his socks. They were brand new, and very expensive.
"Hmm, that’s better, but not quite good enough. I think that you need a little more rope on you. You lawyers are a slippery bunch of bastards. I don’t want you slipping through my fingers. There, how is that? That’s quite an impressive basket you’ve got there, Mr. Lawyer. Maybe I’ll have time to investigate it a little more closely before I leave.
Tommy moaned in embarrassment and discomfort. The bastard had wrapped ropes around his thighs and his waist, neatly framing his crotch. The guy had rubbed Tommy through the fine woolen material of his suit as he bound him, and Tommy felt himself getting hard. Damn, he didn’t need that to happen. With his luck, this guy would turn out to be some kind of pervert, as well as a thief. Tommy rolled onto his side, to relieve the pressure on his bound hands. He could hear his office being torn apart. He wondered what the robber was looking for. Could it be that new deposition? The one that he had slid under his blotter as he stood up? Whatever he was looking for, he couldn’t find it. Tommy heard the thief move out of his office and into the reception area. Now was his chance to try to escape, though it wouldn’t be easy – not the way he was trussed up, gagged and blindfolded. Tommy rolled over until he felt the wall at his back. OK, now all had to do was to get to his feet. He grunted as he felt the tight ropes dig into his crotch. Hmm, that felt strangely…pleasant. Almost arousing. But this wasn’t the time or place to think of such things. He had to get to his feet and….
"Going somewhere, Mr. Lawyer? I don’t think that is on my agenda. I thought you had enough rope on you, but I can see that I was wrong. I’m going to have to fix that."
“MMMOHGODDDMMNOOOO! GGMMHURTS!" Tommy cried through his gag as his feet were tied to his hands. This wasn’t the least bit comfortable. He felt like he was a pig going to market. He tried to move, but it was very difficult. The crashing and smashing sounds were renewed, until he heard a cry of triumph. Tommy felt the thief’s hands on him, moving him on to his side, the hands roaming over his bound and helpless body.
"I’ve got what I’ve come for, Mr. Lawyer. I wish that I could stay for a little longer and have some fun with you, but…..However, I know where you live. Maybe I’ll you a visit at home one of these days."
With a final squeeze, the thief departed. As Tommy lay on the floor, struggling against the ropes that bound him, he thought that perhaps it might be a good idea to move house, as well as office. Though…….


Tommy played by Lyle
Photography by Caitiff

Date of Production; 03/04/2004

Tags: blindfold, tape gag, suit, story

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