Rookie in Trouble by Sammy

34 photos; 3:13 video

Cops are so stupid. They walk around with their XXXXs and thier badges. They think that they are so superior, so in control. Especially that one that arrested my boyfriend for possesion last week. Just because he was smuggling a kilo of blow. Now, I have no boyfriend and no XXXXs. Its okay though I got something much better. Not to long ago that same asshole pig that arrested my boyfriend showed up on my doorstep he was following an anoynamous tip about illegal activity. Probably not so anoynamous, my boyfriend never could keep his mouth shut. So here is Officer White at my doorstep all by himself. His superior attitude had just gotten him in a world of trouble.

"Its, really simple, sir. We have reports of some, uh, illicit activity at this address. So, if you could just let me have a look around we can clear up this whole matter."

"Of, course Officer. Feel free to look around. Shouldn't you have a partner?"

"Nope, department cut-backs. But I am sure we won't have any problems."

"Not, from me."

He was making this to easy. I followed him as he went from room to room. he did not really search. No doubt my boyfriend had already told him where I usually hid my stash. He was just looking at the rest of the rooms as a formality I guess. Sure enough, as soon as he finished barely glancing at the other rooms he made a bee line for the basement. He darted straight for my hiding spot like a he smelled a donut there. To bad for him I had already moved what was left of it to a more secure hiding space, one my boyfriend never knew about.

I watched as officer White opened the heavy doors to the storage closet I had set up downstairs. Once he was inside and preoccupied with finding the loose brick in the wall I made my move. I pulled a chloraform soaked rag out of my pockt and crept up behind poor little Officer White. I clamped the rag over his mouth and nose. He tried in vain to flip me over him but I was ready for him and pulled back on his head and stepped back keeping him off balance. After a few more pitiful struggles the chloraform took affect and he slipped into unconciousness. his body went XXXX in my arms and I tossed him onto an old table in the corner. I grabbed a bag of ropes from under the tabble and went to work. He looked so hot lying unconscious on the table. I could not resist stalling for just a moment to rub my hands all over his buff body. After I got a good feel I began binding him in tight coils of rope. I bound his hands behind him and then started on his ankles. I also smeared a sticky piece of duct tape over his mouth and to secure it further I wrapped a longer piece around his mouth and neck. By the time I was done Officer White was fully trussed up like a Christmas ham. Finally, I took his XXXX belt and radio.

Nothing, gets me more excited then seeing a hot man bound and gagged. I took a step back to admire my work. The XXXX of chloraform I gave him should keep him out for another thirty minutes or so. I headed back upstairs to make a phone call. I had some plans for Officer White. There was some crazy rich guy named Bastiba that ran a brothel in the area. Word is that he pays good money for new workers. I intended to have my fun with him first but afterwards I was going to be so fucking rich.

I was just getting of the phone when I heard a noise downstairs. I hung up the phone and raced downstairs to check everything out. Apparently the pig was more resillient than I gave him credit for. He had come to and was trying to hop away. The sound I heard was his big pig feet slapping against the floor. Because of the boots every hop made a loud thud. The stupid pig actually thought he was going to hop away. I couldn't help laughing as I tackled him and slammed him against the brick wall and spun him around to face me.

"Listen you prepubescent, egotistically pig. You arrested my boyfriend and tried to get some dirt to arrest me. But You got out smarted this time. I going to sell your cop ass to a man that likes turning tough guys like you into his obedient slaves. But, first I am gonna have some fun with you."

"Mmmpphhmego! Mmm, Mmpph." He responded through his gag.

He looked up at me and shook his head pitifully. I could see in his eyes he was scared shitless. Poor Officer White was just some punk rookie who lucked up when caught my boyfriend. He had shown up here without backup hoping to get lucky again.Well good that meant he would be easier to manage. The only one who would get lucky today was me. I picked him up and tossed him over my shoulder and carried him back into the storage chamber. I tossed him roughly onto the table this time and took out more ropes and wrapped him up in an extreme hogtie. I had doubled him almost in half by the time I secured the last knot.

"MMpphurtsmmphs, mmpphh, Mmouchmmmpphh."

I watched as Officer White struggled visciously against the restraints. He torqued and twisted in ways I never beleived possible for the human body. He pulled and pushed against all the rope and tried desperately to twist free. However it was all to no avail. Nobody can get out of ropes that I have tied.

After I watched him struggle and twist for almost an hour finally I was exhausted from just watching him. I turned off the lights in the storage closet and went upstairs to bed. He was in good shape he might struggle for another hour or so. Then once he was to exausted to fight bakc I would have my way with him then call that brothel and have them pick him up. Aside from losing most of my XXXXs and my boyfriend things certainly seemed to be going well for me.


Officer White played by Gurth

The Evil Cop XXXXper played by John

Photography by Caitiff

Date of Production: 01/13/2006

tags: tape gag, uniform, police, hog tie

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