25 photos; 4:26 video
Fresh from graduation, Mike had not been motivated to find himself a job, that was until his girlfriend gave him a strict ultimatum - either find work or they were done. Mike didn't want to lose his girlfriend but he also didn't want employment that was too taxing on him, so he applied for an office gig that seemed like it would be a walk in the park. All he had to do was answer phone calls, type documents, schedule meetings and get coffee for his now employer. Basically, Mike was this man's secretary and the fact that his boss clearly had a little bit of a thing for him meant that Mike would use this to his advantage.
For the first few weeks, Mike made the effort to actually do his job with some efficiency and he would even flirt a little with his older male boss, despite being straight and having no inclination with experimenting with other guys. His older boss overlooked the fact that even when making an effort that Mike had a tendency to make grammar errors on documents or that he would take maybe five or ten minutes too long to bring him a coffee and often the wrong. These were things that the boss could tolerate to a point and with Mike providing some nice eye candy, the boss didn't want to fire him but when Mike's laziness nearly lost the boss an important client he realised it was time that Mike needed a shake up and the boss decided to go for something extreme.
It was after hours and Mike wanted to go home to his girlfriend but the boss made him stay. Mike could sense that there was something off with his boss and he felt like the moment he was dreading was about to come. He was going to get fired and it kind of sucked as he was starting to slightly enjoy his job but when the boss told him that he needed to shape up and take a training exercise, Mike then got a little confused.
The boss's voice (and before this night, the guy hardly ever raised his voice) was sharp as Mike was told to take a seat. Mike had no choice but to comply with the demand. As soon as Mike was seated, the boss tied Mike's hands behind his back, much to the latter's confusion before tying his feet. Mike didn't like this.
"Look, man, I'm sure you're a kinky guy and all that, but it's not really for me, My girlfriend tied me up once and I didn't really like it," Mike said, struggling to break free, but his boss ignored him and tied a cloth over his mouth, much to Mike's annoyance. "Mmmph, wht th fck?"
"You talk too much, pretty boy," the boss said before another cloth was then tied over Mike's mouth. "And I've been too soft on you because you're good looking. You need this job and I like having you around, Mike. So here's the deal, you're going to stay here and think about your lazy behaviour and how you can improve yourself and I'm going to go home for the night and actually correct your mistake. When I come back in the morning, I will untie you and you will prove to me why I should keep employing you. If you fail to do this, I'll blacklist you all over town and you won't get any job anywhere, do I make myself clear?"
Mike wanted to swear at the guy but seeing his boss hovering over him, taking proper control of him was giving him a sensation that he was ashamed of. Instead he nodded grudgingly, feeling shame for his predicament.
"Good boy," the boss said, before leaving the office and Mike for the night.
Mike would spend until the early hours struggling to get free and when that turned out to be futile, he was then XXXX to reassess how he had been slacking off at the job. If he didn't improve, he'd lose everything but on the other hand, if his punishments were something like that, then maybe he could afford to slack off a little more. After all, his boss could've simply fired him but instead chose to tie him up and looked rather pleased with himself when doing it. Mike had a feeling his boss really did enjoy this kind of thing and despite Mike telling him that he didn't like being tied up, there was something else that seemed contradict otherwise.
Mike just brooded and thought about his situation, coming to a decision that he imagined would pleased both him and his boss for a while.
Office Worker played by Mike
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/18/2018
tags: story, office, suit, char tie, socks, otm gag, grope, plot, bad guy