An Offer You Can't Refuse by Nick007

28 photos; 3:26 video



Vincent was a part of the mob ever since he was a sixteen year old. It was a family business after all. He did all sorts of jobs for the boss but his favorite jobs were XXXX and holding for ransom. He became very good at keeping someone tied up and gagged. He never thought the shoe would be on the other foot.

As he sat there, bound and gagged to a chair in an unknown building, in a small dark room, he thought about how he should have learned how to untie the knots too instead of just learning to tie them. Just then a door to the room opened revealing a man that Vincent knew very well. It was Baby-face Brian, a mobster from the rival mob across town. Brian was also known for being that mob's XXXX/ransom specialist.

“Now you're probably wondering why you've been XXXX. You're also probably thinking to your self that this must be just another job I'm doing and as soon as your boss pays for you, you are free to go.” Brian said.

Vincent nodded with a MMPPH!

“Well I am sorry to inform you that this is not the case unfortunately. So as they say in our line of business, I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse.” Brian said as he lifted a red bandana that was covering something on a box to Vincent's left. Vincent nervously laughed at what he saw thinking it must be a joke.

Under the bandanna was a bomb. “So you think that's funny huh? Well it's not. You see, you've gotten too good at your job. I've been losing business. All the local mob bosses have been coming to you and not me for jobs. So my offer is you sit here for for the next sixty minutes and I'll take all your job offers off your hands. Since I have you all tied up, it doesn't look like you're in any position to refuse my offer.” Brian said as he set the bomb to go off after sixty minutes. “Just enough time for me to get across town and have no one be the wiser. Now you just sit there and wait for the end.” Brian closed the door to the small room and left.

Vincent began struggling against the ropes. It took him awhile, but he finally got the ropes, that attached him to the chair untied. He looked at the clock. Only ten minutes left. There wasn't any more time to try to untie himself anymore. He got up, lifted his bound hands to the door knob and gave it a turn. “Stupid Brian left the door unlocked.” he thought. “What a moron!” Vincent began hopping out of the room only to find another door. So once again, straining to lift his bound hands, got the door knob turned and opened the door.

He began hopping his way down the hall as fast as he could. He only had minutes left. He had to get as far away from the bomb as possible. Hop. Hop. Hop. He got all the way down the hall when the bomb went off. BOOM! The force of the bomb XXXX Vincent over but he was relatively unharmed. As he gained his composure he noticed a

shard of glass near his hands. He grabbed it and began to work at cutting the ropes. While he doing that, he thought of how he was going to get his revenge on that baby- faced weasel.

The End.

The Gangster played by Vincent

Photography by Caitiff

Date of Production:12/17/2013

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