XXXXped Orderly by JMZ

30 photos; 4:06 video



I knew it would be nation wide news. The chance that something like this could happen in this day and age would shock everybody. The consequences would be great if I was caught, but I wasn’t planning on getting caught. I had spent many nights painstakingly planning each and every detail of how I was going to accomplish it. It would not be easy, but I was confident in two things, his ignorance and my plan.

Bobby and I had struck up a pretty close friendship in college. We were both pre med and had a lot of the same interests. I had grown up in a sheltered home and was impressed by his bravado and confidence. We helped each other out whenever possible, and spent four years partying and studying. It was the best time of my life. He came from money and never wanted for anything. I on the other hand worked two jobs and relied on a scholarship to get me through. I worked hard at accomplishing my goal of being a doctor, while he coasted by on his family name. I was envious but I knew in the end all my hard work would provide me the same affluence he was born in to.

We had the same professor for one of our classes and to say he was hard was an understatement. Even Bobby’s name couldn’t guarantee a solid grade from this guy and we hit the books harder than ever before. After weeks of frustration and humiliation at the hands of this professor Bobby seemed to give up, he talked of living of his trust fund and giving up college al together. I was able to talk him out of the idea, but he seemed discouraged. The final for the class would account for fifty percent of the grade and I worked hard. One day in the middle of our study session Bobby produced a copy of the final. I sat shocked and nervous at the prospect of cheating. I immediately refused, but Bobby convinced me it would be the only way to insure our passing. I reluctantly agreed.

It was a Tuesday when I was told I was being kicked out. Bobby was given another chance because his family name. I lost everything I worked so hard for. Years later I was thumbing through the want ads when a national talk show came on the television, imagine my shock when Bobby appeared giving medical advice to the audience, they actually gave him his own show. I was both furious and defeated. I decided I needed to get back on my feet, and how better than to do it with his money.

I was able to reach him through an old school friend of ours; he seemed nervous on the phone but eventually agreed to meet me. Upon our meeting he seemed genuinely sorry for what had happened. I made a story of well I was doing and he should not feel responsible for what occurred. I invited him back to my place for drinks and he happily agreed. He was never one to turn down a drink. A perplexed look came over his face as we drove up to my humble home. He turned to ask me something when I produced the XXXX. His eyes widened as I instructed him to keep quiet.

I led him to my basement and tied his hands behind his back. I secured the rope tightly in several knots to insure he would not escape. He looked at me with wonder and fear. I

pushed him down onto a mattress and began my handy work on his legs. I tied him tight and secure. He began to plead with me, but I did not want to hear it. I XXXX a bandana between his teeth and tied his off on the back of his head. He struggled, angry now that he couldn’t talk his way out of this. I secured a strip of strong duct tape over his already gagged mouth. I held the XXXX to him and set the camera. He pleaded and struggled, but it was no use. I carefully made sure his family received the photo along with my money demands. It hit the news like wild fire. A well respected doctor and television personality had been XXXX. I went to the police and volunteered to aid in the search. His family was so pleased with my heart felt worry for him. I would help all day and then return to my captive at night. 

Finally the family made a television plea for his safe return and told the XXXX they would pay anything. I volunteered to be the drop guy. The police tried to talk me out of it. I convinced them that he was my good friend and I would do anything to get him back. The XXXX had set up a place and time near the airport. I was to drop the money in a lockbox. He was strict that I was not to wear a wire, and I let the police know I was fine with this, as long as Bobby was safe.

Before the drop I made my way back to Bobby’s grunts and kicks. He struggled and screamed through his gag as I blinded him with another bandana. It was almost over I assured him, anyways he was beginning to smell a bit. He kicked at me and I was off. I made my way to the lockbox and placed the empty bag there. The money itself was safely hidden in the bathroom stall a few feet away.

I went back to the police station and waited with them and they waited for their team to contact them. They had the entire place surrounded. After several hours of no response they sent me home. I checked on Bobby one last time and caught my cab to airport. I flew into Mexico and was met by him; the professor that years ago that had me expelled. He embraced me and we went back to the hotel to celebrate our victory over the great doctor. The professor had been fired over the incident for protesting Bobby’s continuation with his studies. We talked for years after that and found out we had more in common than I once thought. We celebrated all night; he really was a hard professor.

The End

Bobby played by Mickey O'Shea Photography by Caitiff

Date of Production;01/27/2010


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