Twin Peaks by JMZ

44 photos; 5:58 video



It was a ritual I participated in since making the team. I did it more out of superstition than anything else but it seemed to make me play better.

The day started as usual I ate my weight in eggs and bacon to protein up and made ran a few miles to warm my muscles up. Like I had done before every other game I skipped a shower and put on my uniform, I know it sounds gross but it was a tradition amongst my team mates. I loved the sport and it had been good to me. It gave me the scholarship to college I hoped for, and a chance at a real future.

This game was going to determine weather or not we made it to the collegiate finals. I needed to be my best today, I left nothing to chance. It was a few hours till game time and I decided to get in my usual XXXX. As soon as I hit the bed I was out. I was always a sound XXXXer so it didn’t occur to me that I wasn’t alone.

In my deep XXXX I had a nightmare, it was the one I always had, I lay on my bed not able to move or speak. There was someone else there with me, but I could never see his face. In my immobilized state he roughly pulled my wrists together and tied them tightly with rope. He would then make his way down to my ankles and begin wrapping the rope tightly before knotting it together. As I began to yell for help the figure would shove a bandana between my teeth and tie it behind my head, gagging me. I thrashed to break free, but with each movement the ropes seemed coil around my limbs tighter. My jaw ached from the gag and my throat began to burn with dryness. Like in every one of these dreams I struggled to catch a gXXXXse of my captor, but all I could make out was a dark menacing shadow of a person.

I had spent many dollars with various doctors to figure out this dream; they all chalked it up to control issues. I was adopted very young and had always fought to fit the mold I was expected to be. I couldn’t control what I wanted to, and I had spent the better part of the last three years trying to find out who my birth parents were. It had been an exhausting endeavor. The dreams just seemed to get more intense and a bit erotic.

I slowly opened my heavy eyes still feeling the phantom ropes that bound me, this day however something was different. I came to full consciousness to discover I was really bound and gagged.

What was happening? I panicked and began to scream inaudible words through the tight gag that encased my cries. I thrashed about the bed confused and exhausted. I tried desperately to get loose.

My nightmare was coming true. What was going on? Was this some sort of joke? I rubbed my sweaty socked ankles together to try and loosen the rope, it was no use.

“Its no use Teddy, you’re not going anywhere”, a voice echoed in the shadows. I stared in fear as the shadow came closer.

I yelled as loudly as my gag would allow as the light hit his face. Staring back at me was my own face. He had the same eyes, features and build; a dark goatee lined his mouth. I stared in shock at this person.

“Teddy it’s been a long time, I’ve been watching you for a while, and I’ve got to say you’ve done pretty well for yourself.” “I haven’t been so lucky, but I have I feeling things are about to change”, he said.

I tried to speak but the damn gag kept my words hostage.

“All will reveal itself in good time brother, but for now I need to keep you out of the way”, he yelled.

I pointlessly lunged at him only to be pushed hard against the bed. This seemed to anger him. He ripped taped from a roll, the sound startled me. He sealed my lips tight giving me no chance to speak.

He gave me a wicked smile and walked out of the room. I struggled again to get loose, but it was no use. What did he want? I didn’t even know he existed? I needed to get free, before I found out what his intentions were.


The ropes dug into my wrists. I pulled and thrashed hoping to relieve myself from the binds. I needed to get loose before he came back. My muscles ached and throbbed from the harsh knots. The gag was unrelenting, keeping every word I tried to utter sealed in my mouth. I listened as he rustled through drawers and closets upstairs. In a panic I began to kick and thrash hoping pure will would break me free. After a long moment of struggle I began to become exhausted, I exhausted every ounce of energy I had left and lay there defeated and scared.

It made perfect sense in a way, I was after all adopted. I didn’t even know I had a brother. Were all my dreams simply a premonition to what was happening? I had spent countless hours and money with various shrinks trying to figure out what they meant. As it turns out my dream seemed to come to life in the most literal sense imaginable. I heard the door open and his footsteps come closer. I trembled subtly trying to loosen the knots with my fingers.

He walked over and began to mark something over the silver demon that encapsulated my words. What did all this mean? Was he trying to be funny? “Teddy, all my life I have been called a loser. I spent my life being shuffled around from home to home wondering when I would find the life that I dreamed of”, he said. “All of a sudden one day I got a call from an investigator claiming he found a long lost relative.” “I came here a few months ago to meet you and as soon I saw your life and all the breaks you had been given I decided not to approach you.” “Instead I watched you and followed you around hoping to figure out why you were so lucky I had been left to fend for myself.” “Then it dawned on me, you took the life I was supposed to have, and now its time for me to reclaim it”, he yelled. I was horrified. A rush of adrenaline coursed through me and I fought harder than ever to break free. He pounced on the bed like a wild cat to hold me still.

He struggled to get control of me, it didn’t take long. He wound rope over my already tied limbs and knotted a hard hogtie. I felt like a trussed up turkey awaiting my fate. I struggled hard; I was not going to make this easy for him. He pulled down my shorts in an attempt to humiliate me further. The cold air hit my bare ass sending shivers down my spine. “MMMPPPHHH”, I screamed! It was no use. He walked out of the room and left me to my struggle.

The smell of adhesive from the tape engulfed my nose. I was breathing hard exhausting energy I didn’t know I had. He was going to be me. What was going to happen to me, I wondered. I struggled further and began to accept my fate and exhaustion crept back in. Just I was about to give up the hogtie came loose, I guess his tragic life didn’t afford him a turn in the boy scouts like myself, my knots would have been so much better. I made it to my feet and hopped towards my desk quietly. I was able to reach a pair of scissors. I

hopped back to the bed and began to cut away at the ropes. After a long while I was able to get loose. I plotted my next move. I was not aware of what he was capable of so I decided to make a break for it out of the window. I ran as fast as I could to a neighbor. I called the police and waited anxiously until they arrived. They came back with the news that he had fled. They promised to send out the bulletin for the town to keep an eye out for him. Months passed with no news of his capture. I decided to move and hire a security team to keep an eye out. The dreams stopped, but the fact that he was still out there terrified me more than any dream I encountered. I waited for the day we would meet again, this time I would be ready for him.

The End

Teddy played by Marco Photography by Caitiff

Date of Production: 07/24/2009

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