Rawy's First XXXXping

23 photos; 4:51 video



“Your rich little daddy only has about a half-hour left on his time limit to get you back”, I said to my tied up guest.

I grabbed this kid because his daddy was a very rich man. I worked for his father’s company for ten years and I still was a low-level cubicle office drone. I used to see his nineteen year old kid in the office from time to time; it really pissed me off because every time I saw the kid, he always wore the most expensive things like rings, necklaces, etc. I worked my ass off for his already rich father and this little shit goes around literally bathed in gold. His last visit was the final straw though.

I was in the break room getting coffee when I saw the kid stroll in with his head held up high. I said in a friendly voice, “Hello James. How are you today?” What he said after made me beyond pissed.

With an apparent arrogant attitude, he responded with, “Yo! My name’s Rawy you stupid poor person. Go back to your little 2 x 4 square of an ‘office’ and make my father some more money.”

He walked out with his head held high. I just stood there shaking my fist; it was bad enough that this kid’s father spoiled him, but this prick had the nerve to say that to me?!

After that, I started planning my revenge against “Rawy”. I wanted him to learn some respect for me and what better way to do that than to teach him yourself. Then, I thought, why not get a big, fat bonus in this process from his rich father. So, I combined my revenge with the possibility of money and I got an answer of XXXX the kid and ransoming him back to his father.

I went home that night and gathered up my supplies for the job. I got my rope, duct tape, car keys, and booked a motel room.

The next day was my day off so I had nothing to worry about. I knew where his apartment was so I went up drove up there and parked out front. I entered the building with a coil of rope in my back pocket and went straight for ‘James’s’ apartment number. I XXXX on the door and a second later it was opened by him.

James just stared at me and grunted, “What do you want?”

Just as he finished that sentence, I pushed him back into the apartment and tackled him and pinned to the ground.

“Ouch! Yo man, What the hell is your problem?!?!” James screamed as I took out my rope.


I quickly hand-gagged him and told him to be quiet or else. He nodded and I released his mouth only to tie his hands behind his back. After his hands were bound behind his back, I picked him up and walked him into the trunk of my car. He tried yelling for help, but after the first yell, I pressed my hand against his mouth. When we got to my car, I picked him up and threw him into the trunk. I drove off to the motel I reserved the night before.

I heard some banging around, but I ignored it until we got to the motel. I went inside to get to key then I came back out and opened the trunk. I pulled him out and walked him to the front door; the check-out was aXXXX in his chair so I took my captive to the motel room. I opened the door and threw his bound-ass on the bed.

He got up and his original high and mighty attitude was gone. I just see now he was scared and I felt a little bad for him, but I was still a little pissed too.
“Hey man...” James continued. “What do you want from me?”

I answered, “I took you so I can get your father to pay your random. In fact, I’m going to make it right now.”

I grabbed my duct tape from the bag that had all my stuff in it and ripped a long strip. I pressed it against his mouth and told him to not to move. I went to the phone, called his father and did the usual XXXX speech; said my amount, only have this much time or else, where to drop it off, and don’t call the police.

After the call, I sat down on the chair and watch him struggle; he was so cute the way he did. He tried moving, but I told him not to get off the bed. He was trying to sit up; he was moving his nice long tan legs and kicking his nice socked feet. My stare was interrupted by the thought of him running away; he could make a break for the door.

I grabbed my rope and told him to sit on his knees. With a look of fear in his eyes, he listened to me and sat on his knees. Then, I proceeded to tie his legs to his thighs; I did this because my anger subsided and now I was interested in having a little fun with my hot young captive before I got my money.

After wrapping some rope around his legs, I then looped it around the thighs and after a few times, tied tight knots. After I finished, he started to struggle a little bit; I knew he wasn’t going anywhere so I allowed it.

I looked at my watch and said to him, “Your rich little daddy only has about a half-hour left on his time limit to get you back”

That made him struggle a bit more. He rolled around until he rolled too much and rolled onto his stomach. Since both of his arms and legs were tied, he couldn’t get up; I was laughing for a bit because I thought it was really funny. Then, while he was struggling on

his stomach, an idea popped into my head; I took my rope one last time and planned to hogtie the captive.

I wrapped his hand bindings with more rope, wrapped his cute little feet in rope, and then tied both of them together. I finished and saw his puppy-dog eyes look up at me; I loved the way that he was completely helpless before me.

At that moment, I heard a XXXX on the door. “Oh”, I exclaimed and looked at my watch. “15 minutes early. Oh, just when things were getting good”.

I answered the door thinking it was his father with the money, but when I opened the door, I saw a bunch of policemen pushing their way in. They gave their whole speech about your under arrest, we have a warrant, these are your rights. As they handcuffed me and started to untie James, I realized that I wasn’t angry anymore at him; I had too much fun with him.

“Oh well”, I thought, “Guess it’s my turn to be the captive now.”

Rawy played by Himself Photography by Caitiff

Date of Production: 08/15/2009

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