The Great Outdoors

20 photos; 4:24 video



Cont'd from "Litter Bug"

Mark was carried deeper into the woods, even as he squirmed and twisted. The man who had XXXX him was pretty strong and easily carried Mark over his shoulder. Bound hand and foot, Mark could do very little to fight him beyond wiggle like a worm.

“Mmmmppphhh!”, Desperately Mark tried to get someone’s attention. He had heard other hikers earlier. But the gag over his mouth made saying anything a near impossibility.

And all because Mark had thrown a plastic bottle in the woods.

After a while, the man set Mark back down on his feet. His ankles bound, Mark couldn’t do much more then bunny hop around. He knew he could never out run the man.

The ropes binding Mark’s hands were checked, the knots tightened. The tape was surprisingly still clinging to Mark’s face despite all the sweat that ran down his face.

Mark glared at the man. The man’s response was totally not what Mark had expected. He pulled Mark’s shorts down, exposing the young man’s junk.

“Mmmmm!”, Mark protested, for all the good it did.

“Nice ass. I guess I could take my clean up fee out of that.” The man said and gave Mark a firm slap on his bare buttocks.

The man continued to treat Mark as if he was sizing up a side of beef, poking and stroking and grabbing at Mark’s private parts. Mark didn't’ like it one bit. He was also having a hard time keeping upright with all the struggling and poking that was going on.

Eventually the man seemed to tire of the game and stood back, allowing Mark’s unmentionables to dangle in the wind.

Mark made a half assed attempt at hopping away but he didn’t get two feet before the man grabbed him. Mark’s shorts were pulled back up to his relief. He was then pushed to the ground.

“Ok here’s the deal. I’m going to leave and come back in ten minutes. If you get loose, you had better not ever come back to these woods again. IF you’re not free when I come back. I have soem fun with that bubble ass of yours and teach you lesson about respecting our mother Earth”


The man then left Mark alone in the woods, bound and gagged.

Seeing this as his only chance, Mark began to work on the ropes that bound him.

As he struggled, Mark swore he would never litter again.


Mark played by Chad Photography by Caitiff

Date of Production:05/15/2012

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