14 photos
Tick tick tick. “Mmmpphh!”, Steve groaned through the tape that covered his mouth. This could not be happening! The ropes bit into his wrists as he fought against them for freedom. Bound had and foot he could only grunt and wiggle like a worm. His shanghaier, Danny Snow, had already left Steve to his fate. Furious over Steve’s failure to keep him out of jail when Steve was Danny’s lawyer, Danny had tied Steve up and planted a device. Damn these ropes were tight, Steve thought. Sweat was running down Steve’s face but that didn't’ seem to help give him any slack. “Mmmm!!”, Steve grunted again in frustration and stamped his feet. Wait a minute! He was a moron! His feet were tied as tight as his hands but Danny had forgotten to tie Steve to the chair. There was nothing stopping him from simply getting up and hopping away. Steven had to be careful to maintain his balance. But he also did not have a lot of time. As quickly as he could he got to his feet. The fact that his knees were tied as well as his ankles actually made hopping much easier. Wasting no more time, he began to bunny hop to the door. He could only pray that Danny was not waiting outside in case Steve tried just this tactic. Though surely Danny would have ran far away by now. Danny would want to be far away from house when it blew. Steve didn’t even look back to see how much time he had left. He bounced on his feet down the hallway and to the back door. It was closer and hopefully easier to open with Steven’s bound hands. The door wasn’t quite as easily as Steve had hoped. The damn knob was hard to get a hold of and when he finally did manage ot turn it the door stuck. “Mmmpph!” Steve didn’t have much time left. He knew it. He could hear the clock continue ticking even from the kitchen. With a desperate tug Steve got the door open. He then had to manoeuvre so he could open it enough to get out. Steve was on the porch now and he calculated that he could probably jump down the stairs to the yard and then get away. But then his foot hit a loose board. With a painful thud Steve fell down. “Mmmmm! Mmmmmppphhh!”, Steven tried to yell for help. Unfortunately Steve’s neighbourhood was spread out. His closest neighbour was probably too far away to hear his cries through the gag. Steven could still hear that damn clock ticking even from outside. And it kept ticking. and ticking. And ticking. Steven began to panic. He struggled like crazy to get free and failed as before. And the clock continued ot tick. It was then Steven calmed enough to think, Shouldn’t it have gone off by now? Steve didn’t get untied until the next morning by the mail man. The bomb actually turned out to be just a clock attached to some wooden dowels painted red. Though furious, Danny apparently wasn’t quite as crazy as he had let on. Steve asked the mail man to keep quiet. On the porch bound and gagged Steve had had time to think. If they caught Danny, it might come out just how little Steven had worked on his case. How Steven had pretty much not done any work on his client's behalf. And he did not need a competency hearing. No, Steven decided. He would keep this quiet, buy a security system and make sure that he never screwed over a client again The end Steve played by Ryan Photograhy by Caitiff Date of Production: 10/12/2008
24 photos
Steve let out a huge sigh as he opened the back door into his kitchen. Sometimes he didn’t know why he bothered with these pro bono cases. Oh yeah, because the firm insisted they were good for PR. In fact, the firm didn’t even seem to care if they won these cases or not as long as he showed up. Steve sure didn’t. He had better things to do then worry about some poor slob that couldn’t pay on his own. Half the time he just threw the work at an intern. As long as he showed at court. Still it was a distraction from the real cases he wanted to do, with the big name clients and the big money that went with it. Danny Snow was not big name money. But he was big. Bigger then Steve anyway. Steven barely had time to react before Danny sucker punched him. Steven fell to the floor. Steven came too slowly and painfully. His head hurt. He was aware of that even before his vision cleared. But for some reason his hands hurt too, as if they had been rubbed raw. In the back of his mind Steven realised he had been tied up. Harsh light was flashing in Steve’s eyes as he opened them, barely making out the large blurry figure standing before him. “About fucking time. You were pretty out of it at the trial too.”, Steve heard a baritone voice say. “Who the hell are you?”, Steve demanded as he pulled at the ropes that bound his wrists behind his back. “You mother fucker! You don’t even remember me? I’m Danny Snow. You were supposed to represent me, remember? You told me you were going to get me off with probation but you forgot to tell the judge! “ “Look I’m a very busy man. I mean I’m sorry about your problems but I don’t see...mmmmpphh!”, Steven never got to finish his sentence as Danny’s huge hand clamped down over Steve’s mouth. “Spare me your shit. You didn't’ talk tot he Judge on my behalf so I don't see why you should get to talk at all!”, Danny screamed as he pulled out a roll of tape. Quickly Steve found his mouth covered in layers of tape, sealing it shut. Steve could only grunt angrily as the gag cut off his threats and attempted bribes. Steven kicked at his captor, thinking to run away but Danny was having none of it. He easily pushed the bound and gagged Steve back onto the chair. More rope appeared in Danny’s hands which he used to bind Steve’s legs. His ankles and then his knees were tied up. Danny was not gentle. Steve’s nuts were crushed between his legs. But that was nothing compared ot what came next. “Guess you missed this. Been working on it and wouldn’t want you to not appreciate my work”, Danny said as his lay on what looked like a home made bomb! Steve’s eyes went wide in terror. Franticly he fought his bondage anew as he mumbled pleas into his gag. “Mmmmmm! Mmmpphhh!”, Steve was helpless as Danny set the clock for five minutes. “There. I just gave you more time then you gave me. Have a nice life, asshole!” Steve’s attention was riveted on the clock as it counted down the last few moments of his life. In hindsight, he really should have worked on Danny Snow’s case. To Be Continued? Steve played by Ryan Danny played by Tom Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 10/12/2008
22 photos; 4:35 video
Model:Tristan Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:03/26/2014
23 photos; 4:33 video
Leo was tinkering with the car the Feds gave him. It needed a lot of work, but that was his hobby. He would make it like new – new like everything else: New House, new car, new name, and new social security number. All perfectly safe they said. Even his testimony would be in secret, sealed forever in the greatest racketeering trail in history: the ripping off of every driver in the country! Leo had done all the transfers, millions of dollars stolen and transferred around the world. He would testify tomorrow. He looked at the engine: “Sweetheart,” he spoke aloud, when he heard the click of a trigger coked and aimed at him. “Do not fuckin move!” Leo stared at the thugs, three of them, holding concealed items with silencers. One was barking orders – “search the house, if anybody else is upstairs, deal with them. Look for any evidence he might have.” One of the goons went upstairs while the other faced the terrified witness: “Loose the shirt. It will make a nice gag!” “Gag? What do you mean….” Leo’s words were interrupted as the second goon pulled his shirt over his head, body slammed him against the car, crossed his wrists and bound them with rope. Taking his tank top, he tightly gagged him. Leo was trembling with fear as he watched them both remove more rope from a sack. The third returned carrying Leo’s laptop and Blackberry. “We’ll take these. Make sure he is bound good and tight!” There was nothing Leo could do as his biceps were circled with rope and his arms lashed to his sides. They yanked the ropes tighter with each turn. He felt his arms numbing up and the rope burning his chest, arms and back. Quickly they moved to his legs and bound his knees and feet, making him stand as they checked files in his computer. “What’s the password for the WORD file?” Leo shook his head. They slammed him in his gut, knocking the bound man into a chair. “THE FUCKING PASSWORD?” One produced a edge and put the tip on their Leo’s chest—“OR I SLICE YOU TO BITS!” Leo mumbled and the gag was removed. “EXXONMOBILE!” he screamed out before the gag was replaced. The gangsters typed in the password and opened files containing millions of price fixing at the pump that Leo has transferred from every gas station in the United States. “The boss can fix this!” one said as the dumped the roped man into the car. “Don’t need you anymore!” Leo was wide eyes as one turned the motor on. “Should take only an hour or so for the monoxide to finish you off. I understand it is painless!” They left. Leo squirmed wildly, bucking like a bound animal to free himself from the rope restraints. He finally got the gag out and screamed. Nobody heard. He got the door open, fell to the floor, and rolled his body across the cement to a window. Using his bound feet, he smashed the glass and, ignoring the agony in his roped arms and hands, pushed himself up and breathed in the fresh air. There was no way he could untie himself. He would have to wait, standing in ropes, until the feds came to check on him. “Fucking 24 hours from now!” he moaned. The End Leo played by Himself Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 07/25/2008
17 photos; 4:41 video
Model : Craig Date Created 5/02/16 Videos & Photos Taken By: Slade
22 photos; 5:46 video
After weeks of waiting, I finally got my own bear.
He wa abit surly and foul mouthed. Would have to keep him quiet so the neighbors didn't complain.
But that just required a little training.
The Bear: Dean
Photography: Caitiff
Date of Production: 05/12/2016
33 photos
Getting the XXXX-Aide into Darrell’s Sports-Aide had been very easy. Getting the drowsy jock into the back of his car had been more difficult. And then getting the big XXXX jock into the loft room up over the garage had been really tough, but at last Mickey had his worst tormenter just where he wanted him. So Mickey chuckled and whistled a happy tune while he stripped off the footballer’s cleats and trousers and hid them away. Darrell wouldn't be needing those for a long time. Mickey didn't bother with the football pads and the rest of Darrel’s clothes. He was in too much of a hurry to gag and blindfold him with a couple of bandannas before he started working on the ropes. Mickey had been waiting a long time to have Darrell in his power so then he took his time and delighted in every turn of rope and every tight knot that he used to finally put the big guy at his mercy. Then he stood back to watch the fun and started his video camera so that he could enjoy this little party over and over again. Completely unaware of what clever Mickey had done to him, Darrell woke up slowly from his XXXX-Aide XXXX. Then he discovered the ropes hugging his body and felt the embarrassment of being half naked. And Mickey had a hard time not laughing out loud while he listened to the panicked little-boy noises the burly jock was making into his mouthful of bandanna and watched the way his body struggled around on the hard floor. Finally Darrell managed to get his body into a sitting position and then he seemed to be calming down as he looked around with his blindfolded eyes, trying to figure out where he was. Mickey couldn't resist running his fingers lightly over Darrell’s close cropped hair. Darrell jerked his head around and began making questioning noises into his bandanna-gag. Mickey didn't answer the bound jock’s questions. He just waited until Darrell started to calm down again. Then Mickey rubbed the sole of his shoe up against Darrell’s exposed jock-pouch. Darrell fairly shrieked into the bandanna and began shaking his head back and forth and begging his unseen captor not to touch him there. Mickey was sorely tempted to tease the helpless jock some more, but what he really wanted was for Darrell to know who had done this to him, and who’s power he was in now, so Mickey pulled the bandanna blindfold off of Darrell’s eyes. Darrell blinked a few times at the sudden brightness of the lights in the room and then his face went into shock when he saw Mickey standing over him. True to his nature, Darrell growled at Mickey and made all kinds of juicy demands into his soggy bandanna for Mickey to let him go immediately, but Mickey just laughed. “Hello Darrell, welcome to my parlor.” Darrell blinked at Mickey in confusion. The team’s towel boy was a skinny freshman who only weighed about a hundred-and-twenty pounds. Darrell could break him in half easily. But then fear began to crawl up the back of Darrell’s neck. This was the same Mickey who had been the butt of so many of Darrell’s cruel jokes. They were all good for a laugh, but Darrell didn't see Mickey laughing now. And then that fear intensified when Darrell realized that he didn't know where he was or how he got here or what Mickey was planning to do to him. And that was when he really started to feel all of the ropes that were hugging his body and making him feel so helpless. The fear fed Darrell’s panic and anger as he growled and threatened and rolled all around on the hard floor, desperately trying to get free of the ropes so that he could get his big hands on skinny Mickey. But Mickey just laughed and laughed as he danced around just out of Darrell’s angry reach until the big boy was panting and sweating and gasping for breath. “Having lots of fun, Darrell,” Mickey purred softly as he ran his fingers over the jock’s short hair. “You won't get out of here that way. The only way you're ever going to get out of this is if you do just what I tell you.” Darrell shook his head from side to side and made little begging noises while the drool ran out from between his lips and ran down over his chest. He didn't like little Mickey having power over him like this, but now he was really scared. All tied up like this, Mickey could do anything he wanted to him, so Darrell began to submit. “Come on, sit up, that’s a good boy,” Mickey told him gently and Darrel began to calm down and obey those gentle words. “That’s better. Now lie down on your tummy while I tell you why I brought you hear.” Darrell awkwardly floundered back down onto the hard floor and then he didn't resist while he felt Mickey’s gentle hands and more soft ropes being wrapped tighter and tighter around his body. “We're going to have a little party tonight and you're going to be the guest of honor.” “Party…? What kind of a party?” Darrell wondered while Mickey finished tying the last knot and then took his hands off of him. “You remember my big brother George, the one who rides the big motorcycle? Well he’s coming home tonight and he’s going to be bringing a lot of his friends with him. Won’t that be fun?” Darrell remembered George. That guy was so big and scary that it was hard to believe that he was gentle Mickey’s brother. And he was coming here tonight! Darrell began writhing around on the floor and making all kinds of begging noises into his gag. He had to get out of here! “Now Darrell, don't carry on so. You’re going to get yourself all dirty and bruised before the party even begins,” Mickey chided the big jock gently. Darrell stopped struggling and looked up from the floor and begged Mickey to please let him go. But Mickey just smiled and folded the blindfold bandanna up into a nice soft pad and then began pouring some kind of stuff out of a dark bottle onto it. “Time to take your medicine,” big boy. Darrell shook his head from side to side and whimpered into his gag, but he couldn't stop Mickey from pressing the damp cloth over his nose. The smell was awful! Darrell jerked his head away from the sweet-smelling cloth, but Mickey just soothed the back of Darrell’s neck with his gentle fingers while he pressed the damp folds of cloth more firmly over Darrell’s nose. “I'm going to tell you a little secret Darrell. Before he went away my brother George told me that there was only one part of you that he liked. He said that you have really cute buns. Isn't that funny?” Darrell moaned and swooned as his face sighed into the damp cloth and his heavy eyelids closed. Mickey gently lowered Darrell’s XXXX face to the floor and put the cloth away. After this party was over, he was sure that Darrell would be a much different kind of boy. THE END Darrell played by Aaron Photography by Caitiff
14 photos; 8:02 video
Model:Vidhra Model:Chad Rope Work by rdf85 Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:10/06/2012
27 photos; 1:43 video
Andy wasn’t so good at work. In fact, Andy was so bad, that he couldn’t keep a job. Even a temporary job. This frustrated Andy’s employer tremendously, so he decided to call him into the office one day for some “extra” training. The boss brought Andy in on a Saturday when no one else was scheduled to be in the office. He told him he needed to start dressing like a young professional, even if he was doing temp work. The boss said don’t show up on Saturday unless you have a suit of your own. Andy went out to the mall Friday after he got off work and bought him the cheapest suit he could find. It wasn’t like Andy wanted to be doing this for very long. After all, he was an aspiring guitarist who wanted to play in a rock band, and was just waiting for the right band to come and offer him a contract. Andy finally shows up to the office Saturday morning, his boss wasn’t happy. You see, he showed up 30 minutes late because he was out partying with his buds the night before. “How could you be late for training?” Andy’s boss exclaimed. His boss then showed him to the training room which was in the back of the office. Andy’s boss popped in a video for Andy to watch about “Responsibility and the Corporate World.” Andy wasn’t at all interested in this video but he knew he needed to keep this job because his bills were coming up in a few weeks. Andy started watching the video, but he soon noticed his eyelids getting heavier and heavier from the lack of XXXX he had gotten the night before. The boss saw Andy’s head drop a few times and pop back up, but then it finally dropped and Andy was out, XXXX from exhaustion. Andy’s boss didn’t really care, because he wanted to “train” Andy to be a good employee and to do what his bosses told him. So he had an “alternate” training seminar that Andy was soon going to be introduced to. Andy’s boss picked Andy up out of the chair and took him to the couch in the board room. He then duct taped his mouth closed so Andy couldn’t speak, but only listen to his boss. Next, the boss went to his office and grabbed several long ropes that he was going to tie around Andy’s feet and ankles. Once Andy was all tied up nicely on the couch, the boss slapped Andy on the face and Andy, in shock, woke up. He found himself in a state of immobilization. He also couldn’t speak. What the hell had happened to him, Andy thought. He was watching a video last he knew, and now he was on this couch and couldn’t speak or move. Andy began to struggle against the ropes, twisting and turning and trying to somehow get free. But he couldn’t seem to loosen the ropes at all. Then he looked in front of him, and there stood his boss. “I told you I was going to train you today. Now I am going to REALLY train you Andy. You see Andy, you have a tendency to not listen to instructions you are given, and I intend for you to break that habit this weekend.” Andy thought, “this weekend”? “What?” “MMmmmmmmffffffff” Andy yelled. No one could hear him though, except for the boss. And his boss frankly wasn’t going to listen to him. “Hopefully by Monday I will have trained you to listen to your employer and you’ll be able to go to work at a new job this Monday. But that all depends on your training this weekend Andy. Who knows if you will be able to get through training this weekend. We may have to extend it for a full week, that’s up to you.” And with that, Andy’s boss left the room leaving Andy bound on the couch trying desperately to figure out how he was going to get out of this situation. Fin Andy played by Clark Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 05/21/2006
25 photos
It was TJ’s big wrestling match. “Finally” TJ thought. “I’m going to win the state championship.” TJ has been winning all of his college wrestling matchups throughout his senior year and he has his match today with the state champion. If he wins this, he will become the next state champion; he sits in his basement floor pumping himself up before he has to leave for the match. However, not everyone shares TJ’s view. One business man in particular would lose a lot of money if TJ won; he placed a lot of money on his opponent and wishes not to lose it. So, this business man obtained TJ’s house address from TJ’s couch with a little convincing from a Mr. Ben Franklin and then he sent a “friend” to deal with TJ accordingly. “Now, just make sure TJ doesn’t make it to the match… I want this to be as clean and simple as possible.” The business man said before sending his “friend” named Gavin to handle this situation. Gavin went to the house, lockpicked his way through the back door, and started searching the house. He went through the kitchen, living room, bedroom, and then made his way to the basement. Gavin started going down the stairs where he saw that TJ was already in his uniform. “Damn.” Gavin sighed. “Thought I had more time. Ok… let’s do this.” Gavin pulled out a pocket edge and walked down the stairs slowly. TJ saw him and was perplexed. “What the fuck are you doing here?” “Look kid.” Gavin stated. “I’m here on official business. If you do what I say, this will be a lot easier for you. Or else am I going to have to use my little edge here.” “Ok ok ok…” TJ sounded defeated. “What do you want?” “Simple…” Gavin smiled. Just get on that bed over there and don’t move.” “Fine…” TJ got on the bed. “Now, hold your arms forward.” Gavin commanded. TJ did what he was told and Gavin tied his wrists nice and tight. “Look…” TJ continued. “You never told me why you’re here in the first place.” “All will be revealed in good time.” Gavin pushed TJ’s leg into his knees and started to tie his legs also. “I don’t want you running away on me… that’s all.” “Look!” TJ started getting impatient. “I want to know why you’re here, why you’re tying me up and also why MMMM!” At that moment, Gavin shoved a white cloth bandana into his mouth. “I just had about enough of your bitchin.” “MMMMM….” Groaned TJ. “Heheh.” Gavin laughed. “Boy, you’re ‘knot’ getting out of my ropes anytime soon. Suddenly Gavin’s cell phone rang. “Hello?... Yeah…Yep, taken care of…Ok, got ya. See you later.” Gavin turned to TJ and smiled, “I’m sorry I have to cut this short, but I have got to go. My boss has requested my presence in another matter. I think you’re going to be fine right here aren’t you?” “MMmmmmmno…” TJ moaned. “Hahah.” Gavin chuckled. “You’ll be fine. Anyhoo, bye friend.” Gavin walked up the stair leaving TJ struggling about on the bed. He locked the door on his way out and out into the sunlight. The End TJ played by Arturo Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 07/30/2009
26 photos
Standing guard in a State Museum is not the worst duty a young soldier can draw. You didn't have to dig deep holes in the ground, or march all night in the cold rain, and of course no one was shooting at you. So I must admit that I had fallen into a kind of relaxed routine and I really wasn't on my guard when one of the museum visitors approached me. Instead I prepared myself to answer a lot of stupid questions about the valuable state property we had on exhibit here and to remind the visitor that it was close to closing time. Then I saw him take out a folded handkerchief and hold it over his nose and mouth. “Oh no,” I thought. I hoped that he didn't have a cold. I just hated it when the stupid visitors coughed or sneezed right into your face. Then I saw that he was holding what looked like a small bottle of perfume in his other hand. Naturally suspicious, I was looking closely at the bottle to make sure that it wasn't something the visitor had picked up from one of the displays, and so I was completely surprised when the visitor pushed the plunger on the bottle and a fine misty cloud came out of the bottle to surround my face. The cloud smelled sort of sweet and pleasant like honeysuckle and I sniffed at its pleasant fragrance. But then suddenly the room started getting darker and I saw the floor rushing up at my face just before everything went completely black. By the time I opened my eyes again, I was completely confused and disoriented and it took me several moments to remember that I was supposed to be on guard in the museum. The first thing I noticed was that the museum was completely quiet like it was after closing when everyone had gone home. The next thing I noticed was that I was sitting down and immediate panic gripped me. Guards were never allowed to sit down while on duty! I tried to stand up and that was when I discovered the ropes. I had ropes tied all over me! They were pulling my hands back behind my back and squeezing my chest and my legs and my ankles together so that I couldn't move. They were even tied to the chair so that I couldn't even move my feet! Then I saw the same visitor standing over me with a pleased look on his face. “So you decided to wake up.” I didn't know who this visitor was, but I didn't think his little games were very funny, and I started to tell him so. That was when I discovered that there was a big wad of cloth holding my tongue down and filling up my mouth. And there were several layers of sticky tape plastered all over my lips, cheeks and chin so that my mouth was completely sealed. What did they want? “Mmmoo mar moo? Mmhat moo goo gant?” I hummed behind the tape. “We want everything!” the visitor laughed at me. “And we're going to take everything!” Oh no, I couldn't let them do that! I began to struggle against the tight ropes and to make all kinds of strange sounds behind the gag that was hugging my mouth closed, but none of my words made any sense, and the tight ropes wouldn't let me go. “Easy there lad,” the visitor purred at me while he straightened my cap on my head. “You just sit there quietly like a good boy and maybe we won't have to hurt you before we leave.” Hurt me…? For the first time the seriousness of my situation penetrated my thick skull. I was completely at the mercy of this strange man! So I stopped my struggles and quieted my humming mouth while I watched him walk off into the other room where I could hear other men busily taking apart exhibits and packing them up to go. Then I had another thought. They might go ahead and kill me anyway! So I kept one eye on the door where the visitor went while I began to struggle against the ropes that were holding my hands. I struggled quietly at first, afraid that I might make too much noise. But the tight knots wouldn't give and the tight ropes were beginning to bite into my skin and so my struggles became more and more desperate as I tried to find some way, any way to get free! I did manage to get myself up out of the chair, but then the ropes binding my ankles to the chair tripped me up, XXXXing both the chair and me over onto the floor with a frightful crash. Then I saw the polished shoes of the visitor walking across the floor toward me. “I warned you to sit quietly,” he growled. Then I lifted my head and looked up to see several more lengths of rope in his strong hands. I tried to resist, but I couldn't avoid his strong hands as he wrapped and tied those ropes between my ankles and my wrists until my body was being bent up backwards and there was so much pressure on my chest that it was hard to breathe. “Last chance, soldier boy, be quiet or be dead.” The visitor put my cap back on my head and walked away. I moaned into my soggy mouthful of cloth and I could feel tears of frustration welling up in my eyes. What could I do? I rolled around on the hard floor and strained myself against the biting ropes, but the more I did this, the more it hurt and the harder it was for me to breathe. Then I heard the visitor’s polished shoes walking back toward me. “I've got good news soldier boy. I told my boss about you and he wants to see you. My boss is a very wealthy man with a nice big house with two very nice galleries. One gallery is for this museum junk were stealing and the other gallery he has is where he exhibits healthy young men like yourself to all of his friends. What did he mean exhibit? I began thrashing around on the floor and screaming for help behind the tape-trapped wad of soggy cloth. They weren't going to take me! But the visitor just smiled at me. “Relax kid, my boss takes real good care of the pieces he likes.” Then the visitor molded his handkerchief over his nose and mouth again and pointed his little perfume sprayer down at me. And the last thing I remembered was the sweet smell of honeysuckle as the floor came up to XXXX my XXXX head. THE END The Guard played by Danny Photography by Caitiff
25 photos; 5:08 video
The Victim: Rex
Photography/Intruder: Caitiff
Date of Production: 05/01/2016
31 photos; 7:05 video
Cont'd from "Exploited" “Mmmmmpphh!”, David moaned pitifully, hoping somebody could hear him through the thick layers of tape gagging his mouth. David had no idea how long it had been since two masked men had broken into his office, tying him up and XXXX his helpless body. Blindfolded, David had no idea that the robber shad left long ago. He continued ot moan pitifully through his gag. David had no idea how much more abuse he would suffer before someone rescued him. Where was security? Security was standing in the door watching as David stewed in his own juices. Officer Jones had a problem. Somehow somebody had managed to sneak in and leave the manager on duty tied up with his dick hanging out. Worse, he was pretty sure that the janitor had found him, removing more of David’s clothes. IF the head office found out it would end Jones’ career. He had to do something. Fortunately David was blind as well as helpless. No one had ot know that David had never left the office. A change in the log and everyone would think David had left. What happened to him after that, who could say? Jones grabbed David’s car keys and bundled the poor abused executive into the trunk. There David stayed as Jones drove his car to Jones’ home. David would be secure there until Jones could figure something else out. Jones dumped David’s bound body onto a mattress in a spare room. David continued his grunting. As far as he knew, the robbers who had originally tied him up were still taking advantage of him. Seeing the young executive tied up was giving Jones ideas. He could do whatever he wanted to his hostage. Before he had time to think about what he was doing, Jones pulled down David’s pants, exposing his ass. David had no resistance left. He could only moan as his ordeal continued. Hands groped and pulled and explored. David could only lie there and take it. Worse, David’s dick was growing. He was incredibly frustrated. Unfortunately David’s abuser was only interested in pleasing himself. David was stroked and that only made things worse because his abuser always somehow knew to stop right before David could release. David was put into a tight hog tie. David tried to grind himself against the soft fabric. But he could never get enough friction to obtain any satisfaction. “Mmmmm!”, David begged. He had been in bondage so long it was beginning to feel natural. All he cared about now was relieving his aching balls. avid would anything at this point , agree to anything if only those damn hands would keep stroking him. Jones was enjoying this. Why did he even need to ever let his new toy go? No one knew he was here . Jones could keep David here forever, doing what ever he wanted dot the poor bound man. David was already half way trained. Jones could make sure that David stayed tied up and gagged all the time! David woke up with a start. He had fallen asleep at work again. And again the same dream about being robbed and then passed off from one co-worker to another to be XXXX and abused. He really needed to get a boyfriend. The End David played by Patrick Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:10/15/2010
20 photos
"Ok now, almost done!" Justin said as he worked intently on the drawing in his sketch book. Justin congratulated himself on the great idea he had had. An idea he gotten after seeing his favorite film. Of course, Justin would have loved to have painted a picture but he wasn't sure he could keep his model still that long. Then again, it wasn't like his boyfriend Jason was going anywhere.
"Mmmm-mmphaa" Jason mumbled through a thick leather gag as he lay bare butt naked and bound hand and foot on the couch. though he twisted a bit, trying to loosen the ropes that tied his hands behind his back, it was useless. Jason had been bound and gagged for hours with no chance of getting free until Justin finished his "masterpiece", a nude of Jason. Jason would never have agreed to pose nude and knowing this, Justin had jumped him while he was still asleep and had him tied up in no time, the gag muffling his protests. Justin has claimed that he had been inspired by the movie Titanic but Jason really suspected this was revenge for when Justin had been tied up and gagged Jason to do the shower scene from Psycho.
"Now try not to move! You're squirming all over the place!" Justin complained, noticing his bound model continuing to try to get loose.
Stop moving!? Jason knew Justin couldn't draw a straight line with a ruler, much less do a nude of him. And he was proven right when Justin completed his "masterpiece" and showed it to Jason. The picture was horrible! Three hours to draw a crude stick figure?! Had Justin been ogling him that entire time as he squirmed on the couch? Jason didn't know whether to be furious at being tied up and naked for so long or laugh at the incredibly bad drawing. Laughter won out and the muffled but recognizable sounds of giggling escaped from behind the think plug that filled Jason's mouth.
Justin, however, didn't seem to like this response. "You seem to think this is funny, do you? Well if you so happy being tied up and gagged, I guess I'll keep you this way then. In fact, I kinda like it when you can't talk back!"
"Mmmm! MMmmmmmphhmmmmm!", Jason begged but Justin just sat back and amused himself by watching his boyfriend's useless struggles against the ropes. Justin knew Jason wouldn't get free. They both were quite good with knots. And Jason was looking pretty nice all tied up and helpless, wiggling his nude and bound body on the couch as he flashed those big, sad, puppy-dog eyes at him. Justin could see why Jason had enjoyed having him tied up for so long in the shower that time. It was nice to be in control and from the half hard on of Jason's, it was a fun to be the helpless one too, at least a little bit.
Jason, meanwhile, was a bit horny . Here he was bare ass naked on the couch with his boyfriend watching as he struggled and squirmed. When Justin rolled Jason onto his stomach, it just got worse as all his struggles caused his dick to rub against the fabric of the couch. And to make it worse, every so often, Justin would caress Jason's body or head every so often, sending surges of sexual energy running down his body. But the ropes kept his hands tied tightly behind and against his back and rubbing only made him hornier without any relief. Jason found himself desperate to get off.
But Justin had a lesson to teach his boyfriend. Jason would get off but when Justin decided he would and not before. And he would stay tied up even then. But first, Jason needed to be broken a bit more.. Grabbing a piece of rope, Justin hog tied his wiggling boyfriend into a neat little ball.
"Well, since you don't seem to be able to appreciate great art when you see it, I'm going to just let you stay here a while with my drawing until you do learn to appreciate it!"
"Mmmmmmmmm!", Jason moaned helplessly but he could nothing as Justin walked away into the bed room. With the pressure in his groin building and no way to release it, Jason decided that Justin's drawing was the best stick figure he had ever seen!
The End
Jason played by Jason
Justin played by Justin
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/12/2001
30 photos; 3:32 video
I was so pissed. I could not believe this sick bastard did what he did. I know he had a bit of a crush, but I never knew he would take it this far. The thought of it just creeps me out; I thought he knew him better than this. Joey and I had been best friends since high school. We always had so much in common, unfortunately that included our tastes in girls. We spent our adolescent lives competing for the same girls but always agreed we were friends first and no girl would get in the way of that. We attended the same college and decided after college to room together to save money. I loved Joey like a brother so when I met Melissa I was ecstatic for him to get to know her. They seemed to get of to a rocky start, they barely spoke and it was very uncomfortable. I wanted desperately for them to get along, but they seemed to be on different pages. They both pretended to get along for my sake, which is all I could ask for. Little did I know that Josh’s taste in women never changed. It had been a long day at work and all I wanted was a beer and to vent. Melissa was working the late shift and I couldn’t wait to get home to bitch to Josh. I walked in to our apartment and made my way to Josh’s room, he was the only one in the world who could relate to my work day. I felt my ears turn red and my entire life change as I knew it. There in his bed was Josh asleep in a pair of Melissa’s underwear. It took me a minute to comprehend what I was seeing, but as soon as it sunk in I was furious. In my fury I ran to the side of his bed and slammed my hand over his mouth, I didn’t want to hear any explanation he had. I managed to tie his wrists tightly with the rope he used to hold up the curtains in his room. He woke up and for a minute stared at me perplexed. After a few seconds he realized what was happening and began to struggle. His eyes widened with fear and embarrassment. He began to explain the situation, but I clenched the bandana on his night stand between his teeth. He winced as I tightened the knot behind his head. I don’t know exactly what got into me, but all I saw was red, or purple to be more exact. He screamed a muffled cry, but it was no use, the bandana silenced him effectively. Josh kicked at me as I pulled his ankles together and wrapped rope around his ankles and nasty feet. He stared at me in complete disbelief. I stood fuming as he struggled against the ropes. He pleaded with me with his eyes to free him but all I could think of was Melissa. This sick bastard was going to pay. I pulled my girls underwear down exposing his bare ass. I was going to make him pay beyond what he could comprehend. He mmpppfffed and tossed on the bed. He tried desperately to get loose, but the knots were too tight. I knotted his wrists and ankles tightly together to keep him from pulling out his gag. He screamed through his gag as I knotted the rope tightly. He tossed almost in tears as I watched trying to calm myself. I called Melissa and told her to come over as soon as possible. His eyes widened as I spoke to her. Melissa came over and was taken aback by what she saw. After I explained she walked over to Josh checked the knots and walked out. We went to a movie and let Josh struggle in humiliation. When we got back he had gotten free and was packing. He moved out the next day and we never heard from him again. The End Joey played by Marco Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 07/24/2009
20 photos; 5:17 video
Model: Marcus
Photography: Nick007
Date of Production: 03/16/2016
27 photos; 7:08 video
Model: Bobby
Photography: Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/12/2016
28 photos; 6:16 video
Model: Cliff The Tormentor played by Garrett Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:09/26/2010
20 photos; 4:15 video
Model:Wolfric Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:07/27/2012
20 photos
I had an order for a young twenty-something blond. Had to have a tight body but not too muscular and with the other usual standard requests: big dick, easy to train and submissive. It's what I do. I take men for the wealthy business men to own and play with. My client was a billionaire from South America. I didn't ask him how he made his money. I didn't care as long as he had a lot of it. He did and didn't ask a lot of questions in return. And I had acquired men for this guy before. I knew he could be trusted. My Client wanted a young twink to complete his collection. I guess I could understand that. I'd acquired a lot of men for this guy; body builders and hairy bears, muscular jocks and average but still hot guys off the street. And now he wanted a twink to complete the set he had at his private ranch in Columbia, he said. Could I help? Could I help?! What a silly question. I opened up the closet and pulled out my latest acquisition. He had been a pizza delivery boy who had the misfortune of delivering to a vacant lot. It was a common trap I set to get new product. The poor kid said all he had was twenty bucks. I informed him I wasn't after money. At least not his. He began to understand as he was bundled into my waiting van, tied up with rope and gagged with tape. That had been three days ago. I didn't do a lot of training because I knew my client liked to break them in himself. But I do have the kid set up for show. The moment I stripped him butt naked, I knew I had a winner. Besides the huge thick dick, the kid was totally submissive. And hearing him moan gently through his gag to be released behind the closet door was like a lullaby. I laid the kid down on the bed and tied his feet. That's when the fun begins. The kid's biggest attribute is his dick. No pun intended. It simply will not go down. And once tied, It stayed hard for hours. Having to keep an erection for hours really made the kid moan. He begged me with gagged grunts to let him release when I kept him in the closet. That's the kids second best feature. He's totally trainable as long as you got him by the balls. My client is practically salivating as he watches the kid struggle and moan. The Kid knows he can't get away, he gave up that hope days ago. But I like to encourage them to act like they think they can get away. I'm good at encouraging the product to do what I want. The clients love it. And my current client is no exception. He wanted to try the kid out now but I have rules. No trial runs before payment. That sent him out the door and to his office to make the wire transfer in no time. That left me here with the kid. I admit I had begun to get a soft spot for him. I even regretted I wouldn't be breaking him in myself. This one I had to pack up for delivery. Ahh well, I thought. Maybe the next one. The End? The Kid played by Mark Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 04/03/2002
26 photos; 2:53 video
Cory wasn't planning on spending the day bound & gagged. His partner for the science project made a last minute change to the presentation involving the study of the bound guy! Well thought up thesis or Jake got all nerdy and wanted to see if he could nab a total hunk like me? But what''s wrong with this picture, I actually let him talk me into this! He obviously didn't want me running off anywhere did he? Look at this, can't even get these damn knots loose; someone's really way too good at knots here... "Mmpppphhhh!!" Great it's the revenge of the nerds all over again this time it's physical! I tried wiggling my body left and right. The ropes just dug into my chest more and my hulky arms are getting irritated and red, ugh! Then the legs they now barely balance like a pogo stick and he is watching what I do hopping around like a retarded rabbit... "mmpphh mmpph MMPH!!" that means get me the fuck outta here dipshit!! Then Jake began starring at me watching me mmph struggle and make a total ass of myself in front of his so called alpha nerd stance complete with iPad and creepy tingly fingers. What was he doing to me? That evil look in his eye is not like him at all! This is really pissing me off. Then all of a sudden he got a mean streak and grasped my pecs against the wall and other beefy sweaty hand firmly choked my cheeks together in a serious hand gag... "MmMMPHH!! mNMmnpphHH!" ...he began feeling up my helpless body testing every nerve I had not to bust through these pathetic ropes and beat up the bastard! He was testing my patience and it was running thin.... Jake was enjoying this taking a tough man like me and making me nothing but a punch doll. I hated not being able to resist his perverted hands as they carressed down my body while the ropes only tightened their grip on me more and more like seeping into a deeper depression against my flesh. Then I knew it, he could do whatever that came into his freaky little mind... If only I could get out then I'll show him what bondage is!? Maybe this isn't an experiment but a trap? What and why hasn't Jake let me out already! He sure didn't want me going anywhere so he XXXX me to the ground and hogties my ass to oblivion me mmphing away getting lil' dude now hard as ever on this bare hard floor! Hope he won't check him out too then I'll be vulnerable to having my manhood manhandled by NERDS!! How horrible please get me out, MMMPPPHHGHGH!! "That a boy Cory, lets get you prepped... it's gonna be a long day getting you all packaged up for show n' tell in class tomorrow hehehe! Now let's unzip you; you look so hot!" "MMMNOMNOMFUKRMPH!!!" Cory played by Matthew Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:02/17/2012
22 photos; 5:09 video
Victim: Dylan
Groper: Dean
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/07/2016
24 photos
“How can I explain to this asshole that I am not the dude he is looking for?” Every time Jeremy tied to mpff those words all he head was a sharp “Shut the fuck up!” and a kick to his groin. His wrists and arms hurt from the ropes that bound him. Jeremy was pissed. How could he explain to this asshole he was not the dude he was looking for? “This fuckin gag,” he thought.
As he lay on the floor bound and gagged, he began to figure maybe there was more to this than meet the eye. He did not really know his homeboy Tyrrell that well. Tyrrell had told him to make a stop at the motel room he was staying at and pick up a package. When Jeremy got there several events happened so fast that only now he began to sort thing out in his head. He had been jumped and gut punched and gagged all at the same down. Taken by surprise he tried to struggle but there were three against one… he was the one. Down on the flood, arms pulled tight behind his back, moaning in his gag from the pain, dude sitting on his legs, hands being roped, wrists pulled back, more rope, feet being tied, elbows roped……..
Damm. It was fast and they were good.
Now it’s not like Jeremy was never tied up before. Truth is he loved being tied up and would play all the time with his brother. But that was a game, these guys were real.
“If you don’t give us the fuckin package or the $250K it is wroth we’ll cut the shit out of you!” Again Jeremy tied to mpff an explanation… “I am not the fuckin asshole you want. I just came for him.” There gave him no chance to speak. A kick in the balls, doubled over in pain, tied up, helpless and pissed. Jeremy knew he was not in a good place and had no idea what to do.
Meanwhile, Tyrrell had met Jeremy’s brother, Martin. Tyrrell had been XXXX and begin spilling his gut to Martin. “Yeah, homeboy went to my motel to get a package of crack. But it was not there for I sold it and I have the cash.” “You mother fucker, Martin spit and grabbed Tyrrell by his neck. Jeremy has been missing for 24 hours and if something happened to him, I will fry your ass!” Pulling out some rope that Martin always had on him, he spun Tyrrell around and quickly bound his hands. He marched him to the trunk of his car, shoved the XXXX kid in, and tied his feet. He drove Martin to the motel’s room back door.
Martin peered in the window and saw he brother bound and gagged on the floor. His gag was soaked with spit and his shirt stained with sweat. One guy held him by the chest, another had pulled sown his pants. “I will squeeze your balls off if you don’t tell me where the package or the money is!” Jeremy began to buck and he came toward him and moved to Jeremy’s manhood. Martin began to shout: NO, he’s the wrong guy. I got the right guy here!” One of them dragged Martin in. “No man, the fucker you want, he’s tied up in my trunk!” Soon, Jeremy was joined on the floor with his brother Martin tied and gagged as be was. They dragged in the bound Tyrrell and traced his chest with his finger. Tyrrell whimpered and cried and spilt his guts. They gagged him and dumped him back into Martin’s car.
Taking the two brothers they put them on their knees. Jeremy figured this was it as his eyes caught his brother’s eyes and sweat soaked face. But the two brothers were shoved together, chest to chest. Ropes were tied around their torsos binding them together. Roughly shoved on their side, they connected their legs with ropes. Grabbing a double pillow case, they shoved both their gagged heads into it and tied it off around their necks. With some sharp kicks to both their asses, they left. The bothers’ faces were on tope of each others, and they could not see each other’s eyes, but felt each other’s sweat and fear. The figured they would be killed, but time began to tick by. After about 15 minutes they started to breath and moan and buck.
It took them several hours to untie themselves. Martin got out first and finished taking the ropes off his brother. Jeremy had deep rope burn on his elbows and wrists from his struggles. They got out of the motel room, and walked to a local bar and drank the night away. Their sister came hours latter and picked them up.
The brother’s never told their story to anyone. Nobody ever heard from nor scene Martin again. But the brother’s kept playing their game, just for practice. You never know when you will be mistaken for the bad guy and find yourself all tied up and gagged!
The End
Jeremy played by Angel
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 09/06/2006
25 photos; 3:29 video
Model: Antonio Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 07/17/2006
23 photos; 4:32 video
Model: Christopher Rotten
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/26/2025
Tags: gagging, chair tie, cleave gag, tape gag, hand gag, grope
23 photos; 5:29 video
Model: Brian
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/23/2025
Tags: plug gag, bad guy, fondled, groped, jock strap, hog tie, socks, otter
30 photos; 4:14 video
Bored Worker played by Holden Cox
Intruder played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/04/2024
Tags: grabbed, hand gag, bad guy, hog tie, gagged, tape gag, cleave gag, gagging, socks
20 photos; 4:02 video
Librarian played by JD
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/15/2025
Tags: cleave gag, socks, hog tie
20 photos; 4:02 video
Librarian played by JD
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/15/2025
Tags: cleave gag, socks, hog tie
17 photos; 8:22 video
Cow Boy played by Dmitri
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/12/2023
Tags: Otm gag, cowboy, boots, exposed, outdoors
11 photos; 5:33 video
Model: BitchmanSP
Photography by Marco Grieco
See More of BitchmanSp Here
Date of Production: 05/28/2024
Tags: OTM gag, muscle, nude, nudity, tattoo, ankle tie, bare foot
26 photos; 5:19 video
Model: Adam
Photography by Caitiff
Date Of Production: 02/08/2025
Tags: Exposed, plug gag, hand gag, dominated, stroke, twink, socks, hog tie