24 photos; 5:15 video
Model:Rex Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:05/21/2014
28 photos; 3:14 video
“No, not now,” Paul muttered in his XXXX. He didn't want to wake up from his Saturday afternoon XXXX just yet. But then he began to hear strange noises, and then what sounded like strange voices, so he XXXX himself to open his XXXX eyes. There were people in his apartment! At least Paul thought that they were people, but he couldn't really tell. Both of the strange men were wearing sweat suits and their faces were completely hidden under ball caps, dark glasses and folded bandannas pulled up over their noses and mouths so Paul had no idea of what their real faces might look like. And then the bandanna-faces noticed that Paul was awake. “What're you guys doing?” Paul managed to croak with his dry mouth. “This one’s not too bright,” Blue Bandanna laughed. “Yea, what do you think we're doing?” Red Bandanna asked Paul. “You'd better not be taking any of my stuff!” Paul tried to sound brave. But then Red Bandanna pulled out a big concealed item and pointed it right at Paul’s face. “Don't even think about making some noise, XXXX Beauty because my “friend” can make a lot more noise than you can.” “No,” Paul decided, “This couldn't really be happening to him.” It had to be some crazy dream and now Paul was trying really hard to really wake up. “Where’s that rope we found?” Red Bandanna demanded. In a flash Blue Bandanna was holding an armload of the ropes Paul kept in his closet. “We going to tie him up, huh?” Blue Bandanna asked hopefully. “You can't tie me up!” Paul’s voice broke with the shock of the idea. But on second thought, Paul didn't like the idea of being tied up, but he liked it a whole lot better than the idea of maybe being hurt, so Paul didn't resist at all while Red Bandanna held him and Blue Bandanna chuckled happily while he began wrapping and tying those ropes tightly around Paul’s mostly-naked body. And then something very strange began to happen. The feeling of all of those ropes hugging themselves against his body reminded Paul of all of the times he had been tied up during Pledge Week when he was going to college, and he felt himself starting to get excited. “No, not now!” he silently cursed his horny body. He didn't dare show these strangers what a little rope could do to him. “Listen, you can take whatever you want,” Paul surrendered “But don't hurt me.” “I told you to shut up!” Red Bandanna said angrily. Then Blue Bandanna held Paul’s mouth shut while Red Bandanna used his strong fingers to smear a wide strip of sticky blue tape over Paul’s lips and cheeks. “Yea, very nice,” Red Bandanna sneered. “Blue must be your color.” But Paul didn't care what color the tape was. He only knew that it was hurting his lips where it was pinching them together and now his mouth felt like it was about to XXXX. Then Red Bandanna pushed Paul’s bound body back on the bed and then looked down at him with cold calculating eyes. “What did you do with that camera you found?” he asked Blue Bandanna. Blue Bandanna disappeared and then returned in a flash to hand Red Bandanna Paul’s nice new digital camera. “Yea, very nice gadget. Now smile for the birdie.” Paul didn't want to smile, even if the sticky tape would let him, and he didn't want to have his picture taken like this so he began to struggle away from the camera on the bed. But Red Bandanna just laughed and began popping the flash off into Paul’s eyes. “Yea! That’s it! Go on, give me some more struggle!” Paul didn't want to so soon Blue Bandanna was joining in on the fun and posing Paul’s trussed-up body in just the ways that Red Bandanna wanted it. A hot blush gave Paul’s face a fever and the tight ropes began biting into his tender skin. Then his horny body got confused and thought that Paul was playing a different kind of game so it started getting very excited again and Paul could no longer control himself. “How about a little cheesecake,” Blue Bandanna laughed. Then poor Paul fairly shrieked behind his taped over lips when he felt a strange hand on his pajamas and then he felt his pajamas being pulled down further and further until Paul’s private parts were completely bare. Then Blue Bandanna XXXX Paul to turn over on his back and both Bandannas laughed out loud when they saw the level of Paul’s excitement sticking up between his legs. Red Bandanna took a couple of good XXXX of that. Then Red Bandanna grabbed Paul’s face and held it hard in his strong hand while he breathed down on Paul. “Okay, Pajama Boy, here’s the deal. We’re taking all of your stuff and we're leaving now. You breathe one word about this to anybody and I'll have these hot XXXX we just took wallpapered all over the web. Understand?” Paul nodded his head silently and felt all of his excitement ebbing out of him. There was no way that he wanted anybody to see him in those kinds of pictures. “All right, tie him down!” Red Bandanna commanded. Paul didn't resist as at all while Blue Bandanna grabbed some more rope and then XXXX Paul into a taut hog-tie. Paul was too ashamed now to even care how much the new ropes hurt him. And then Paul was only vaguely aware of the two Bandannas while they packed up all of the stuff that they wanted and then carried it all out the door. Soon the only sound in the apartment was the sound of Paul’s own quiet breathing. A part of him realized that he should be trying to get himself untied, but another part of him was telling him “Not now, later” so then Paul drifted off to XXXX again to finish the Saturday afternoon XXXX that had been so rudely interrupted. THE END Paul played by Clark Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 05/21/2006
27 photos
Outside the noises of Paris filled the air. But inside John’s hotel room, all he cared about ws getting some XXXX. John had not travelled thousands of miles to see the sites. He had an important business meeting. Unfortunately John did travel well. The jet lag was killing him. As soon as he got to the hotel he stripped to his underwear and fell on to the bed. In his hurry, John had neglected to lock the door. Even though he was dead tired, John couldn't’ seem to actually fall asleep. There was too much noise. And was that someone knocking at the door? Grumbling to himself, John got up to answer the door. However there was no one there. Maybe he had imagined it. No, the robbers had simply hidden in the bathroom when they entered the room. With their concealed items drawn, John reflexively lifted his hands. John’s french was abysmal. But the robbers made their intentions plain when they took out rope and quickly bound the young executive’s hands behind his back. The ropes bit into John’s muscled arms. Then to insure that their captive wouldn’t alert anyone, they gagged him with tape over his mouth. John could only stare at the two men in fear and anger, bound and gagged as he was. While one man used more rope to bind John’s legs at the knees and ankles, his partner ransacked the room. “Mmm!”, John let out a muffled cry when they found his lap top and stuffed it into a back pack. Next was his wallet with all the euros he had just had converted from dollars. John struggled on the bed, bound gagged and half naked. Strangely while his stuff was being taken by one robber, the other watched John intently. What at first seemed to be just guard duty seemed more sinister when the man check the ropes binding his captive and have his hands linger over John’s nearly naked body. John worked out a lot in the company gym and it showed. “Mmmmffmmm?!”, John let out a protest when the robber began squeezing this ass. He did not like being fondled while in such a helpless state. He had no way to fend off the robber’s advances. These men could do whatever they wanted to John and John couldn't’ even protest because of the gag. When the men had taken everything of value they could, John could hear them talk amongst themselves. John’s French was not very good but he could still understand most words. Apparently these guys thought he wouldn’t know what they were saying. “That’s all then?” “Yes. Should we just leave him here.” The man who had been feeling up John gave his new friend a look. “This is a rich American. He probably has even more money. I say we take him with us and ransom him off.” John grunted and shook his head. IF he hadn't’ been gagged, he would have tried to talk them out of it. It was obvious that the one robber wanted more from John then mere ransom. John subconsciously tried ot cover his ass with his bound hands as far as the ropes would allow him. “Agreed. Just don’t get too attached like the last one. You and Americans.” “We’ll leave him hog tied and then smuggle him out in a clothes hamper.” And so John was hog tied, his hands and feet bound by more rope. Desperately John struggled against his bondage, moaning through his gag for help that would never arrive. John could only wait for his soon the men to come get him. The End John played by Connor Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:04/29/2010
4:18 video
The carzy Janitror was done havign fun with his victims
But before he left he gave the poor abused Intern a gift.
The Intern played by Garrett
The Boss played by Cliff
The Janitor played by Donovan
Date of Production: 11/07/2015
22 photos; 3:35 video
Model: Patrick (aka Tynan Fox)
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/19/2015
24 photos; 7:21 video
Model: Rex
Date of Production: 11/21/2015
28 photos
“Quit wiggling around! You want me to slap you?” Terry saw the angry look in Derek’s eyes and he was scared and sorry at the same time. Terry didn't want to make Derek angry. Terry liked Derek. Before Derek came along Terry had spent all of his time working in a boring office every day. Then Derek moved into the neighborhood with his big motorcycle and the tough looking denim and leather clothes that he wore most of the time and Terry’s curiosity got the best of him. Derek surprised Terry by being very friendly and answering all of Terry’s stupid questions about motorcycles. He had even given Terry a couple of rides on his big bike. But then Derek told Terry that if he wanted to ride with Derek any more, he was going to have to pass a kind of test. Terry was really excited about that. He dressed up just like Derek told him to and even put on the jockstrap Derek gave him which he really didn't like because of the way the clinging pouch held onto his equipment. And then he was only a little nervous when Derek insisted on tying a folded bandanna over Terry’s eyes and then pulling a helmet with a dark visor down over Terry’s head before he helped Terry onto his bike. But the nervousness of being in the dark and unable to see anything was soon forgotten as he wrapped his arms around Derek’s broad chest, smelled the leather of Derek’s jacket and felt the throbbing of the big bike motor between his legs. The ride didn't last very long and Terry was almost disappointed when Derek helped him down off of the bike and then guided Terry inside. When Derek took the helmet and the blindfold off of Terry’s eyes, Derek saw that he was now inside a strange house. “Where are we? Is this your place?” “No more talking,” Derek told him. “From now on you do just what I tell you to do.” Derek’s big hand closed around the back of Terry’s neck. “Open your mouth.” Terry hesitated for a moment because he could see Derek holding the crumbled up bandanna blindfold in his other hand and he was moving it toward Terry’s mouth. Terry didn't want that bandanna in his mouth, but he didn't want to disobey Derek so he parted his lips just a little and then a little more as Derek took his time fingering all of that loose cloth in between Terry’s parted lips. “You ever been tied up?” Terry gasped around the big mouthful of cloth as he looked down and saw the rope in Derek’s hands. “Ghuh-huh,” Terry choked into the wad of bandanna. Suddenly Derek pulled Terry into a tight bear-hug and pushed the novice’s arms behind his back. And Terry was so shocked by the sudden closeness of Derek’s strong body against his that he was scarcely aware of the coils of rope the big biker was tying around his wrists and arms and chest until Derek finished tying the last knot and pushed him away from him. It was only then that Terry became aware of the tight ropes holding his wrists together and rubbing up against his nipples. What was Derek doing to him? He couldn't even move his arms. And now the big wad of bandanna inside his mouth was beginning to swell up and puff out his cheeks. Terry didn't like this. And then he saw a smiling Derek ripping strips of silver tape off of a roll to plaster them over Terry’s mouth. That was when Terry began to panic and Derek had threatened to slap him. Terry didn't understand. Why was Derek being so mean to him? He thought they were friends. But he didn't resist any more as Derek plastered long strip after strip of the sticky tape over Terry’s lips and cheeks to seal up his mouth. “All right boy, down on the floor. Let’s see you struggle some.” Terry didn't realize that Derek was talking to him and calling him a boy until the big biker put his hand on Terry’s shoulder and pushed him down onto the hard floor. Then Terry obeyed and struggled around on the floor and pulled against the tight ropes until they began to hurt him. “Yea, that’s enough. Let’s see your ankles,” Derek commanded. Derek pulled Terry’s ankles together and then wrapped some more rope tightly all around them until they were really trapped together. “That’s good enough. Now you wait here while I make some phone calls.” Derek walked out of the room and left Terry all alone. And the longer he was gone, the more Terry worried. What if Derek didn't come back? What if he just left Terry tied up and gagged like this and then went away? Would Derek play that kind of a cruel joke on him? Terry didn't know, but the thought really scared him so he began to roll around on the floor and struggle to get free. But there was no escaping from the tight ropes and Terry was almost in tears before he heard Derek’s heavy boots walking back toward him. “Okay kid, everything is arranged. A couple of my biker friends are coming over. You do a good job of pleasing them and I might let you wear a little leather.” Pleasing them…? What did Derek mean? All of a sudden a whole bunch of black and white photographs in old forbidden magazines came rushing into Terry’s head; photographs of young guys like Terry being XXXX to please their Biker Masters. Terry had never done anything like that! Terry began to struggle and to make all kinds of wild noises behind his gag. “None of that!” Derek grabbed Terry and pinned him down on the hard floor while he grabbed Terry’s tied ankles and bent them up behind his back. The next thing Terry knew Derek was wrapping more rope tightly between Terry’s ankles and his wrists until he was bent in half and scarcely able to move any part of his body at all. “There, now you lay here real quiet like or I'll give you a taste of leather that will really hurt!” Derek growled at Terry as he walked out of the room. What was Terry going to do? The more he thought about what was going to happen, the more scared he got. And the more scared he got, the more he struggled against the tight ropes. But no matter what he tried those tight ropes wouldn't let him go. And then Terry heard the sound of heavy booted feet coming toward him and Derek’s pleased voice as he told the others “He’s right in here just waiting to show you guys how much he can please you.” Derek’s voice was answered by evil sounding laughter and all at once Terry was wishing that he was back in his nice quiet office where all he had to worry about was being bored. THE END Terry played by Hunter Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 4/5/2005
24 photos; 5:36 video
“Awww.” Doug said standing over his XXXX roommate. “He’s so cute when he’s asleep. Unfortunately, he’s XXXX in MY bed.” This whole thing started when Doug got home from his dead-end job. He needed the money to pay for graduate school so he did everything he could to cut spending and save money. He moved into a very small apartment after answering a “Roommate wanted” Ad in the newspaper. Doug knew nothing about this guy, but the rent was very cheap so he had little choice. Not only until a few days later did Doug why the rent was so cheap. The guy was a complete pig and a jackass. The guy named Billy would always leave his dirty dishes in the sink, never held down a stable job, XXXX where ever he pleased, etc. etc. Doug didn’t say anything because he didn’t want to jeopardize his low rent so he just took it. Too bad for Billy that every man can only take so much crap from one person. So, one night Doug got home from his second job as a fry cook. He just wanted to crash onto his own bed and forget about his crappy life. He stumbled into his room and just stopped when he saw Billy XXXX on his bed. “You…. Have… GOT TO BE… FUCKING kidding me!” Doug tried to suppress his rage as his mind was racing with thoughts of XXXX Billy. After taking a deep breath and counting to 10, Doug thought of a better way to handle this situation. He ran out of the room and grabbed two coils of rope(One white and one red) and a roll of duct tape from the closet. He returned to the room where Billy was XXXX a minute later. Doug’s eyes were focused on poor little Billy as he walked over holding the coil of white rope in both hands. Doug carefully flipped Billy on to his stomach and then put his wrist together behind his back. Then Doug took the white rope and tied Billy’s hands very slowly making sure not to wake him up. Again and again the rope was being coiled around the wrists. “Hmmm” Doug thought. “This may not be enough.” After finishing the wrist knots, Doug gave them a quick tug to make sure the knots were tight. They were so Doug proceeded to the elbows; this time Doug used a lot of rope. He just kept tying and tying Billy’s elbows until half the coil was gone. He looked at his handiwork and noticed that he must have used at least a pound of rope just for the elbows. Talk about overkill, but it was nice to look at. After Doug knew that the little twink would run away as soon as he woke up so he did what any logical person would do in this situation. He tied Billy’s ankles so he would at the mercy of Doug’s wrath. Doug took a minute to make sure all of his knots were tight enough so little Billy couldn’t escape. “Good” Doug smiled. “Now, to make sure he doesn’t scream for help.” Doug put the rope down and grabbed the duct tape. I think you can figure out what’s going to happen next to poor little Billy. Yep you guessed it, Doug ripped off a strip of the duct tape and gagged Billy with it. “Now for the real fun.” Doug chuckled as he walked right up to the trussed up Billy. Doug patted Billy’s cheek and whispered “Wakey wakey Billy.” Billy’s eyes slowly opened as he arose from his XXXX. His face instantly became contorted with confusion as he tried to get up from the bed. He quickly realized that he could not move his arms and legs. “MMPRH MMMMM!” He screamed. He managed to prop himself up only to be looking up at a very angry Doug. Doug’s eyes were literally piercing Billy’s core and Doug also had his arms crossed. “Well well well” Doug shook his head. “You’re finally awake.” Billy looked up still with a confused look on his face. “Hmmm” Doug frowned. “I guess you don’t know why you’re tied up like this huh? Well, let me tell you.” Doug went on for about 15 minutes on all of Billy’s annoyances such as being a pig, acting like a jackass, etc. Lastly, he stated that he wanted all of this crap to stop and he wanted Billy to start acting like a good little boy. Billy nodded in agreement to everything Doug said and inched his way forward once Doug was done. “Oh? You want to be let go.” Doug asked. “Hmmm, nah…. You know Billy, you’re the type of person who won’t follow through with your promise. I think a few hours tied like this will make sure you have time to think about what you’ve done.” Billy tried to struggle while Doug grabbed the red rope. Doug then got a chair stood on it and tied one end of the red rope to the ceiling fan above Billy. He got off then and grabbed hold of Billy’s restraints and quickly tied the red rope to both the hand and foot bindings. “There.” Doug said after finishing the final knot. “You are now tied to the ceiling fan.” Billy cried out for forgiveness, but Doug just shook his head. “Now you think about what you’ve done Billy or else I’ll have to flip the switch to the fan and well, you’ll go round and round.” Doug warned him. “Now, I’ll come back in a few hours so don’t try anything stupid.” Billy cried out once more as Doug began to leave. “Geez!” Doug turned around. “You are such a whiner. You should be happy; I’m letting you XXXX in my bed this time. Nighty nighty XXXX beauty.” Doug shut the light and closed the door and walked off to the distant cries of Billy which faded away in a few minutes. Billy played by Matthew Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 06/18/2009
20 photos; 6:58 video
Kevin should nto have come late to practice. And he certainly should not have come to the big game XXXX!
After losiing the game for his team, Kevin needed to be taught a lesson
His coach was going to teach Kevin that lesson
Cocky Jock played by Kevin
Photography by Caitiff
Date of ProductionL 12/12/2015
20 photos; 6:05 video
Victim: Dylan
Villian: Donovan
Photography by Nick007
Date of Production: 12/12/2015
23 photos; 4:03 video
Ronny woke up in his bed with a loud groan, hung over out of his mind. He remembered little from the previous night only that a friend had obviously driven him home. He got out of bed only wearing his boxers and wife beater. He then put on some black Nike elite socks and shorts and headed down stairs. He looked at the clock which read that it was already 6:00pm. “What!? I XXXX through the whole day! Dang, I must of been messed up last night!” he thought to himself. He headed into the kitchen and came across a note left by his roommate. It read: I was called into work, Kenny and Snatch’in Sam escaped from their cells this morning and the chief has the whole unit searching the town for them, be back late. -Ned “Again!? Ned just said he caught them two weeks ago!” said Ronny aloud. But with his thoughts elsewhere Ronny did not notice that the very same convicts were entering his house. Kenny snuck up behind the unsuspecting, hung-over Ronny with dastardly intent. “Waz goin on!?” yelled Kenny. But before Ronny could react fast enough a hand clamped his mouth from behind while one of his arms was grabbed and twisted behind his back. “Hey, hey, hey, shhhhhhhhh! Wait….you must be that cops roomie, well we had our sights on him but you’ll do just fine” snickered Kenny. “MMMMPPPFFFF!” muffled Ronny as he squirmed furiously. “ Hey we need to keep this guy quiet Kenny got any ideas?” exclaimed Sam. “Hey use the trainer tape bandage on the counter over there, and hurry this guy is squirmy!” commanded Kenny. It was now that Ronny regretted not putting away the trainer tape bandage used to treat Ned’s rolled ankle the other day. Kenny then threw Ronny to the ground and pinned him down. Ronny immediately tried screaming for help. “HEEELLLLLPPPPP!” “Shut up!” yelled Sam as he took off his own sock while shoving it in Ronny’s mouth. “You need to know when to shut your mouth man!” Once Ronny was muffled again Kenny proceeded with the tying him up. He pulled Ronny’s arms behind his back and continuously wrapped the bandage around his wrists. Then he did the same for Ronny’s ankles and torso. “MMMMMPPPFFFF!” screamed Ronny as his captor worked on his binds. “ Kenny this guys still pretty noisy, give me that tape!” exclaimed Sam. He wrapped the trainer tape around Ronny’s mouth in hopes to muffle his cries even more. “MMMMMPPFFFFF!” Ronny still relentlessly tired to yell through his gag but the criminals just laughed at his struggling. Kenny and Sam picked up the bound and gagged man by his arms and legs and took him into the living room. They tossed him on the floor and he began to struggle once again until Sammy shoved him against the couch holding him by his shirt. “Your friend said he’ll be home tonight right? Well I think we can stick around and wait for him, I mean we did come all this way didn’t we!?” snickered Sam. “MMMMPPPPFFFF!” Chad moaned with anger and desperateness. “You can just chill out in here for now ok buddy?” said Sam. Kenny and Sam soon left the room with their victim sweating from fear and anxiety Ronny tried escaping from his binds. He twisted and turned on the floor trying to loosen the tape trying to scream through his tightly wrapped gag. But try as he may he could not get loose. He could only hope that Ned would not be overpowered when he got home. Now all he could do was wait. Ronny played by:Vincent Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:11/01/2013
28 photos; 5:11 video
Model: Wolf Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:12/19/2011
27 photos; 4:35 video
Model: Matt Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:08/20/2010
21 photos; 6:25 video
Model: Dante
Photography by Nick007
Date of Production: 11/29/2015
21 photos; 5:34 video
Model: Lex
Photography By Caitiff
Date of Production: 09/22/2015
24 photos; 5:11 video
Jeff played by Donovan Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:07/08/2014
32 photos; 4:50 video
I entered through an open window and made my way through each room. I had been casing the joint for a few days now, and knew that the guy that lived there would be out of town. I just needed to e careful that no one in the neighborhood saw me. I decided to make my move during the day, because it seemed less obvious. I rifled through all the drawers I could find. This guy had some great loot. I began filling my with anything I could find that was worth something. I didn’t mean to be doing this; I wasn’t a bad person, but after losing my job my options had run low. I never intended to have to sink this low, but I had no other choice. I made my way through the house with precision, making sure not to leave any room untouched; I slowly crept up the stairs when I heard a faint familiar sound. It was the sound a person snoring. I thought he was gone for a few days. I panicked and decided to run, but decided to finish what I started. I covered my face with a bandana and pulled stuffed the flashlight in my jacket pocket to make it seem I was armed. I quietly walked into the bedroom to find him lying there. He was sprawled out on the bed half naked and snoring like a bull. I shook his foot, and woke up startled. He stared at me with XXXX in his eyes. It took a moment to grasp what was happening. “Who the hell are you?” “Listen buddy just do what I say and all this will be over soon. “Look man take what you want just don’t hurt me.” “That the plan my friend.” I threw a roll of tape at him and told him to rip a strip off. He complied and I yelled at him to seal his mouth shut. I then tied his hands tightly behind his back. He grunted as I secured the knots. He struggled a bit, but it was no use. I laid him on his stomach and secured his ankles. He smelled of XXXX and fear. He tried to speak to me through the tape but it was no use. I watched as he watched my every move, he rolled onto his side and grunted loudly, I continued my hunt. I went in to check on my bound and gagged friend to find him on his feet. He stared at me with big eyes and I pushed him down onto the bed. I gathered rope around his ankles and wrists and tied him securely in a hogtie. He pulled and yanked at his binds hopelessly trying to break free. He began an eager attempt to get loose, anger filled his eyes. He wiggled his toes and pulled and feet. He fought hard but it was no use. I made my way thought he house and finished my job. I began to feel guilty about the whole thing and decided I couldn’t go through with it. I left my bag of goodies in the living room and went back upstairs. I brought an edge with me. He stared at me with fear. “I’m sorry buddy; I’m leaving this here on the night stand for you to get to.” He stared at me perplexed and I walked out of the room to angered muffled cries. I think maybe its time to think of looking for a new job. The End Model played by Matt Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 10/18/2009
30 photos; 3:34 video
Aaron was all set for his big match against the Chicken Hawks. However he was not going to make it. He had made the mistake of upsetting one of his frat brothers, and now it was time for revenge. Aaron never heard his brother come up behind him. He had just started to get his shoes on when a meaty hand clamped an odd smelling rag over his nose and mouth; after that every thing kinda went fuzzy and black. When Aaron came to he was restrained by tight ropes that bound his arms to his torso and his ankles to each other. He pulled and stretched but the cruel ropes held fast. Suddenly he realized he was not alone. He looked up and saw his friend Todd towering over him. "Alright, look if this is about the time you were XXXX; when I put my dick in your mouth and took a picture of it then posted it on the internet, you got me. Okay we're even. You can untie me now. His frat brother mumbled something about revenge and lunged at him. Aaron tried futilely to get out of the way but he could not move. The ropes stopped him from avoiding the larger frat's attack. Surprisingly he did not feel the punch he was expecting instead his friend calmly told him to shut up and shoved a strip of cloth between his teeth. "Mmmph. Mmmphego. MMMpppHHH!!! "I said shut up." Then Todd wrapped a sticky piece of duct tape around and around Aaron's head. "Now, I am going to leave you for the other brothers to find and I guess you will be missing your big match to. Sorry. After that Todd himself to another eye full of his handy work and left. Aaron stared stupidly after his retreating frat brothers back. As Todd disappeared Aaron became more and more enraged. He pulled and twisted against the ropes and screamed into the gag. MMMMMPPPPPHHHHH!!!!! Mmpphh memphgomph!? He screamed into the gag until his face turned red and then kept yelling till it turned some very interesting shades of blue. MMPPHH!! Mmph! Aaron flexed and pushed and rolled all over the floor desperately trying to get free. Each time he jerked agaisnt the cruel ropes the pulled and cut viciously into his tender skin. But it was all to no avail. He just could not get loose. In desperation he rolled over onto his stomach and stared at the clock he had been struggling for a very long time it was getting late and the match was over any minute his brothers would come storming in and then he would really be done for. Then as if the thought had summoned them he heard a car pull into the driveway and then shortly after that a key turning in the lock. This was going to be a long and painful night. Fin Aaron played by Gurth Photography by Caitiff Rope work by John Date of Production: 01/13/2006
26 photos; 3:53 video
19 year old Steve had been home alone all day. His folks had gone to stay with relatives in the next state. That morning Steve had XXXXily waved them goodbye without noticing the car parked across the street or the two guys inside it rather ominously watching his parents leave. By early evening Steve had still not got properly dressed, he sat with just his combat pants on, watching TV. Taking advantage of his parents' absence, all he'd done all day was chill in front of the TV, half dressed! Suddenly he heard the back door come crashing down. Jumping out of his chair, "What the fuck?" was all he could say before two guys dressed in black with stockings over their heads came rushing into his living room, one of them pointing a concealed item at him. The guy without a concealed item pushed Steve back down on his chair. "Sit down, shut up & you won't get hurt!", he said aggressively. He put a hand in the big black leather hold-all he was carrying and pulled out a big roll of silver duct and a bundle of white rope. "What you doing?", came out of Steve's' mouth rather quietly, he was sat pretty stiff, frightened. "Making sure you don't go crying for help, boy!", the guy said and tore off a piece of the duct big enough to cover Steve's mouth. "No, please, I won't say anythimmmmpppfff!". "Haaahahaha, that's for sure!", the guy cruelly responded and sealed the tape tight across Steve's' mouth with his gloved fingers. "Ok, tie him up!", said the guy with the concealed item, motioning it towards the pile of white rope on the floor. His partner quickly bound the kids wrists tightly together behind his back. Then he wound the rope around Steve's' upper arms & chest, rendering his upper body totally immobilized. All the dude could do was "mmmmppppffff" into the tape and stare in amazement at the situation he suddenly found himself in. But the masked intruder didn't stop there, he got another pile of rope out of his bag and promptly started binding Steve's ankles & legs together securely, "You ain't going' anywhere, boy!" he said laughing. The guys tore into Steve's' place, turning it over, bagging valuables, while all he could do was look on, squirming. He watched as the guys moved upstairs and saw his opportunity, unguarded, to try escaping. Leaning forward in his seat, Steve twisted his wrists round in the ropes, tried grabbing hold of a knot to untie, but it was useless, the ropes were too tight, too expertly tied, inescapable. He managed to get up on his feet, his legs were tightly bound together, steps were impossible, he was going to have to jump out of there. Hopeless. Steve just couldn't keep his balance and was soon on his knees. Frustrated, he looks up to God, as if for inspiration. Whether from God or his own instincts, "get outta here!" was his next thought! So on his knees the kid started shifting towards the back door, but once again he lost his balance and hit the deck! All of a sudden the guys in black started pounding down the stairs. They looked to the chair but Steve was gone! Their heads spun round and they saw the trussed teen just shy of the back door, lying, squirming on the floor. "And where do you think you're going' young man?", said the guy with the concealed item and pointed it in the kids' tape-gagged face, Stevie's' eyes wide with fear. "Now we're gonna have to make sure you don't try that again", said the guy with the bag and pulled another pile of white rope out of it. "MMMMMPPPPPFFFFFF!", Steve moaned into the tape. Soon more rope was binding his bound wrists to the rope tied around his ankles, putting him in a hog tie. The guys laughed, big smiles on their faces, as they watched him squirm & struggle, mmmmppppffffing loud into the tape, rolling around on the floor. They picked him up and moved him away from the back door, into the living room and sat him on the floor up against the sofa. "Don't forget the TV", said the guy with the XXXX and his mate picked it up and put it in his big sack. Steve yelled hard against the duct tape across his mouth. "Cheers dude", the robbers said, laughing as they left with anything of any value, INCLUDING HIS TV! "Have a nice night now won't you!" "MMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!", Steve exclaimed. The End Model: Eddie Photographer: Caitiff Date of Production: 03/15/2007
26 photos
Model: DJ Special Appearance by Sammy Photography by Sammy Date of Production: 11/08/2006
32 photos
The Hunter played by Slade The Hunted played by Craig Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:04/18/2011
29 photos; 4:23 video
Brock was meeting a dude after class to discuss the homework. They were given a special assignment about body language and how it affects 90% of all human communication. Instantly you can see how someone is coming across just by observing their body. Are they interested? Unsure? XXXX and demanding? The purpose of the project was to see if one can understand the body by it's movements instead of spoken words. Brock's buddy Kyle had a perfect plan on how to master the objective, and he asked Brock to come by to "work on each other" as they said. Kyle lead Brock down to the basement and he quickly followed without thinking of why they were headed down there. It was dark and creepy, and neither of them could see very well? "Hey dude, what's up - is there a light down here?" Brock hesitated. "over here I got it, dude stand there for a moment." Kyle asked. "Brock stood there while Kyle glanced at him as both were not sure what to do next. "so Kyle, how should be present this, we have to study each other's bodies?" "Exactly Brock now stand still and give me your hands!" "What why??" Kyle quickly grabbed Brock's hands and firmly wrapped thick white rope around them. "Hey, what are you doing?" Brock pulled at the bindings back and forth. "Stop it Brock, I'm tying you up simple as that! You see to best study our body language, we first need to shut up... MMMPPPHH!!!" Brock's mouth was suddenly stuffed with a thick sock and then his mouth was taped up over it to effectively mmph him up quiet while he continued trussing Brock's hulky muscled body in tight white hemp rope. "mmmmppphhhhhmmm!!" Brock was confused and unsure of what to do. "That's it Brock, I can't hear you talk and am watching you squirm all helpless. What are you thinking now? Are you scared? Pissed?? Maybe a little of both? Likely! I can see you now without one word said. Bondage is the perfect medium to express body language hehehe!" Brock was getting hot and sweaty. His whole upper body was now encircled in thick tight rope hugging his firm pecs from above and below his breasts and around his beefy biceps pulling them behind him. His wrists were locked into place by many coils of rope. He was screwed!! Now this maniac crazy dude can do whatever he desired to him as he wasn't going anywhere any time soon. "There Brock, you be a good jock and wait right here while I watch you struggle. Don't worry, I won't cut you up and make chop suey outta you! hehehehe" Kyle said with an evil grin. "MMMPPPHH!! Mmmmppphhhhhmmm!" Brock shrieked with seeing now his knees and legs were professionally hemped up too! He hopped up and jumped around trying anything to get away and fell over on a table, nearly breaking it! "Mmmphhhh! mmmppphhhhmmphh!!" His chest was sore and hard from his fall and watched in XXXX while Kyle quickly grabbed him and trussed him up into a hogtie! Now for sure he was chop suey! Eeeeeekk!! His mind was racing trying to see what his evil friend will do next? Brock's body was now so pumped with adrenaline and warm blood that even a vampire would feast on his tightly bound fresh body that was getting harder to maneuver with every passing second! "OK bro, I'll leave you alone to think about this and will check on you in the morning. XXXX tight! Don't let the spiders bite!" The SPIDERS!? Crap, Brock was EEKIED OUT by those! I hope I survive the night let alone tomorrow? Brock's mind was now on autopilot with his tightly lashed up body sitting like a perfectly packaged brick on this hard ass table! If only I get out you're sure gonna get it! He thought. Kyle was filming and taking notes on his every struggle and mmph. He was like Frankenstein over there studying his prize specimen thinking best if how to carry out his EEKY plans for him? Kyle patted Brock's hard bound chest and squeezed his warm duct taped face and said goodnights. "it's gonna be a long wait for you! I'll come prep you up more tomorrow and see how you react to my treatment mahahahaha!! We're sooo getting an A!!!" "MMMPPPHH!!!" Now tightly lashed up and stuffed, Brock had nothing to do but wait for his fate? Surely he was kidding on all that nonsense just to get him scared for the project. Then again, this is getting all too real!! The lights went out and now he's all alone helpless... with the SPIDERS!! "MMMMPPPHH!!!!" Brock played by: Tristan Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:08/25/2012
24 photos; 3:02 video
Logan the rental agent entered the old property on Lake Street expecting this to be another good day. The building was ready for occupancy yet, but Logan always liked to get a good look at the property before he brought any clients around. So Logan was still kind of digesting his first cup of coffee while he walked through the silent hallways. All of a sudden Logan was surprised to see someone else in the hallway. It was kind of a strange looking guy who had a big ugly stick in his hand. “Who are you?” “Who do the voodoo?” the strange man chattered and waved his ugly stick in the air. “I do the voodoo.” The strange man pointed his ugly stick at Logan and— The next thing Logan knew he was sitting on a bed in some bedroom with no clear knowledge of how he came to be here. And then Logan discovered that his hands were tightly tied behind his back. “Hey! What the hell is going on here?” Logan cried out, but all of his words were muffled and garbled by a thick band of cloth that was tied between his teeth. Logan closed his eyes and then opened them again slowly, hoping that maybe this was all a dream. But when Logan opened his eyes again, he was still all alone in the bedroom and he began to panic. He had to get out of here! But when he tried to stand up he discovered that both of his feet were tied close together. He couldn't run anywhere that way. And then something else began to bother Logan. It was really quiet in this room; spooky quiet like maybe there wasn't anyone outside the room, or maybe there wasn't even any building outside this room. Maybe he was now trapped in some kind of crazy limbo! That was really scary and Logan knew that he had to get out of here somehow. So then he began rolling around on the bed, straining his arms against the tight rope, and tonguing the thick roll of cloth inside his mouth, but there was no getting away. And then the door opened. Logan looked up from the bed and watched with disbelieving eyes while that same strange man danced into the room, waving is ugly stick in the air. “Don't think you're going nowhere,” the strange man laughed at Logan. No, no, you're going to be here until I tell you to go.” Logan didn't like the sound of that and he began shaking his head from side to side and made slobbering sounds into his gag, but the strange man just laughed in his strange way and then hopped up to sit down next to Logan on the bed. “Hey Man, don't you know who I be? I am the Voodoo Man.” Logan almost laughed. There was no such thing as voodoo. Suddenly the Voodoo Man stopped smiling and he shoved the head of his ugly stick up under Logan’s chin. “You think I'm fooling with you? You don't fool with the voodoo! With the voodoo I can make your head shrink oh so small. Or sometimes the voodoo can make those other parts of you grow so big. You want to see?” Logan backed away as far as he could from that ugly stick and choked and gagged on the soggy cloth that was stuffing up his mouth. The Voodoo Man had crazy eyes and a crooked smile and now Logan was beginning to believe he just might be magical. “Turn over there, I don't want to see your sunny side no more,” the Voodoo Man commanded with a wave of his ugly stick. Logan’s bound body began turning over all by itself without even asking Logan if that was okay. And then Logan felt the Voodoo Man moving closer to him so that he could corral Logan’s socked feet into his strange hands. “Hey man, you got the tickles?” the Voodoo Man chuckled. Logan squeaked loudly into his gag and twisted his head violently from side to side while he begged mentally “No please, don't tickle me!” Then poor Logan kept his face buried in the blankets and tried to stop his body from trembling while he felt the Voodoo Man pulled up his bound feet and wrapping them up in more tight rope. And he only whimpered a little when the Voodoo Man then pulled his arms back and used more rope to bind Logan’s wrists to his bound ankles so that the whole weight of his legs was pulling back on his arms. That really hurt so Logan began to moan and beg into his gag, but the Voodoo Man ignored the pain Logan was in as he moved closer to his new friend and began to lightly stroke his trussed body. “Now, now, this is no time for the sadness. We are going to be taking you to a happy place.” Logan gasped sadly into his gag. He didn't want to be taken anywhere. “My island is very peaceful,” the Voodoo Man reassured Logan. “Soon you will be a different man there. Now you should XXXX.” The Voodoo Man began to lightly stroke his ugly stick over Logan’s hair and Logan’s eyelids began to get heavier and heavier, and soon Logan’s former life was slipping away into the darkness. THE END. Logan played by Rod Voodoo Man played by Sammy Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:05/31/2006
20 photos; 5:05 video
Cont'd from "What Happens in Vegas..." “Mmmppphh!” Ian was not happy. He was supposed to be getting laid. That’s what guys did while on conventions in Vegas. Instead he was hog tied and gagged in his under wear. Worse the only action he was getting was accidentally rubbing against the other guy on the bed. A guy also hog tied and gagged in his underwear. And that other guy looked like he had a hard on. John was hardly having a time of his life either. He was so sure he was going to get lucky. the Girl had been so hot. He had taken that viagra. But instead she had her real boyfriend tie him up and make him lie on the bed next to this other half naked dude. John could feel the viagra beginning to work. The door opened and as before the woman who had seduced both Ian and John walked in with another mark. As before, the poor schmuck had no chance. he was held at XXXX point while XXXX to strip down to his whitey tighties. His hands were bound behind his back and to his feet. John was shoved to the middle of the bed so that he almost lay on top of Ian. “Mmmm!” Ian protested through his gag as he felt John’s schlong rub against his. The other man was laid on top of the bed. “”Boys, this is Stan.” the female thief said as her boyfriend gagged Stan with tape. “ He’s a bit XXXX but I’m sure he’’ll be lots of fun.” Mmm! Mmmpphhammmm!” the three men moaned through their gags as they writhed and wiggled on top of each other. The friction was getting to all of them and each man’s shorts were getting tight. Ian’s face was beet red and John had never been so embarrassed. Stan was still too XXXX to quite get what was going on. The two thieves collected the clothes and valuables of their victims and stuff them in a bag. That included Ian’s wedding ring. “Ok well it’s been fun and sorry it couldn't’ have been longer. But hey, I did say you would get a three way tonight!” The End Ian played by Hank John played by JMZ Stan played by Cliff model played by Slade Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:05/27/2012
23 photos; 4:32 video
Model: Christopher Rotten
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/26/2025
Tags: gagging, chair tie, cleave gag, tape gag, hand gag, grope
23 photos; 5:29 video
Model: Brian
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/23/2025
Tags: plug gag, bad guy, fondled, groped, jock strap, hog tie, socks, otter
30 photos; 4:14 video
Bored Worker played by Holden Cox
Intruder played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/04/2024
Tags: grabbed, hand gag, bad guy, hog tie, gagged, tape gag, cleave gag, gagging, socks
20 photos; 4:02 video
Librarian played by JD
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/15/2025
Tags: cleave gag, socks, hog tie
20 photos; 4:02 video
Librarian played by JD
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/15/2025
Tags: cleave gag, socks, hog tie
17 photos; 8:22 video
Cow Boy played by Dmitri
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/12/2023
Tags: Otm gag, cowboy, boots, exposed, outdoors
11 photos; 5:33 video
Model: BitchmanSP
Photography by Marco Grieco
See More of BitchmanSp Here
Date of Production: 05/28/2024
Tags: OTM gag, muscle, nude, nudity, tattoo, ankle tie, bare foot
26 photos; 5:19 video
Model: Adam
Photography by Caitiff
Date Of Production: 02/08/2025
Tags: Exposed, plug gag, hand gag, dominated, stroke, twink, socks, hog tie