22 photos; 5:17 video
The stairs creaked as Greg slowly creeped down into the basement. Huge an unnatural cob webs hung from every crevice. an eery light filled the room. “Hello? Anybody down here?”, Greg said, almost to low to be heard. In the darkness, Greg swore he could hear chittering and scuttling, as if something large was moving around just out of reach of the light. “Hey! I know you’re down here!” Greg reached the bottom of the stairs. The basement was quiet. To quiet.. Suddenly a black shapeless form flew at Greg. Before he could react, a huge spider was on his back! Greg didn't’ even have time to struggle before he collapsed to the floor, entirely at the mercy of monstrous arachnid that twittered nearby. Fade to Darkness.. When Greg awoke, his night mare began. He was bound in think sticky webbing, mummifying him. Vainly, Greg tested his bonds. His hands and feet were bound. even his mouth was covered, gagging him so he could not yell for help. Greg’s eye’s widened as he saw the spider slowly creeping towards him until it was literally standing on his chest, it’s huge fangs twitching! Greg let out a muffled scream and.. “Cut! Cut cut cut! Damn it! I said EMOTE!”, the director screamed. Behind him, the film crew for “Curse of the Were Spider” let out a collective sigh. How many takes was this going to need? Lying on the hard concrete floor while a cheesy looking rubber spider waved it’s legs , Greg was in no mood. Unfortunately, his quest for realism, the director had required that Greg really be bound and gagged. While the Director could yell at him, Greg couldn't’ yell back. REALISM?! Greg had a rubber spider on his chest. The movie was about a Were spider. What the hell was a Were Spider, anyway? By the second, Greg was really wishing he had taken that commercial for the haemorrhoid creme. “Ok everybody, take ten. We’ll come back at this fresh.”, The Director ordered. Thank God, Thought Greg. These ropes were tight. His whole body ached. Wait, where was everybody going? Greg heard the door shut as the film crew left the basement, leaving him still tied up on the floor. “Mmmmm? Mmmmmph!”, Greg moaned. Oh funny guys, Greg muttered behind the gag. Now come back and fucking untie me! Guys? Uhh Hello? The room was silent. No one was coming back. Greg moaned curses through the gag over his mouth. Greg wiggled his hands and ankles but the ropes held. What kind of sicko was the director anyway that he had insisted they Greg be really tied up. Desperately Greg struggled as he thought of all the ways he would was going to beat the shit out of the Director. This latest indignity was just the last straw. Through out the filming, Greg had to listen to the Director call Greg’s acting wooden and uninspired. Greg had no idea how long he had been left tied up but he did know he wasn’t making any headway. Greg rolled helpless on the floor like a bound worm. Greg was so intent on his vain struggles that he almost didn't’ notice the movement in the dark corner of the room. Did the spider just move? But there was no one here to operate the controls lying on he floor. No, Greg must have imagined it. “Mmmmmmmmmppphhh!” Greg yelled. But no one was there. Again, Greg saw movement from the corner where the rubber spider lay. It had moved! But he was alone. The controls were unmanned. Slowly the spider’s thin legs began to twitch and drag itself closer to Greg, inch by inch. And Greg was utterly helpless against it. He could only stare wide eyed as the horrid thing dragged itself closer to him, it’s fangs flexing hungrily. “Mmm! MMMMMMMM!!!!” Greg yelled as he thrashed around wildly in a vain attempt at escape. Meanwhile in the other room, the Director was talking ot the special effects guy and the camera man. “So this is the alternate remote?”, The Director asked. “Oh yeah, I wired the whole thing. So you don't’ need to even be in the room.. ” “And you left he camera rolling?”, the director asked his cameraman. “Yep, we should be getting everything.” The Director smiled evilly. After years of working on these B movies and punk ass actors, he had learned how to motivate the talent. The End Greg played by Rod Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 10/30/2007
19 photos
Model: Attila Created : 10/30/2015
38 photos; 6:32 video
“Do you see how the process works?” The Man in Grey asked his two prisoners. “Rather elegant in it’s simplicity, don’t you agree?”
OF course neither prisoner could respond, being gagged with heavy tape. Ropes bound each man to chairs.
But most unusually each man had a strange hairy creature clutching their heads!
“You see the mind spiders, a rather cliche name I know but it is descriptive.. the mind spiders must rest on the victims head, slowly molding the brain until it is more.. receptive to the commands I wish to give.”
“Mmmmmpphh!?”, one of the victims moaned desperately through his gag.
“Yes that is why I am afraid I must keep both you gentlemen bound and gagged for the foreseeable future. My poor pets need some time to make adjustment sot a human brain.”
Both of the bound men could only look on in helpless XXXX!
“But do not worry. Once my pets have done their work I will release you so you both can go out and find me MORE fresh recruits!”
Model: Garret
Model: CLiff
Photography by Zac
Date of Production: 10/26/2015
37 photos; 8:30 video
Model: Bobby
Bad Guy: Kevin
Date of Production: 07/23/2015
30 photos; 4:37 video
31 photos; 3:02 video
31 photos; 3:09 video
Model: Tony
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production:06/29/2006
20 photos; 2:55 video
Model: Arturo
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/04/2008
23 photos; 5:31 video
The car in the driveway was gone.
The back window had been left open
The owner was no where to be seen
This was going to be so easy, thought Dan. Dan knew that Mr. Fritzpatrick had all sorts of expensive stuff. He had seen it when he had been inside the house, getting paid for doing Fitzpatrick’s yard work. So Dan had made sure the last time he got paid that the window was left open and unlocked just enough so that no one would notice. All Dan had to do was sneak in and grab the stuff.
Dan snuck behind the house. Really he didn’t even have to since everyone was used to him being there doing yard work. Dan slid open the window, lifted himself up inside the house and...
... felt a foul smelling rag over his mouth! Dan fought but he was already off balance being half inside and half outside. Soon everything went black.
Dan awoke with a head ache. And his hands and feet tied. And his mouth gagged with a bandanna tied tightly into his mouth.
“Mmmmpphh!”, Dan moaned as he struggled to get free. Unfortunately the ropes only seemed to get tighter as he fought his bondage.
Dan looked around. He was Mr. Fitzpatrick’s living room. IF only he could make it to the kitchen, Dan could find a knife and cut himself free.
Just then the door knob to the font door opened and in walked Mr. Fitzpatrick.
“Still here? Good. “Mr. Fitzpatrick commented as if he was talking about the weather. “I am very disappointed in you Daniel. Trying to burgle my home like that. So I am afraid you will have to stay a while while we work this out.”
To Be Continued?
Model: Dante
Photography: Caitiff
Date of Production: 09/23/2015
29 photos; 5:15 video
Model: Ron Jeffries
Photography By Caitiff
Date of Production: 09/20/2013
20 photos; 4:09 video
27 photos; 8:10 video
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/20/2011
28 photos; 2:56 video
Model: Kent
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 05/21/2006
26 photos; 5:06 video
Model: Bobby Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 10-14-2015
30 photos; 4:19 video
Todd was hot. Danny hated to admit it but he was. Todd was also an asshole. Somehow with only a very small amount of power, he had managed to become a tyrant. He ordered people around like he owned the place, ignored complaints and screwed over the other workers.
But Todd was hot and the boss must have thought so too because he gave Todd far too much slack. With but a word Todd could have anyone he wanted fired. Like Danny. Danny didn’t even know what he had done wrong. H e always showed up on time. He put up with Todd’s shit. But apparently Todd didn’t like how the gay guy looked at him.
That was Todd’s first mistake.
Todd didn’t see Danny when he went to get in his expensive car. XXXX was so easy to get nowadays and Todd went under like a light. His hands bound behind his back, Todd was shoved into the trunk of Danny’s car and off they went.
“Let me go you fucking maniac!”, Todd yelled when he woke up.
“Get your hands off me pervert”, Todd screamed as his legs were tied.
“Mmmmpphhh!”, Todd moaned as tape was plastered over his mouth.
Danny admired his captive. Asshole of not, Todd was hot. In fact, he was even hotter when he was tied up. Danny’s mind raced with all the things he would do that cute boy before he was done.
Todd was in a fit of rage, struggling like a crazy person against his ropes. He kicked and squirmed on Danny’s couch like a worm. A hot sexy worm, Danny thought.
“Nnnpphhmmmm!” Todd grunted and Danny could imagine what he was saying. You’ll never get away with this. Normally Danny would have agreed. There were not normal times however. Danny wasn’t quite as clueless as Todd thought. He had looked at the records Todd had so carelessly left laying out one day. Danny had read them and understood that the figures were not what they should have been. Todd was a very hot but bad boy.
That was Todd’s second mistake.
Danny enjoyed the show for a while longer. Watching Todd struggle was really turning Danny on. His supervisor was now his to control and do with as he pleased. The rush of power caused a charge to go down his spine and into his pants.
Danny sauntered over to Todd and began to feel up his former boss. Of course Todd resisted btu there was nothing the bound and gagged man could do about it.
Danny removed Todd’s tie and unbuttoned his expensive shirt. Todd put up a fit, struggling vain to get away from his perverted horny XXXX.
Until Danny held up the files he had left with on before he got fired. Security always watched you when you get fired but not before. But Todd knew what those files meant. He knew he was fucked in more ways then one.
Danny pulled the tape gag off but Todd didn't’ get a word in edgewise before his tie was wedged between his teeth.
Danny lifted Todd’s t short over his head ot expose his chest.
Looking at his bound and gagged toy, Danny decided getting fired was the best thing that could have happened to him.
The End
Tod Played by Darien
Photography by Caitiff
31 photos
21 photos; 4:38 video
Model: Hank Created: 10/03/2015 Photographer: Slade
24 photos; 3:16 video
36 photos
20 photos
Model: Arturi
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/04/2008
30 photos
Model: Dante Model: Lex Photgraphy by Nick007 and Caitiff Date of Production: 7-18-2015
42 photos; 1:55 video
25 photos
Brett Hardman is a high priced tough arrogant lawyer. He works like a tiger every day and when he comes home from the office he needs his Hot Shower. He stays in the shower for at least an hour, admirering his well toned body in the full length miirror across from the bath tub. His Cock is always hard when he looks at his own reflection in his mirror. Mr. Hardman wanks off several times during this shower routine of his. Always eating his own cum as it is a great source of protein. Mr. Hardman had to fire his young houseboy/man. When he arrived home early several days ago he found Hank sitting on the floor of the laundry room sniffing his white tight soiled briefs, and Hank had also placed several pairs of his black over the calf dress sheer nylon socks in his mouth. He had a silk sock (to be hand washed as they all were) over his rock hard 9 inch penis."What the fuck is this, I thought you were straight now I find out your a Faggot who sniffs soiled briefs" He barked. Mr. Hardman prides himself on being a cunt man, Ladies only. He bedded them by the score. "Your fired, Now get the fuck out of here and as for you severance pay you can take all my used briefs you've been sniffing. But leave the black silk and sheer nylon socks, Get that silk sock off your prick" He screamed, But before Hank could remove the silk dress sock he came in it. "Shit" "Ok keep that one" He smirked. Hank scrambled to his feet and rearranged his Levis and replaced his boots and with his beautiful head hung low walked out of the apt. Hank had long black hair tied into a ponytail and was 6ft 3in tall . He glanced around and said" Please sir, give me another chance" "Fuck you fag and Fuck the horse you road in on" Hank left . "Revenge is a dish best served cold" Hank thought, He waited several weeks, then along with his Buddy Mike followed Mr. Hardman home from the office. Hank had made a spare key to the apt. His boss did not know of this. Brett came home and removed his expensive grey English suit and hand made wing-tipped shoes then his starched thin cotton shirt removing the cuff links , then his power silk tie . His while silk undershirt and black silk boxer shorts came next. then his black garters which held up his sheer black nylon over the calf men's hose. He stepped into the shower. Ran the water hot and got an instant hard-cock. Hank & Mike listened at the door and then mad their move and entered the apt. They had brought five large black trash bags. for they were going to steal all every fucking stitch of mr. Brett Hardman's clothing. They approached the bathroom and with ski masks over their faces and concealed items in their hands kicked opened the door. "What the fuck hey who are you" Brett screamed. ",Please don't hurt me, take my money and jewelry it's on the dresser." "We will". Hank took a piece of rope and proceeded to tied his former bosses hands together." No don't" Brett was crying. They then shoved a ball gag into his sobbing mouth. "MMMFFFFFFPPPLLLUUZZZZZDOOOONNTT" Brett moaned. Hank pinched his nipples and they got rock hard.."You a fucking queer? He said. Hank had changed his voice lowering it. "NNOOOOOMMPPPP" "Bullshit, Fag , Your fucking dick is hard" hahaha With that they bound his hands above his head, fastening them to the shower bar pole. They grabbed his balls and played with his dick, he was sobbing like a baby. Mike stated to finger fucked him while Hank jerked him off. They pulled his facial hair and threatened to shave him completely if he told the cops. They you see had a video camera going without sound and they said if Brett told anyone they would send the tape to his office and place it on the internet. Brett nodded, he knew he was lost and defeated and humiliated. Hank went over and pissed on him, His warm urine running down Brett's hot body. He then Jerked Him off. Brett moaned and cried tears sobbing into his ball gag. mmmffffffppplluussszzzhis wimplering softly. He CAM a great load and Hank took his cum and wiped it in his hair. Then both Hank and Mike Jerked themselves off on to Brett's public hair laughing as they did so. “Let blow this dump now”. And with that they collect every piece of fine clothing Brett Hardman possessed. Even his gym socks and jockstraps and shorts. Suits and Tuxedo's dozens of them countless shoes and over 100 ties and underwear and silk and sheer nylon socks all over the calf, many pairs of garters. WOW. All wore the same size in shoes and suits. They were headed for Chicago and they needed a high priced wardrobe as the were joining an expensive escort service. They could not wait to get this piece of video tape on the internet. What fun revenge can be. The End Brett Hardman played by Lyle Photography by Caitiff
24 photos; 5:20 video
Model: Rex
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 03/04/2013
20 photos; 3:19 video
Business Man played by Happy
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/02/2025
Tags: grabbed, suit, bad guy, hand gagged, chair tied, cleave gag, tape gag, gagging
27 photos; 7:38 video
Gagged Guy played by Patrick aka Tynan Fox
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Rope Work by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/02/2025
Tags: jock, twink, bad guy, hand gag, stuff gag, tape gag, gagging, chair tied, shirtless, groped, fondled, stroke, exposed, tease
35 photos; 3:59 video
Model: Adrien Folwer
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/05/2024
Tags: underwear, plug gag, twink, gorilla tie,
11 photos; 5:29 video
Model: Tonny
Photography Marco Grieco
See More Here
Date of Production: 11/28/2023
TAgs: leather, tape gag, hands in front
20 photos; 3:14 video
Model: Tidus
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/23/2024
Tags: taped up, bear, dominated, bad guy
25 photos; 3:35 video
Bound Guy played by Jack Stone
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/12/2024
Tags: cleave gag, shirtless, underwear, socks
15 photos; 4:17 video
Model: Kelven
Photography by Caitiff
See More of Kelven here.
Date of Production: 03/02/2022
Tags: outside, leather, otm gag, twink, muscle, shirtless
20 photos; 3:11 video
Model: JD
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/15/2025
Tags: cleave gag, socks, hog tie, grope, gagging, gagged, tape gag, hand gag