18 photos; 4:21 video
Model: NathenPhotrography by Marco GriecoSee More of Nathen Here
Date of Production: 07/21/21
Tags: OTM gag, shirtless, muscle, exposed, strip, hands behind back, outdoors
28 photos; 4:14 video
Model: Holden Cox
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/10/2024
tags: gagging, socks, chair tie, hand gag, cleave gag, tape gag, grope
22 photos; 4:11 video
It was time for Frank's appointment and Rick wasted no time getting all the prep in order for his next personal training session with Frank. He called with such enthusiasm wanting to get ripped in 60 days and lose 30lbs and was willing to hire Rick as his full time personal trainer to get him ready for summer season. Rick loved clients like this easy money as Frank requested an hour long session 5 days/week. This was what Rick calls his bread and butter work getting him through the bills when business is slow.
Frank welcomed Rick in just on time an hour past noon. "So Frank where do you see yourself in 8 weeks? Frank held up some bodybuilding photos and asked Rick if he could look like one of them feasibly in 2 months. "Why sure Frank but it will take a lot of work and effort on your part diet and fitness wise to reach that goal, but it is feasible.
"Great how does this work?" Frank asked. "First we need to get your stats such as weight and measurements then determine what your food requirements are and calculate how much you can eat to lose the weight you want to lose within 60 days. Then we'll go over the program step by step..."
It was all blah blah to Frank he didn't really care about what this dude offered he just thought he was hot and wanted him in his clutches hehehe... Frank sported an evil grin on Rick checking out his muscled pecs and arms hiding under his baggy t shirt then glanced down his nicely tight buttocks and legs through his faded light blue jeans yuummm... he thought... now how can I do this? Frank studied him well and imagined a plan of attack on this big boy...
The two did all the boring crap and started working out together. Frank had his own home gym and the two worked side by side for almost an hour with Frank not building much of a sweat then near the end Rick went to take a leak and wash up, and when he returned Frank was waiting for him XXXX...
"Frank! Are you OK? Speak to me man wake up!" Frank laid motionless on the floor while Rick tried to get his vital signs. This has never happened before and kinda freaked him out into a panic. He didn't want his client to be of harm from his training. Then while he looked away Frank grabbed hold behind Rick with a scented gag and held tightly down Rick's chest till he went woosy and fell to the ground. He quickly bound him up by his hands and stuffed a sock in the big boy's mouth followed with a tight cleave gag to keep him nicely stuffed with his soggy workout sock... how cruel Frank thought as he so turned hard through all of this hehe... Then he trussed up the knees and ankles as Rick was coming alert.
"mmmppphh mmMMMPPH! MMMMPHHHHHHHHPPPPPP!!" Rick thrashed his big body around on the couch totally shocked to find himself all tied up by someone much weaker than him how the fuck did this happen? There was Frank looking down at him holding a nice bright roll of duct tape... "Now Now If You Play Nice I Won't Be made to Use This..." "MMMPPPPHHH!!!" Frank grasped his captive's lips shut with his beefy gagging hand haha squeezing Rick's lips clean shut with his eyes puffed wide open as Frank observed how helpless his muscles were with all Rick's struggle. Frank wasted no time checking him out... "Now let's see how nice and beefy you are hahaha!"
Before long Rick was completely stripped naked and his whole bod was nice and red from sure embarrassment. Frank turned him even more red trussing up his upper body with lots of tight rope squeezing up any resistance Rick tried to pull against the unforgiving ropes. Never in his life has Rick ever thought this guy had it out for him and now was personally training him for something other than bodybuilding... well amazingly enough this struggle is working out muscles he never used before lol maybe he should take note for future workouts... if the abs wont pop with regular training just tie 'em up and watch them squirm around flexing that core so much that it burns the fat off! Hmmmm you learn something new everyday :-)
Rick played by Garrettjan
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production:06/23/2011
tags: story, cleave gag, bear
40 photos
Ned climbed the steps to the front door, looking around him warily. The street seemed normal enough, though not exactly the kind of neighborhood that he expected to find the scion of the one of the local brewing dynasties inhabiting. He knew there was something odd about this assignment – he had heard some of the other people at the office whispering about it, sending him pitying glances. "No fucking way….not that weirdo…never again…" had been some of the phrases that he had overheard. The boss had been pretty close-lipped about it, just telling him that he had to explain to Mr. Mulheim that he was overdrawn on his account, and that this time, no further advances from his trust fund could be made to him. The boss had muttered something about this guy not answering correspondence, member of a family that were valued clients, a bit of an eccentric blah blah blah, but he had been very evasive when Ned had asked him questions. Being the junior member of the firm, Ned didn’t want to press the boss. He didn’t have much choice but to do what he was told. How bad could this guy be?
Ned XXXX on the door. He gulped as he looked at the hulking figure that answered the door. "Peter Mulheim? I’m Ned Abercrombie from Ernest, Peabody and …GGGGMMMMPHHHH!!" Ned XXXXd as an enormous hand shot out and grabbed him by the throat.
"Where’s my fucking money! What have you bastards done with it! I want it NOW!!!" Ned started to see stars as his head was XXXX against the wall with each word. Is this what the other people from the firm went through when they came here? he started to think, before everything went black.
Owwww. Ned wanted to rub his aching head, but he couldn’t move his hands. He stared around the room, feeling woozy. Where was he? What had happened to him? Why couldn’t he move his hands? Slowly, as the pain in his head abated, he realized that his hands were tied behind him, and that something sticky was covering his mouth. ‘MMMPHHHH!!! MMHEEELLLLPPPPP!!!"
"So the shyster lawyer has finally decided to wake up. What are those thieves doing, hiring babies now? Stop making that racket, kid. You’re making my head hurt. I guess you want some more tape on that mouth of yours." "MMMMNNNOOOO!!!!" Ned shook his head in dismay as the Peter Mulheim advanced on him, a roll of red tape in his hands. Ned shrank back in the chair where he had been placed, but it was no use. He was helpless, unable to prevent his gag being reinXXXX, or to stop the mad Mulheim heir from tying his legs and feet. Now that it was too late, Ned was remembering some rather peculiar stories that he had heard about the Mulheim family. There was Mimi Mulheim and her home for indigent canaries, and the gruesome story about Fritz Mulheim and the headless gardener…..But surely if this man was as mad as his relatives were, he would have been put away in some nice cozy home for the seriously rich and seriously disturbed. If only Ned could get his mouth free, he could explain to Mr. Mulheim that he had all the relevant documents, showing exactly how all the money from his trust had been disbursed. Not a penny was missing. He began struggling against the ropes that bound him, making pleading sounds through his tape gag.
"You’re still making too much noise, kid. I guess I’m going to have to get something else to shut you up, for good. Don’t go away."
Ned’s heart sank when he heard those ominous words. He had to get out of here, and as fast as possible. Now that he had been left alone, he would have to try to make a dash for it, even though he was tied hand and foot. If he could somehow reach the door, and get out onto the porch, someone would save him. He managed to get to his feet and started shuffling across the room. He had only managed to cover a few feet before he tripped, falling to his knees. Ned struggled to get to his feet again, but instead he crashed to the floor.
"Going somewhere? I don’t think so. Those shysters are going to have give me my money, now that I’ve got one of their baby lawyers. What do you think, kid? Will they finally admit that they’ve been fleecing me all these years? You better hope so. You can be my little legal hostage. I better make sure that you don’t get away from me."
Ned groaned in despair, as he lay hogtied on the floor. Even his shoes were tied together. How was he going to get out of this situation? He didn’t want to be a legal hostage. This sprig of the Mulheim family tree was most definitely out to lunch, and the faster Ned could get away from him, the happier he would be.
Ned could hear Peter Mulheim’s voice rising in anger. He must be on the phone – probably with the firm. He didn’t to be around when Mulheim got off the phone. If things didn’t go his way, who knew what further violence the beer heir might commit. Ned strained and struggled, sweat breaking out on his body as he tried to get free of the ropes. If only he could do undo the hogtie, he might have a chance of escape. He arched his back, his fingers searching for the knots that bound his ankles to his wrists. He managed to get the end of one piece of rope between his fingers, but it then slipped from his grip. He grunted in frustration, and tried again. His body wasn’t meant to be bent in such a peculiar manner; he could feel his muscles crying out in pain. Success! He had the rope in between his fingers, and this time he managed to hold on to it. Now all had to do was to untie the knot. Ned listened as Mulheim’s voice got even louder. It sounded as if he was frothing at the mouth. That was all the impetus that Ned needed to work even harder at getting free.
At last! Ned whimpered with relief as the rope connecting his hands and feet came undone. He lay panting on the floor, his shirt plastered to his body with sweat. Now all he had to do was to get out of here before Mulheim finished his business on the phone. Why hadn’t the police shown up? Surely someone from the office would have called for help. Ned was in no mood to lie around waiting for help. He remembered the manic gleam in Mulheim’s eyes and shuddered. Who knew what the madman would do if he didn’t get he wanted? It was up to Ned to save himself. He struggled to get to his feet, his task made more difficult by his sore muscles and the need for silence. Even though Mulheim was ranting and raving in the background, Ned didn’t want to risk attracting his attention. He made one more struggle and he was on his feet.
Ned was determined not to fall this time. Very carefully he began making his way towards the door. His previous struggles had produced some slack in the ropes binding his ankles and feet, so he was able to make tiny steps, rather than having to hop. Sweat ran down his face, stinging his eyes. Everything he was wearing was going to have to pay a visit to the dry cleaners. He was closer to the door. Closer still. Ned turned around and fumbled with the lock. Yay! He had the door unlocked. Now all he had to do get was get outside. He grasped the door handle with his sweaty palms. Damn, damn, damn! He couldn’t turn the doorknob. It kept on slipping out of his hands. Ned heard Mulheim’s swearing vociferously and then the sound of the phone being slammed down. In desperation, Ned tried one more time. He sobbed with relief as the knob turned. As he pulled the door open, he heard Mulheim’s bellow of rage as he discovered that his victim had flown the coop. Ned tumbled headfirst down the steps, landing in a heap on the pavement, in front of a pair of startled, and burly, construction workers. He was safe!
Ned played by Gurth
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 07/31/2003
tags: tape gag, hog tie, suit, story
24 photos; 6:06 video
“Mmmmmppphhh!”, Desperately Todd tried to make some noise from behind his tight cleave gag. Todd twisted his hands, which were tightly tied.
Only a few moments before he had been playing with his nephew and his friend. Both had been bored, wanting to go skating. But Todd’s sister had been adamant that her son was not allowed outside the house. Technically Todd’s nephew wasn't’ supposed to have his friend over either but if it shut the brat up, Todd was certain what his sister didn't’ know wouldn't’ hurt him.
Unfortunately his nephew had a weird idea about constituted fun. Todd had been asked to help them learn their knots for boy scouts. Todd didn't’ agree at first. He was finally getting somewhere on this quest on War Craft and couldn't’ be bothered. But the kid whined and whined and WHINED.
All Right, I’ll do anything if you just shut up!”, Todd said. he shouldn’t have said have said anything. He also should have been suspicious when the kids had rope at the ready. Before he knew what was going on, Todd had his hands tied up.
Then they gagged him. What did gagging have to do with the boy scouts?
The boys did know their knots though. Todd twisted and turned but could not get his hands free.
Todd would have cut off the game right there but gagged, he couldn’t make anything intelligible. Or maybe the kids were just pretending not to understand what he was saying. Either way they added even more rope around Todd’s arms.
Then they went to work on Todd’s legs, tying rope around Todd’s knees and ankles so he was now completely helpless.
“Ok, now try to get out!”, Todd’s nephew said.
Todd of course had been trying since this started. He really doubted he would get out now. Still he tried none the less, twisting and struggling to get some slack in the ropes that bound him hand and foot.
Then suddenly Todd remembered something. His nephew wasn't’ in the boy scouts! Oh shit!
The kids seemed to sense that they had Todd right where they wanted. They tied rope from his neck to his knees so he couldn't’ even hop down the stairs. They thne grabbed their skate boards they had hidden in their back packs an left!
Oh crap! His sister was not going to like this.
Then Todd heard a XXXX on the door! Fortunately it wasn’t his sister but Todd’s friend Chris. Chris could untie Todd in time for Todd to catch up to his nephew and give the kid a good ass beating!
But for some reason Chris didn't’ untie Todd. Instead he patted and felt Todd up!
“Hey man, how’s it going?”, Chris asked as if his friend wasn't’ lying bound and gagged on the steps.
“Mmmmppphh!”, Todd
Chris continued this game for a few more minutes before going upstairs where he began to play Todd’s Warcraft character, transferring all of Todd’s Gold to Chris’ character.
Chris, of course , had already been told what had happened to Todd from Todd’s nephew. For a mere twenty bucks, Chris would make sure that Todd stayed up for a good long while.
Thinking of his cute friend tied up and gagged right outside the door, Chris thought he should have paid the kids instead.
The End
Todd played by ZackT
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production:03/15/2011
tags: bad guy, story, bare foot, cleave gag
22 photos; 5:09 video
The Rookie played by MarcusPhotography by Caitiff Date of Production: 08/31/2017
Tags: football, athlete, socks, hog tie, cleave gag
26 photos; 3:22 video
Model: Stan
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production:08/09/2006
Tags: ball gag, bare foot, nude, nudity
18 photos; 4:54 video
Model: KelvinPhotography by MArco Grieco
See More of Kelvin Here
Date of Production: 11/18/2023
tags: outdoors, otm gag, exposed, hands above head, strip, fondle
24 photos; 3:40 video
Bound Guy played by The DannyBad Guy played by DaltonPhotography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/26/2024
TAgs: blindfold, tape, tape gag, bare foot, butt, spanking, bad guy, grope
26 photos; 5:05 video
Model: Big Bad WoofPhotography by Marco Grieco
See More of Big Bad Woof here
Date of Production: 05/29/2023
Tags: ball gag, shirtless, tattoos, bear, leather
20 photos; 5:25 video
Model: Jon Storm
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/09/2018
Tgas; Socks, OTM gag, hands behind back
24 photos; 6:47 video
The Wide Receiver played by Rex
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/26/2017
tags: bear, cleave gag, exposedm athlete, socks, hog tie
25 photos; 4:51 video
Aidan was exhausted from hopping through the backwoods, trussed up and tape gagged, as his abductors prodded him forward. He couldn't believe how his weekly hike had turned into a terrifying takening. His mind raced as he tried to figure a way out of his perilous predicament, but at the moment he didn't have a clue. He heard his captors talking behind him, but couldn't make out any words.
"Hold it, kid!" one of the voices commanded.
Aidan stopped hopping and gasped for breath. His breathing was severely compromised from the enforced exercise, the tight ropes and the tape wrapped securely around his mouth.
“On the ground!", the one rough looking guy said, grabbing Aiden.
Aidan dropped clumsily to his knees, and was roughly pushed down onto the stony ground. He felt more rope being wrapped around his already-bound ankles, and then his legs being pushed up and his feet tied to his wrists in a punishing hogtie. Aidan was in good shape, but the exhaustion brought on by his XXXX march in bondage took any remnant of fight out of him. He lay helplessly as his captors sat on a log and discussed their plans.
"Bring the truck around," the one rough looking one said to the other.
Aidan lay on the ground, and a few minutes later he heard the sound of an engine approaching. Turning his head as best he could, he saw a dark pickup pulling up alongside. The driver got out, and squatted down beside him. Aidan sighed into his gag as the hogtie was released and his legs dropped heavily to the ground. Then he felt the rope around his wrists loosen. Could it be he was being released? He lay face down, his feet still tightly bound, waiting to see what would happen next. The one who had untied him moved away, and Aidan heard the sound of a tailgate being lowered.
"OK, kid, climb in!"
"MMMPPPH???" Aidan grunted. Using his freed arms, he pushed himself up into a sitting position, then struggled to his feet. Hopping over to the side of the pickup, he reached out to steady himself on the side of the truck.
"Get in!"
Aidan laid his palms onto the lowered tailgate, and using all his strength, pulled himself into the bed of the truck. The driver climbed in with him, holding the lengths of rope that had been bound around him earlier. He quickly lashed Aidan's wrists through the openings on the inner side of the truck bed, and then stretched his body across and anchored his feet to the other side. Aidan's spirits sank as he found himself securely bound hand and foot once again. The guy who'd tied him jumped out of the truck and closed up the tailgate.
After a few minutes, Aidan was surprised to see his two captors turn and walk back down the path they had just come up, leaving him alone, bound and gagged in the pickup. He started struggling as soon as they were out of sight, twisting his wrists in the ropes, sweating and praying that he could get loose. After about 20 minutes, his frenzied efforts paid off, and the ropes around his right wrist finally slipped loose. Panting with fear and adrenaline, he untied his other wrist, then leaned forward and untied his feet. Without wasting a second, he jumped over the side of the truck and bolted down the path in the opposite direction, still gagged. He'd pick a different park for his next weekend hike!
Aiden played by Charlie
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 08/10/2009
Tags: outdoors, tape gag, story, hog tie
24 photos; 3:28 video
Model: Andre
Photography: Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/05/2005
tags: nude, naked, bare foot, ball gag, grope
20 photos; 4:21 video
Model: ConnorPhotography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/24/2024
TAgs: cleave gag, shirtless, socks, hog tie
25 photos; 7:49 video
Model : BrianPhotography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/23/2024
Tags: shirtless, hog tie, socks, groped, fondled, orgasm, exposed, tape gag, bad guy
15 photos; 6:47 video
Cowboy played by LucasPhotography by Marco Grieco
See More Here
Date of Production: 11/08/2022
Tags: outside, exposed, underwear, OTM gag, cowboy, boots, shirtless
25 photos; 5:19 video
Mitch stared bleary-eyed into his computer screen, as Joe looked over his shoulder impatiently. “Isn’t there some faster way to decode the files?” he asked. Joe was a world-class detective but knew nothing about technology. “It’s called decrypting, not decoding,” Mitch said wearily. “And it takes time. The people who created these files really, really did not want anyone to see them.” “Of course not,” Joe said. “If my source is right, these files will nail that bastard Carrington to the wall.” Lamar Carrington was something of an obsession with Joe. While Joe was on the police force, he had nearly busted Carrington a dozen times on charges of extortion, money laundering and murder, but he had never been able to get enough evidence to secure a conviction. After his retirement, Joe considered it a personal mission to bring Carrington down. And these damn computer files were the key. Joe was Mitch’s friend as well as his boss, and he wanted to help him. But he was exhausted. He had been up for hours trying to get through the encryption on the files. Absent-mindedly, he started humming “Dust in the Wind,” a nervous habit that he had developed as a teenager. “If you’re going to do that, at least learn a new song,” Joe sXXXXped. Mitch stopped abruptly. “Sorry to bite your head off,” Joe added. “I’m just frustrated.” “We’re both tired,” Mitch said. “Why don’t you go home and get some XXXX? I’ll call you if I make any progress.” After a token bit of protest, Joe agreed and went home. Mitch decided to work a few more minutes, which turned into a few more hours. Before he knew it, he had cracked the encryption. Elated, he grabbed his cell phone and punched Joe’s number. “Great news, Joe, I figured it out,” he said. “Go back to XXXX, the file should be completely decrypted by morning.” Very pleased with himself, Mitch fell aXXXX in his chair. When he woke up a short time later, he found himself face to face with one of Carrington’s hired goons, pointing a XXXX at him. “You should stay out of other people’s business,” the goon growled, raising the XXXX. Mitch ducked instinctively, but the XXXX was not aimed at him. It fired into his computer, blowing the hard drive to bits. The terminal sputtered, and the painstakingly decrypted files blinked out of existence. The goon brought the XXXX down on the back of Mitch’s head, and everything went black. Mitch woke up slowly, remembering that he was in deep trouble. He blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light, and he saw the familiar, malevolent face of Lamar Carrington. He grunted into the bandanna gagging his mouth and pulled against the ropes binding his wrists and ankles. “Hello, Mitch,” Carrington said. “I must say, it’s a relief that we don’t have to tap your cell phone any more. You lead a staggeringly dull life. How can a grown man have so many conversations about “Doctor Who”?” Mitch groaned into his gag. They had heard him tell Joe about the decryption. And now the files were lost forever. “Capturing you lets me kill two birds with one stone, so to speak,” Carrington said. “Without you, that oaf won’t be able to pry into any more of my computer files. And if he tries, I now have the perfect hostage. In a few hours, my private jet is going to take you to one of my safehouses in the Caribbean. You’ll be well cared for, as long as Joe Newton stays out of my affairs.” His eyes flashing with anger, Mitch rolled over, kicking at Carrington. The older man dodged him easily and placed a foot on his neck. “Don’t make such a fuss,” he said. “You’ll be very popular down there. Several of the guards have a taste for young men. Really, if your cell phone conversations are any indication, you’ll have a much richer social life down there than you have here.” Carrington chuckled as he left, enjoying Mitch’s evident panic. Being a boy toy for his thugs did not seem to appeal to him. That would teach people to meddle in his business. Mitch struggled against the ropes, desperately trying to loosen the knots. He could not believe he had been so stupid – revealing sensitive information on a cell phone. A cell phone! Why not just rent a billboard? Then he realized something, He still had his cell phone. He struggled to his knees and let the phone fall out of his shirt pocket. Twisting around, he managed to flip the phone open. That was the easy part. Making a phone call while bound and gagged was going to be a bigger challenge. He had heard of “hands-free” cell phones, but this was a bit much. Fortunately Joe was the last person he called, so he could just punch the redial button. Joe answered XXXXily. “Hello? Who is this?” Damn it, Mitch thought. If Joe had a cell phone like the rest of the civilized world, he would be able to tell who was calling him. Mitch tried to talk through the gag, hoping Joe would recognize the tone of his voice. “MMFFTT MMF!” Mitch grunted. “MMFFCH!” Who the hell is this?” Joe replied. “What do you want?” Suddenly Mitch had an idea. He started humming “Dust in the Wind,” the same way he had a hundred times around Joe. “Mitch?” Joe said. “Is that you?” “MMMM HMMMM!” Mitch intoned. “What’s wrong? Are you in trouble?” ““MMMM HMMMM!” Mitch replied. “You can’t talk, but you can still grunt. Try using Morse code.” Mitch wasn’t sure he had time to say “Carrington is shipping me off to the Caribbean to be a sex slave” in Morse code, but he figured the first word would convey the message. As soon as he had finished spelling it out, Joe knew what was going on. “This time that bastard is going to pay,” Joe said. “Hang on, Mitch, help is on the way.” Mitch waited for what seemed like hours. He could only hope that Joe got there before he was packed off to God knows where. Then Carrington entered the room, flanked by two of his seemingly endless supply of hired goons. Mitch recognized the one who had fragged his computer and clonked him on the head. Mitch could forgive the bludgeoning, but he really resented losing a perfectly good computer. “Get him ready for shipping,” Carrington barked. The two goons hoisted Mitch up and lowered him into a wooden crate. They added some duct tape around his mouth, reinforcing the bandanna and ensuring he would stay completely silent during the trip. Then they placed the lid on the box and began nailing it shut. After the last nail had been hammered into the lid, Mitch felt the box being lifted. Then, just as he had given up hope of rescue, he heard Joe’s voice. “Freeze, all of you,” Joe shouted. “You’re under arrest.” He had brought what looked like half of the police force to raid Carrington’s house. Two uniformed officers opened the crate with a crowbar and lifted Mitch out. Mitch winced as the duct tape was pulled off his face, but it was a small price to pay for his freedom. “I thought I was a goner,” Mitch said. “You really like to make a dramatic entrance.” “Sorry for cutting it so close,” Joe said. “I had to wake up a judge and get an emergency warrant. Carrington’s not going to get out on a technicality this time. Aggravated assault, XXXX, conspiracy – he’s going away for life.” Joe put his arm around Mitch’s shoulder. “Let’s get you home, kid” Joe said. “You’ve had a long night.”
Mitch played by Himself
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/15/2007
tags: bare foot, story, cleave gag
30 photos; 7:01 video
Model: Chad
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/26/2013
Tags: hog tie, socks, plug gag, grope, tickle
21 photos; 3:38 video
Model: MickeyPhotography: Caitiff
date of production: 10/26/2016
Tags: bear, cleave gag, hands behind back
27 photos; 6:58 video
He thought he had escaped from prison. All he had ot do was sneak into this house, grab some clothes and money, and go.Too bad the owner was home with other ideas.
Prisoner: DonovanPhotography: Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/13/2016
Tags: twink, bad guy, exposed, shirtless, hog tie, bare foot, tape gag, hand gag, grope
27 photos; 4:25 video
Model: Holden CoxPhotography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/10/2024
Tags: hog tie, socks, cleave gag, twink
25 photos; 4:01 video
Bod Guy played by CaseyBad Guy played by DaltonPhotography by Caitiff
Date of Production: /0/2024
Tags: chair tie, bear, bad guy, gagging, tape gag, cleave gag, hand gag, dominated
16 photos; 4:38 video
Model: Christopher RottenPhotography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 09/11/2024
Tags: underwear, jock strap, tape gag, socks, hog tie
20 photos; 3:19 video
Business Man played by Happy
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/02/2025
Tags: grabbed, suit, bad guy, hand gagged, chair tied, cleave gag, tape gag, gagging
27 photos; 7:38 video
Gagged Guy played by Patrick aka Tynan Fox
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Rope Work by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/02/2025
Tags: jock, twink, bad guy, hand gag, stuff gag, tape gag, gagging, chair tied, shirtless, groped, fondled, stroke, exposed, tease
35 photos; 3:59 video
Model: Adrien Folwer
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/05/2024
Tags: underwear, plug gag, twink, gorilla tie,
11 photos; 5:29 video
Model: Tonny
Photography Marco Grieco
See More Here
Date of Production: 11/28/2023
TAgs: leather, tape gag, hands in front
20 photos; 3:14 video
Model: Tidus
Bad Guy played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/23/2024
Tags: taped up, bear, dominated, bad guy
25 photos; 3:35 video
Bound Guy played by Jack Stone
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/12/2024
Tags: cleave gag, shirtless, underwear, socks
15 photos; 4:17 video
Model: Kelven
Photography by Caitiff
See More of Kelven here.
Date of Production: 03/02/2022
Tags: outside, leather, otm gag, twink, muscle, shirtless
20 photos; 3:11 video
Model: JD
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/15/2025
Tags: cleave gag, socks, hog tie, grope, gagging, gagged, tape gag, hand gag