18 photos; 7:21 video
Model Rex
Photograph by Caitiff
Date of Production 09/23/2020
30 photos; 4:44 video
Model: Cliff Photography: Nick007 Date of Production: 10/25/2014
20 photos; 4:02 video
Model: Charles Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:07/22/2013
25 photos
Model: Troy Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 09/05/2003
27 photos; 7:23 video
Dean thought he was gonna get luck tonight and have a few drinks, listen to some good music, and party. But Dean found himself in some strange mans basement bound, gagged, blindfolded and scared. Was this this the fun he was looking for or was this just really bad luck? Well in any case, Dean is in for a long night.
21 photos; 4:14 video
Model: AXL James Photography by Slade Date of Production: 10/17/2020
25 photos; 4:50 video
Wolfric hadn't worked for the company for long but it hadn't taken him longer to rise up the ranks and when the old boss got caught doing something that he shouldn't have done, Wolfric swooped in quickly to land the promotion of a lifetime. Some of his former co-workers were not pleased with Wolfric getting such a promotion and decided that the new boss needed to be taken down a peg or two. Two in particular waited until the end of day to get their plan into motion. Every one else had left the office, except Wolfric, who would always stay an extra hour. It was the perfect opportunity to swoop and take the smug man by surprise. Wolfric had been on the phone and at first it seemed like he was schmoozing a potential client for the firm. As the two listened to the conversation, it became clearer that Wolfric wasn't schmoozing a client, he was doing a little of embezzling himself. This was too good an opportunity, one that the two disgruntled co-workers didn't expect but would take advantage of. As Wolfric hung up from his deal, the first co-worker came up from behind and grabbed Wolfric, clamping a hand over his mouth. The second co-worker stepped in, cell phone in hand, indicating to Wolfric that his phone conversation had been recorded. Letting go of Wolfric for a moment, the latter begged, knowing that he was at the mercy of these two disgruntled men, these men who had been loyal to the former boss that Wolfric had framed for embezzlement and removed so he could assume the head position. These men he was hoping that could be bought. The men listened. They listened to Wolfric explain his master plan with a certain relish that he tried to hide but couldn't. They listened as Wolfric tried to sweet talk with a potential offer of more cash that they would know what to do with. All they had to do was deleted the evidence against him and he would transfer the money into their respective bank accounts. For a moment they were extremely tempted, so they allowed Wolfric to transfer some money into their accounts. When he did, they jumped Wolfric, telling him that they changed their minds. As Wolfric protested and even threatened to have them taken care of, citing that he knew some very dangerous people, the men tired of listening to Wolfric's increased threat and tied a large cloth over his mouth, keeping him silent. With Wolfric tightly bound and gagged, the men told him that they will be handing the evidence over to the higher ups in the firm as well as the police and that no connections were going to save him this time. As Wolfric remained in his office, all tied up, he realized to his annoyance that two of the least ambitious men were able to best him and that his days of nice living and fancy suits were about to come to an end. It didn't take long for Wolfric to be free of one set of restraints, only to land into another as the two men who ruined his life smiled as he was being dragged away. Model: Wolfric Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 10/24/2020
30 photos
Model Boone Butler
Rope Work by LAShyGuy
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production 09/26/2020
22 photos; 4:16 video
Model:Vincent Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:09/03/2014
26 photos; 5:28 video
Bobby was the new guy in town and a bit of bad boy. He was charming enough and clever enough to get away with his petty thieving for the most until he picked the wrong man to steal from. Russell was the local enforcer getting some furniture moved into his tenant’s apartment until Bobby was able to pose as the tenant and tell the delivery men they needed to bring it to another address. Once it was there, Bobby would use his own contacts to sell it on, out of town, making a nice profit as well. What Bobby didn't know was that his contact was actually Russell's cousin and the two of them, tired of Bobby's antics decided a little payback was in order. Bobby met his contact late at the place where he had tricked the delivery men to bring the furniture. Bobby gloated about being able to outsmart all his potential rivals, including Russell. It was then when Russell emerged from the shadows and Bobby flushed with embarrassment. Bobby tried to run but his contact XXXX him out with a single hard punch. Bobby woke to find his hands bound behind his back with thick rope. His waist had been bound as well along with his feet until he was hogtied. He tried to beg but Russell pulled out a thick white cloth and Bobby was gagged with it tightly. "You're new in town," said Russell, standing over a struggling Russell as his cousin was helping another man load the stolen furniture back into a van. "Because of that, I'm going to go easy on you." "Mmph," was all Bobby could say. Tried as he might, he couldn't free himself. "If you ever pull a stunt like this again," Russell warned the tied up boy, pulling Bobby's jeans down enough to spot his boxers. "I won't be so nice. Do we understand each other?" "Yes sir," It was inaudible but Russell understood well enough. With both his cousin and the other man gone, it was time for him to leave. "Next time boy." Russell closed the door out behind him, leaving Bobby a few hours to struggle to free himself. Bobby knew then there he had met his match. Russell was going to make him his bitvh if they met again. Model: Bobby Photography by Caitiff and Nick007 Date of Production: 6-19-2015
28 photos; 5:23 video
Chad liked to bet. It didn’t matter on what: Horses and Craps to which of his frat brothers would get laid that night. Fortunately his dad was rich so he could always pay off his debts. Unfortunately, Chad was also an obnoxious jerk about his family’s wealth. Chad’s frat brother Dirk was tired of it. But Dirk had a plan. “Hey Chad, want to play some hoops with me and my friends?”, Dirk asked one day. “Sure, I’m up.” The game started off innocently enough. Chad was a fairly decent basketball player and the other guys seemed to suck at the game. As the game progressed and Chad got basket after basket, he got more and more sure he would win. Once Dirk saw Chad’s cocky demeanour start coming through, he knew he had him. “Why don't’ we make this interesting. Lets say we make a bet?” Dirk suggested. “Ok, how much?” “Lets not play for money. That’s boring. How about this? Who ever loses has be the other’s slave for a week.” “Deal!” and both men smiled and shook hands. Chad smiled because he knew he could easily win against these guys. Dirk smiled because he knew Chad couldn’t. Chad’s competition were from the college basketball team. Paid to hold back until after the bet was made, they had played Chad with the oldest con in the book. They creamed the arrogant snot. Chad couldn’t help but suspect something. Dirk’s friends got amazing good in a very short period of time. But a bet was a bet. And how hard could it be to clean Dirk’s room and wash his clothes for a week? It would be no different then when he had been a pledge. However, Dirk had another idea. When they both got back to the house, Dirk pulled out some rope and tape. “When I said you had to be my slave, I kind of meant that literally.”, Dirk said with a smirk. Chad’s hands were expertly tied behind his back, more rope securing his arms. “Mmmpphh!”, Chad mumbled as h was gagged with the sticky tape. Dirk then got some more rope, red this time and tied up Chad’s legs, XXXX them to bend at the knees. “Well, don't’ you look like a pretty little package.” Dirk gloated over his bound and gagged slave. “Like I said, you have to be my slave for a week. So I hope you don’t mind but that includes being tied up that whole time.” “Mmmm!?” What?, No, Dirk could do that! He had classes and a date tomorrow night. Not to mention he did not want to spend all week at the mercy of Dirk. Chad did not like the look in his frat brother’s eye. And just to show Chad what he had in mind for his slave, Dirk took off both Chad’s shoes and his own. He spend a few moments examining Chad’s sensitive souls, He laughed whenever Chad squirmed. “We’ll have to do something with that later. But for right now, my own feet need some attention.” Chad wondered what he meant by that but only for a moment as Dirk shoved his huge and smelly socked feet into Chad’s face.” “I need a foot massage, slave. Give me one.. with your face!” A bet was a bet. Besides, Chad was sure if he ever wanted to be untied, he had better do what Dirk said. He began to rub his tape gagged face into Dirk's foot. The End Chad played by Patrick Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 12/10/2009
28 photos; 2:23 video
Model: James Model: Cole Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:10/04/2013
24 photos; 5:09 video
Model Steve Thompson
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production 09/24/2020
17 photos; 5:56 video
Model Jesse Daniels
Photograph by Caitiff
Date of Production 09/15/2020
30 photos; 3:25 video
Bound Guy played by Ron Jeffries
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 07/10/2020
26 photos; 5:03 video
“Mmmmm! Mmmmmmpphhammmm!”, Steven continued moaning for help. The tape over his mouth kept his mouth firmly gagged of course. But surely someone else in his apartment complex could hear him grunting and kicking around? But it had seemed like hours and here he was, still bound and gagged in his now nearly empty apartment. Damn, the only reason Steven had even been home when the robbers broke in was because he had forgotten his wallet on his way to rugby practice and come back home. The burly men quickly subdued Steven, binding his arms behind his back, tying his ankles together and gagging him with tape to keep Steven quiet. Since the thieves had even taken the wall clock, Steven had no idea how long he had been sitting on his floor, bound and gagged. Just then there came a XXXX at the door! “Mmmmm! Mmmmpphhmmmmmmm!!” Steven grunted as loudly as he could through the gag. He could hear the door opening. “What the hell? IS this some kind of prank, man?” It was Doug who must have wondered why Steven hadn’t arrived at practice and came over to check out why. “Mmmmm! “ Steven made motions for Doug to take off the gag but Doug, never the bright one, instead began work on Steven’s bound hands. With his back turned to the door, Doug didn't’ see that one of the robbers had come back. But Steven did. Frantically Steven grunted from behind his gag at Doug to turn around. “Ok I am going as fast as I can. Damn these knots are tight!”, Said Doug, unaware that the robber was sneaking up behind him. The robber raised his fist and slammed it down on Doug, XXXXing Doug out cold. It seemed like forever before Doug woke back up. By that time the robbers had tied them both up so that Doug’s and Steven’s arms were bound together. Some more rope tied up Doug’s ankle’s just like his friend’s. To complete the bondage, Doug was gagged with the same tape that kept Steven quiet. “Mmmmaapphhaammm Mmm mmm!”, Steven’s words were unintelligible but the emotion was clear. He was furious at Doug for being so dumb as to not remove Steven’s gag first so he could be warned. Hadn’t Doug ever seen any movies? “Mmmuuurrmmmmaamm?!” Doug tried to defend him self but being gagged made for a lousy argument. Now each man began to pull on the ropes that bound their arms together but neither could gain any traction. All they accomplished was to pull on the other and get angrier at the situation. And all the time each moaned their displeasure at the other. “Mmmm! MMMMMMMMM!’, Doug tried calling out for help, hoping that this time the robbers really had gone. But steven knew it was hopeless. He had been trying the same thing for hours. They would stuck together for a good long while. The End Doug played by Jace Steven played by Chad Photography by Caitiff Date of Production:08/19/2011
23 photos
Jeff was snatched and left bound and gagged in a closet. But what happens if no one wants Jeff back? Jeff played by Dean Photography by Caitiff
24 photos
Ken never saw it coming. One moment he was coming out of the bathroom to check up on his boyfriend Ted who he had left bound and gagged on the bed as a birthday “present”, the next he was being tackled and roped up himself. it had all happened so quickly.
Ken struggled but Ted was bigger and stronger. Soon Ken found himself stripped out of his clothes down to his underwear. His hands and legs were tied tightly with the very same rope that had held Ted only a little while before. Before Ken could even protest, a rag was shoved into his mouth and tied off around his head, gagging him.
“Mmphaammmmmm!”, was al the response Ken could make when it ws over. He looked up at his boyfriend. Ted had an evil gleam in his eye.
“I appreciate the present you gave me, so I figured you deserved a little yourself!”
ken didn’t like the sound of that! But bound and gagged as he was,, he didn’t have much say in the matter.
Oh shit!, Ken thought as Ted’s fingers moved up and down his side, he remembered that I’m ticklish!
Ted had remembered. And he put that knowledge to good use. Ken laughed through the gag as Ted’s fingers found every weak spot on Ken’s body. Ken twisted and jerked ina vain attempt to get away. But unlike his boyfriend, Ted knew his knots and they held. Every time Ken made a move to get off the bed, Ted just lifted him up like a sack of potatoes and hoisted him back on the bed. Every time Ken tried ot turn away to protect the portions of his body most ticklish, Ted just turned him back over again and started all over again.
Ken’s nipples were pinched until they were red and sore. His stomach was cramping from the tickling and laughing so much it felt as if he had done a thousand sit ups in a minute. His muscles ached from the strain and his entire body was sore was being trussed up as he was. Ragged breaths escaped from behind ken’s spit sodden gag.
Ken was loving every minute of it. True that ken had really wanted to have Ted the one tied up and helpless. This was suppose dot be his birthday present after all, a night bound and gagged and XXXX al night long. But it seemed that ted had really wanted ken in that position instead. And who was Ken to argue? especially when the tight cleave gag meant he couldn’t anyway.
Ken had no idea just how long the torture went on for. It seemed like hours but most likely it was only ten or twenty minutes.
Ted soon had Ken underneath him, his tongue licking continuing the assault against Ken’s sensitive spots. Whenever Ken seemed to relax too much, Ted’s teeth would give a sharp nip. Meanwhile Ted’s crotch ground against Ken’s bound body harder and with more urgency.
It was the best birthday ever!
The end
Ken played by Josh
Ted played by Todd
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production:11/06/2004
30 photos
Model: Simon Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 06/29/2008
22 photos; 5:23 video
We made a new friend while on vacation.
Friend.. captive. pretty much the samer thing, right?
Model: Andy
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/17/2020
22 photos; 4:11 video
Model Dante
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production 09/21/2020
17 photos
Model Rex
Photograph by Caitiff
Date of Production 09/23/2020
26 photos; 5:43 video
Model: Bobby Photography by Caitiff and Nick007 Date of Production: 6-19-2015
26 photos; 6:04 video
Rex decides ot take out the competition. He overpowers Donovan. Donovan soon finds himself tied up, cleave gagged, and at Rex's mercy in a back room. Model:Donovan Model:Rex Photography by Caitiff
23 photos; 4:32 video
Model: Christopher Rotten
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/26/2025
Tags: gagging, chair tie, cleave gag, tape gag, hand gag, grope
23 photos; 5:29 video
Model: Brian
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/23/2025
Tags: plug gag, bad guy, fondled, groped, jock strap, hog tie, socks, otter
30 photos; 4:14 video
Bored Worker played by Holden Cox
Intruder played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/04/2024
Tags: grabbed, hand gag, bad guy, hog tie, gagged, tape gag, cleave gag, gagging, socks
20 photos; 6:00 video
Worker played by Mauricio
Photography by Marco Grieco
See More of Mauricio Here
Date of Production: 06/29/2024
Tags: Outside, OTM gag, shirtless, underwear, hand cuff
20 photos; 4:02 video
Librarian played by JD
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/15/2025
Tags: cleave gag, socks, hog tie
17 photos; 8:22 video
Cow Boy played by Dmitri
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/12/2023
Tags: Otm gag, cowboy, boots, exposed, outdoors
11 photos; 5:33 video
Model: BitchmanSP
Photography by Marco Grieco
See More of BitchmanSp Here
Date of Production: 05/28/2024
Tags: OTM gag, muscle, nude, nudity, tattoo, ankle tie, bare foot
26 photos; 5:19 video
Model: Adam
Photography by Caitiff
Date Of Production: 02/08/2025
Tags: Exposed, plug gag, hand gag, dominated, stroke, twink, socks, hog tie