36 photos; 4:13 video
“You are reading some kids book!” Matt’s frat brother Jeff sarcastically said. “Like they are for 12 year olds. The Hardy boys – that’s old shit.” “This is the classic one,” Matt said. “While the Clock Ticked!” “Listen to this…. ‘Immediately the Hardy boys tried to free themselves from the ropes. The clock struck two. They had only an hour, and the old madman and his companions might return at any moment. They were stifled by the gags. The ropes chafed their wrists and ankles. Silently they struggled. Frank had a edge in his pocket. If he could only reach it there was a chance that he might cut through his bonds. His hands were bound behind his back. He extended his fingers, groping for his hip pocket. Joe, on his part, was trying to loosen the ropes about his wrists but they had been tightly and expertly tied.’” “Think of it - helpless, your hands bound with rope so tight that it is chaffing your wrists, gagged, struggling – your heart pounding – trying to get to the edge – escape – before – POFF! The device blows your tied body to smithereens.” “If that turns you on,” Jeff replied. “Yeah. To be tied up and have to escape – or --- Yoo man, I want to try this.” “You want me to tie you up?” “Yeah, and take some pictures too!” Matt dropped to his knees and put his hands behind his back like he was being XXXX. “Make it real and make it tight!” “Ok, I’ll tie you up. Turn around.” Jeff got some rope and began to take pictures. “Now turn around and put your arms behind your back.” Matt turned around and Jeff soon had his wrists and arms tight in rope. “Hey, you seem to know how to do this” Matt observed. “Oh yeah,” Jeff said. “I like binding and gagging dudes and maybe even torturing them!” “Torturing????’ Matt’s words were silenced by a knotted bandanna shoved between his teeth and tied around his head. Jeff continued applying rope to Matt’s feet and legs as the 21 year old was having second thoughts and beginning to mpff his objections to Jeff’s binding him. “Hey, this was your idea – real and tight Mr. Frank Hardy. Oh yeah, I read that book too!” “What are you going to do to me? a now terrified Matt mpiffed, his heart racing in his chest. “Tape that fucking trap of your closed!” The tape over the gag silenced him. “Now, let’s play Hardy boys. I’m the bad guy, you are the good guy,” Jeff taunted as he hogtied the struggling man. “There! And now the fun begins!” Matt just looked helplessly as his roommate as he looked at his watch. “Ever see the movie HOSTEL?” Matt gulped. “Let’s just say – we – you have 30 minutes, or….” Jeff let out a sinister laugh. Matt looked terrified as he began to squirm and struggle while the clock ticked. The End. Model: Matt Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 12/08/2008
24 photos
Adam loved his red trucker hat. It was his lucky hat, or so he thought. But as he sat in his living room, tightly bound and tape gagged, he realized his luck had run its course. He'd been on his way out when the doorbell rang.
"Damn Jehovah's Witnesses!" he had mumbled to himself as he opened the door, a surly snarl fixed on his face.
But the two tall strangers in the doorway were not there to convert him from his evil ways. They bum-rushed him, one of them clamping a beefy hand over his mouth while the other pinned his arms to his sides. Taken down in a flying, unexpected tackle, Adam grunted in vain as his hands were pulled behind his back and roped, a heavy knee pressing down into his back, while the other thug plastered strips of wide duct tape over his mouth.
Within seconds, his knees and ankles were also bound, and he lay there completely incapacitated. His jaunty red cap still sat on his head despite the manhandling, and he grunted through his tape gag as the two intruders disappeared into the kitchen. Adam's mind was still stunned by the sudden attack. What the hell was going on? He heard some crashing sounds coming from the kitchen, but he was too afraid to try and find out what was happening.
Then he heard a voice.
"Dammit! This is the wrong house!"
"You dyslexic asshole...did you reverse the numbers again? If this gets back to headquarters, we'll be back pounding a beat!!"
"Shit, what about the kid?"
"Shut up, moron, he doesn't know we're cops. Let's just slip out through here."
Adam heard the kitchen door open and swing shut. He struggled to get to his feet, and began hopping towards the kitchen.
His red cap lay on the floor, no longer lucky.
The End
Adam played by Hal
Photography by Caitiff
27 photos; 6:56 video
20 photos; 5:01 video
Straight gUY PLAYED BY Jesse Daniels
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 0/13/2019
20 photos; 9:30 video
Model: David
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/16/2019
20 photos; 4:35 video
Model: Hudson
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 06./13/2019
31 photos; 5:14 video
It was Christmas Eve and all though the house, Tony was busy decorating as demanded by his spouse “I’m going out shopping so don't’ dare be lazy.” “All the decorations up or on your ass, I’ll go crazy!” So Tony got out the tinsel, the ornaments, the glass balls. He was so intent on his work, he didn’t see the masked guy down the hall. The burglar surprised Tony as he wasn't here for fun. “Don't’ make a move!” He said as Tony fought t he urge to run. “I don’t any trouble.” Tony did plead. “Then shut the fuck up and do what I need!” So Tony was wrapped in tape green and red. And a cleave gag was shoved so nothing could be said. Tony’s hands were taped tight with red tape. And more green was wrapped around Tony’s hunky shape. “Mpph!” Grunted Tony, this tape sure is tight he thought. And he moaned some more as the burglar took all the gifts he had bought. Tony’s legs were then tied with red and green straps Including his toes with green tape that held fast. Tony struggled, he rolled and he moaned. This guy was stealing everything Tony owned. Tony was helpless so tightly was he gagged tied. And then the Burglar stood over his hostage, his expression snide. “I’ve got you bound and gagged, but those moans got me hot!” “You’re cuter then most guys I put in a knot!” Tony thought this guy was making a pass. Then he was sure when the guy patted his exposed ass! “Too bad I have so little time” The Burglar sighed. So he decided to write on Tony while he was tied! “If I could take you with me, believe me I would!” “Because that ass of yours gives me serious wood” “But there’s always another time to scratch that itch. “Maybe next year you can be my bitch!” And so Tony was left alone, taped tightly into a little ball. With “Merry XXXmass on his ass in scrawl. Tony played by Mike Photography by Caitiff Date of Production: 12/22/2009
20 photos; 5:08 video
Bound Guy played by JMZ
Bad Guy played by Craig
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/17/2011
22 photos
25 photos; 5:42 video
Model: Uriah
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/19/2011
28 photos; 5:15 video
Prisoner played by Dean
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/25/2019
20 photos; 2:32 video
Model: Vladimor
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 08/23/2019
26 photos; 6:20 video
Bound Executive played by Ron Jeffries
Bound Junior Executive played by Jon Storm
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/04/2019
21 photos; 4:03 video
16 photos; 2:24 video
30 photos
"Fucking, thieving idiots" Jake muttered to himself. He had this hugely lucrative job installing a brand new gourmet kitchen in this grand old house, and he had had to fire his assistants, Jose and Fred. They were both lazy bastards, and it turned out that they had been pilfering material and tools from the job. He was better off alone, especially now that he had a fortune in appliances and expensive materials just sitting here. He would have to work his ass off, but he would get the job done, on time and more cheaply than he had expected. His swearing and the sound of the drill completely covered the creaking sound that the old floor made. Jake was so intent on his work that he didn’t even realize that someone had crept up behind him, a 2 by 4 in hand.
"Gee, I hope you didn’t kill him. He doesn’t look so good."
"Nah, that was a love tap. The cheap bastard has a thick skull. I just hope that I didn’t damage the drill. We can get good money for that. C’mon, help me get him over here. We’ve got to fix him up. He isn’t going to be in a good mood when he wakes up, and I don’t want him interfering with our work."
Jake tried to focus. He saw four figures standing in front of him, no, not four , two. As his vision cleared he realized that he was looking at his former employees, Jose and Fred. It was only when he tried to stagger to his feet that Jake discovered what a sticky situation he was in. The felonious duo had taped him up, good and tight. Jake howled imprecations through his tape-gagged mouth.
"Ah, take a load off, boss. You have a nice good rest. You’ve been working way too hard. Yeah, take a long rest. You aren’t going to have much to do once we’re finished here. All of this stuff should bring a few dollars. Don’t you think so, boss? And your nice new truck will bring in a few more bucks."
"Oh yeah, I think we can. Why don’t you do like Fred says. Sit there and enjoy yourself while we load up the truck."
Jake writhed in impotent fury while he was XXXX to watch his former workers carry off his expensive tools and some of the appliances and materials. He had laid out a fortune on this stuff, and now he had to watch it disappear. The dumb asses would probably sell it for a fraction of its value.
"Get a move on, Jose. We gotta get the dolly to move these suckers – they weigh a ton. Don’t you worry about the boss man, he ain’t going anywhere."
"Yeah, yeah, you go, I’ll be just a second."
Jake flinched as the handsome Latino came over to him and chucked him under the chin.
"It looks like you’ve got yourself into a tight spot, doesn’t it handsome? You don’t how tight a spot yet, but you sure as hell are going to find out."
Jake sat there petrified as Jose ran his work-hardened hands over Jake’s muscular body. Jake felt himself break out in a cold sweat. There was a lascivious gleam in Jose’s eyes that he didn’t like one little bit. There was a sinking sensation in the pit of his stomach. He was beginning to get the idea that he was going to suffer something more than the loss of his goods.
"You just sit there, nice and tight. We’ll be back to deal with you later."
The moment he was alone, Jake began his escape attempt. He managed to struggle to his feet, no easy thing with his hands taped to his knees. The hapless contractor then immediately tripped over a bucket and tumbled to the floor. He lay there, moaning in pain. The fall had made the pain in his head worse, and he was sure that he had bruised himself all over. He lay there for a moment, letting the pain wash over him in waves. He knew that he had to get away, so he tried to struggle to his feet once more. This wasn’t easy, especially from his prone position. Finally he managed to get himself into a sitting position, but when he tried to heave himself to his feet, he fell over again.
‘Fuck’, he though. ‘I might as well let those take everything; I’m going to kill myself trying to get away.’ But then he remembered the way Jose had looked at him, and he decided that he had really better escape. He had seen that look in other guy’s eyes, and he knew what it meant. The difference being that he had never been trussed up and gagged before. Yep, he had to get out of here, and pronto! It was obvious that pillage wasn’t the only thing those two had on their minds.
Jake rolled over onto his side, and finally managed to get to his feet. He shuffled over to a drawer where he had seen some utensils that the owners of the house had left, waiting to be discarded. Using his forearm, he finally managed to nudge the drawer open. Hmm, there were a couple of things in here that he might be able to use, but how to get them out of the drawer and into his bound hands? Jake put his face down in the drawer, thinking that he might somehow use his head to pull the drawer all the way out, until it fell to the floor, disgorging its contents.
"Whatcha doing, boss? Trying to get away? I don’t fucking think so!"
"GMMMMMOUUUCCCHHHH. MMMNOOOO!" Jake lay on the floor, once more howling into his gag.
"Ah shut up, stop your whining. You think we’re going to damage a prime piece of meat like you before we have our fun? Don’t be such a dope. What a sissy, crying over a few bumps and bruises. You’ll have more to cry about in a while."
Jake gasped in fear as he saw Jose whip out a knife. He sighed in relief when Jose used to the sharp blade to slice through the tape around his knees. His relief was short-lived as Jose hoisted him to his feet and pushed him up against the ladder. Jake whimpered as Jose rubbed his crotch against Jake’s firm, muscular butt.
"How do you like the feel of that, boss? Huh? You like that? Looking forward to it?"
Jake was protesting through his gag at the same time that he realized that he was getting quite excited himself as Jose rubbed and kneaded his body. Hmm, this might not be so bad after all.
"I think we’ll leave that for that the main course. Why don’t we start you off with an appetizer?"
Jake’s eyes widened as Jose pushed him to the floor, at the same time as his ex-employee was unzipping his jeans. Shit, that wasn’t an appetizer! It could easily feed a family of four!
"Time to chow down, big boy. Prepare to enjoy!"
24 photos
Model: Hank
Photography by Slade
Date of Production: 04/13/2013
20 photos; 10:18 video
Jock played by Steve Thompson
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/11/2019
28 photos; 7:34 video
Alll this for 7.25 an hour?
Security Guard played by Rick
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/10/2019
30 photos; 4:19 video
Model: Troy
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 10/12/2019
27 photos; 3:35 video
5:26 video
Some asked that we do a color version of the In Too Deep video.
Here's the original
The Detective played by Jon Storm
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 11/26/2019
19 photos; 1:18 video
20 photos
23 photos; 4:32 video
Model: Christopher Rotten
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/26/2025
Tags: gagging, chair tie, cleave gag, tape gag, hand gag, grope
23 photos; 5:29 video
Model: Brian
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 02/23/2025
Tags: plug gag, bad guy, fondled, groped, jock strap, hog tie, socks, otter
30 photos; 4:14 video
Bored Worker played by Holden Cox
Intruder played by Dalton
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 12/04/2024
Tags: grabbed, hand gag, bad guy, hog tie, gagged, tape gag, cleave gag, gagging, socks
20 photos; 4:02 video
Librarian played by JD
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/15/2025
Tags: cleave gag, socks, hog tie
20 photos; 4:02 video
Librarian played by JD
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 01/15/2025
Tags: cleave gag, socks, hog tie
17 photos; 8:22 video
Cow Boy played by Dmitri
Photography by Caitiff
Date of Production: 04/12/2023
Tags: Otm gag, cowboy, boots, exposed, outdoors
11 photos; 5:33 video
Model: BitchmanSP
Photography by Marco Grieco
See More of BitchmanSp Here
Date of Production: 05/28/2024
Tags: OTM gag, muscle, nude, nudity, tattoo, ankle tie, bare foot
26 photos; 5:19 video
Model: Adam
Photography by Caitiff
Date Of Production: 02/08/2025
Tags: Exposed, plug gag, hand gag, dominated, stroke, twink, socks, hog tie